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Once you're in you're in for life

  • Thread starter Juice Authority
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Juice Authority

Maybe it's a mindset fueled in part by the AAS community on these boards but I believe once you cross that line into the AAS zone there is no turning back. Workouts aren’t the same, intensity levels aren’t as high and gains made don’t come as quickly, which for many cause a lack of motivation when off.

In many respects it's like learning how to train all over again. I'm always more disciplined in the way eat and train when I'm on a cycle. When I'm off I'm not nearly as motivated to train hard. There is a certain sense of well being knowing I'm on the sauce. I can’t wait to get to the gym and push myself to the max. When I hit chest I expect to push more weight for more reps than I did the week before, same with legs, arms, etc. This is by no means a reflection of AAS users as a whole but this has been my personal experience on and off cycles. Any thoughts?

some get pretty silly with it. I think using in moderation is great. i can definitely see that there may be some great health benefits...especially as i get older.....but it can't be abused.

i can see myself doing moderate cycles of test maybe primo, and using GH as i get older.
Unfortunately, this sums me up to the tee also! Lately it's been more of a health thing for me though than just lack of motivation, but being on some sauce definitely makes one helluva difference!
True. I am only going to run 1 cycle per year from now on, or 2 short cycles per year.
I'm still too young to juice but when I'll finish my studies and will have more time to work out, I'll defenitely do a cycle once every two years until I get senile. I want to be in a great shape for my whole life.
a 12 week bulker and an 8 week cutter a year for me.

i see what ur getting at ja. i normally feel like that until pct finishes up. then i feel nice and clean and normal after. of course the pump on creatine isn't the same as the pump from dbol, but its enough to satisfy me.
juice, you're a drug addict... and that's why i love you. takes one to know one.


QUOTE=Juice Authority]Maybe it's a mindset fueled in part by the AAS community on these boards but I believe once you cross that line into the AAS zone there is no turning back. Workouts aren’t the same, intensity levels aren’t as high and gains made don’t come as quickly, which for many cause a lack of motivation when off.

In many respects it's like learning how to train all over again. I'm always more disciplined in the way eat and train when I'm on a cycle. When I'm off I'm not nearly as motivated to train hard. There is a certain sense of well being knowing I'm on the sauce. I can’t wait to get to the gym and push myself to the max. When I hit chest I expect to push more weight for more reps than I did the week before, same with legs, arms, etc. This is by no means a reflection of AAS users as a whole but this has been my personal experience on and off cycles. Any thoughts?[/QUOTE]
yea--there is no denying that juice gives you more intensity and such but i am finally coming to the point MENTALLY that i can train just as hard being off than i did when i was on.. trust me it takes time to adjust your mental state back to the time when you lifted naturally and thats all you knew but i am getting back to that point
im not speaking tongue-in-cheek (for once) but JA, it would be a really good idea to really, honestly stop and reassess what you are doing.

you are describing addictive behaviour, especially in losing intensity/motivation while off.

i have nothing against juicing rationally and moderately, but your behaviour could be problematic. juice should be supplemental, not the basis of your training mentality

cheers mate
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