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Ok for 17 year old girl to use CLEN?

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Yes, its fine, these guys are all just health enthusiests, LOL. Dosage Schedules are over on the womans board.
silent method once again provides a great answer to your questions. y would she take clen if she's not even working out. there are people on this board that work 12 hours or more a day and find time to get to the gym bc they are dedicated. u can always find time.
this isnt funny.
she's not even old enough to legally smoke cigarettes!
clen, if abused, can cause serious sides.

i'd advise you to NOT help her get the gear!
Some women actually seem to hold more water on clen. Not sure why. If you want some good supps for her, get her some thermorexin and glucorell r from the AF store and that would certianly help, assuming diet and training are in order.
parkerjones said:
She is anything but lazy my friend and she doesn't eat shitty food at all. Currently with her work, school, and extra curricular schedule she has absolutely zero time to work out. She has been running a less than 20g carb a day diet for about a month. Still isn't where she wants to be. Also, she doesn't do a "carb-up" day. But since she doesn't work out does she really need one? What is the purpose of a carb up day? Wouldn't you loose weight faster with out having a carb-up day?

you are almost 22 dating a 17 yr old... hmmm... clen isnt the answer for her bro

LOL please tell me your fucking joking.


Clen is a harsh drug...

I think most of you forget that when you tyake clen you are taking MICROGRAM amounts!

If a 17 year old girl needs to lose weight using Clen she has some serious problems.
5' 8" 130ish with big boobs? You should be seriously blown up for not reminding she's already perfect. It's shit like that that turns women into anorexics. My girl is 5'4"ish, 170 lbs so she ain't about to make a Victoria's Secret cover but you know what? I think she's the most beautiful woman I've ever been with and I tell her that EVERY single day.
She works out but I tell her do it for yourself, not for me. She likes the way I like but I don't do it for her either.
Giving her clen and she doesn't even work out.......come here so I can kick your fucking ass.
In my opinion Clen isnt as effective as T-rex....maybe you should have her up her carbs a little and do some cardio.
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