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Need2Slin review!!--->My log starts right Here.

interested in seeing ur results as u are running it alone. what will ur diet look like?

My diet is very simple, very low carbs, very clean and mostly organic. Grilled chicken breasts, a few tuna cans a week, organic oatmeal, organic wheat germ, organic toasted wheat, organic raw eggs, all natty peanut butter, a lot of organic greens (celery, broccoli, carrots, spinach) all natty organic molasses, nuts, raisins, etcetera......
Very little natty sea salt, organic sugar when needed. Almost no dairy at all. Some cheese and butter once in a while.

If anybody has any opinion about the amount of carbs and need2slin, is welcome to post it! :)
it is a carbohydrate shuttling compound. your lunch may want to be "good" carb loaded since 2slin should "shuttle" it and other nutrients to your muscles and not for fat--per needto website. can't wait to get mine
it is a carbohydrate shuttling compound. your lunch may want to be "good" carb loaded since 2slin should "shuttle" it and other nutrients to your muscles and not for fat--per needto website. can't wait to get mine

The product will work in many ways. It can be used low carb,high carb,cutting or bulking. Trust me. :heart:
Yeah like needto said its so versatile, as your low carb your not going to see as dramatic results, but if you use 1 cap 4 times a day, 1 cap first thing on an empty stomach, 30 mins before breakfast, 1 cap midday 30 mins before your meal, 1 cap before afternoon meal, and 1 cap last thing at night on an empty stomach.

You would see more of a change though if you could eat at least 10g of carbs with each meal, but 15g would be better.

There are many ways though, but this method seems to be giving the best bang for your buck for leaning out and gaining lbm.
The fact that this product is so versatile and can be used pretty much year round is one of many things that really make it stand out and also be such a top notch product!!
I started using it yesterday!!
2 caps 30 mins before breakfast, 2 caps 30 mins before pre workout meal, and 2 caps before going to bed.

I slept like shit yesterday, so I wasn't even feeling like going to the gym, but I forced myself. I had A LOT of energy, endurance and intensity. However, by being the first day, I cannot assure if that is related with the supplement or not. It could be, but time will tell. Today is the second day, will see how it goes.

Only side effect, and I am not sure if it is the supp, I get some nasty heartburn for about 2-3 hours after eating. But I am not sure, maybe I ate something bad. It happened yesterday and today in the morning. I will monitor that too. I am waiting 30 minutes to eat after the caps. Maybe I should wait a little more?

will keep posting the results that I am sure will come....
Second workout today, and even though is too early to tell, the only thing I can add, is that my workout was AWESOME. Extremely intense, high reps, 30-45 seconds rest between sets, no fatigue, no tiredness, nothing. Just motivation and energy. Feel awesome. I really doubt this is some sort of placebo, but we'll see the progress in the following days.

Also, ate an hour after the dose instead of 30 minutes, and the stomach discomfort seems to be completely gone. However, I need to hear opinions about eating an hour after instead of 30 minutes. Am I fucking up the interaction of the food with the ingredients by waiting that much?

Will update tomorrow, and then Friday. Thursday will be rest. Friday will be legs. Interested to see any symptom on leg day that usually is a killer.
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