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Natural post cycle therapy. Holistic cycle support . The drug and steroid user Bible

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Needtogetaas: Post cycle therapy

OK my knowledge seeking brothers of the Iron. This is not going to be some quick simple do it because I said it works worthless post cycle therapy explanation. Get ready to be in your seat for a wile with me bro, you and I are about to take a long long adventure down PCT line. So Go raid your refrigerator , get your self a tall glass of something and don't forget the better protein bars!

First off all Let me tell you a little about my self. My name is Nathan chase and I have been the Head Mod/Admin of this forums content for a little over 3 years now. I have been a member of this site twice as long and have been helping people reach their goals for just as long. As you can see I have over 200k post on just this site alone and another 200k or so combined on many other forums just like this one.

If you google my name there is one thing that becomes apparent instantly. You will find billions of mentions of me many of them good, great, or flawless. Some Of course will be negative however one this is perfectly clear to all. I AM KNOWN INDUSTRY WIDE!! Weather you hate me love me or indifferent my words are worth the time taken to read. Lastly when reading negative reviews consider the forum you are one when reading it.

Often that forum is owned and or run by some one or some company that is in direct competition with my self, a company I own, or this site. You will find every single one of them have that in common. I will let you do the math good friends for now lets get down to the business of learning today.

For many years bodybuilders would use anabolics without ever following up with a pct or even worse still following the old school crowed. They use logic like "It's tried and true" or "It's what we have been doing for decades so why change it?" or even "well I saw this one study" of course last but not least one of the worst things I have ever heard some one say "I have this huge friend at the gym who says!!" "It works for my friends and I"
Every single one of these are the arguments used by the small minded. 90% of them have not even bothered to stop and thing about why they are doing what they do or saying what they are saying. They don't even know why they regurgitate the advice that they do. They just always have because some one else always has. WOW??? Pretty pathetic when you think about it?

Moreover some people have even given up on pct entirely and use bridges to maintain gains. With oral morning pulses, like let say 5-15mgs of D-bol. The problem with that is that it's
Still a synthetic outside source of hormones and or drugs. It is also problematic to the HPTA. Testosterone is vital for anabolism along with other functions of the body including the brain and heart. While d-bol has a strong binding factor to the Androgen Receptor (AR) which is why you will notice FAST gains but quick shrinkage to your testes. When the AAS binds to the AR free testosterone will temporarily rise dramatically. Example being the original andro 250 rose free testosterone around 350% within the first 30 minutes of taking it for a duration of at least 1-2 hours. However, estrogen rose 800%!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a lot more estrogen conversion than free testosterone. That leads to an automatic negative feedback loop messaging to the pituitary. The more a compound binds to the AR, the worse the shutdown is. Even DHT based compounds will significantly bind to AR unlike popular belief from the past. In fact Provirone an extremely mild steroid that's often used for bridging binds to the androgen receptor at a higher affinity then any other steroid known. But its so mild?? Exactly, and this is just one reason why using more steroids is not pct nor is it the best way to connect one steroid cycle to the next.

Over time I have seen every kind of bridge using any and every form of anabolic known to man. High doses, low doses, and everything in between. The simple truth is anything strong that comes in the form of True anabolic steroid comes with shutdown. Yes am effective bridge that will not completely shut you down does exist but only after a proper pct has been doneand your HPTA is fully recovered. We will discus this topic later.

Now some of you are probably saying, well I don’t need a pct if guys like Arnold did not do pct, or Why should we not use the pct that was used 10-15-20 years ago? Two things you need to consider is the lack of research at that time on post cycle therapy and the fact that people used MUCH LESS dosages/duration of AAS cycles. Furthermore one must also consider the fact that advancements in science ,organic chemistry , holistic health, medicine, and just about everything is now evolving at a massively accelerated rate. Knowledge of all kinds today is advancing 100 times faster today then it was just 10 years ago.

Before we get deep into the heart of pct allow me to try and explain the importance, Na the severity Every of what it means and entails. Every single factor comes into play on how one recovers after going on cycle, it could be something as little as using HCG/HCGenerate during a cycle, or using an AI to prevent over saturation of estradiol. People that treat post cycle therapy like it is only for keeping gains are sadly mistaken. Pct Starts long before the cycle ends and last right on up to the start of your next cycle my friends.

The reality is that you will never be as big or as strong as on cycle unless pct is on the top of your priority list. Post cycle therapy helps keep gains but also helps your body gain and stay in a state of homeostasis. Homeostasis is literally the DEFINITION OF HEALTH. When you are not producing a synergistic balanced amount of sex hormones and neurotransmitters you are accustomed to, your body MUST go through some sort of coping phase where it may produce other hormones to compensate, if not your body will start to become ill and organs will start to fail.


I cannot stress this any enough, bodybuilders are meant to live healthier lives than the average joe, but if you abuse your body just like with anything else, there are consequences. Don’t kid yourself, steroids, Ai's, Serms, research chemicals ARE DRUGS. This is why you should take them with respect, as AAS can become addictive. A proper Post cycle therapy can and will boosts neurotransmitters which prevents the need for addiction. In the beginning of pct, most individuals dopamine/PEA levels are low which is why they get the blues,These side effects are often amplified by so called "tried and true" drugs that so many mistakenly use for pct. However after a PROPER PCT, they are can be their normal self again and some times better.

First lets write out My Ideal post cycle therapy for the people who just want to be told what to do and be on their way.

PCT Protocol in paragraph stile​
HCGenerate should be run for the last 4 weeks DURING cycle as an alternative to HCG to get the testes working again . This would be run at 3 caps am and 2 caps pm.( Or 4 weeks on 4 weeks of throughout the entire cycle . during off weeks one can use HCG 500ius a week too). I recommend that one take forma-stanzol from weeks 1 though 6. The dosing for the first 4 weeks is 5 pumps first thing in the morning after a shower and 5 pumps post workout after a shower. For weeks 4-6 I recommend a tapering down of down to 3 pumps in the morning and then 3 pumps in the evening or after a workout. Now weeks 1-4 both Unleashed and Post Cycle should be taken 3 times a day, in the morning 1 cap of each, around mid afternoon 1 cap of each, and late night or before bed 1 cap of each. Sometime from the start of pct to around week 2 you should start N2BM-DAA D aspartic acid. Run this 1 full dose every morning on non-work out days and post work out on work out days. On week 6 of PCT is where one should implement Bridge up until week 10 of PCT. Bridge will allow you to supercharge testosterone and enhance gains further beyond your cycle. I highly recommend Starting N2slin/need2slin 2 weeks before your cycle ends and running this for 4 weeks past the cycle too. 1 cap Morning, noon, and night 30 minutes before meals is the best way of taken this for its nutrition retention properties. Finely You can always add an additional 4 weeks of sarms s4 25mg twice a day for 4 weeks starting at the end of the bridge. If you want you can ride out the S4 all te way to your next cycle as a optional bridge. Adding in Peptides to this bridge is another option that can be fun and fruitful.REMBER, your gains and health are not worth messing around, so get your PCT in check!!!!!!!!!

Same post cycle therapy in written cycle weeks stile.​

Hcgenerate and or HCG used back to back in 4 week blast is best but at the very least 4-6 weeks of hcgenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm at the end of any cycle Is a must. The day the cycle ends start the following.
1-6 forma-stanzol 5 pumps am and pm for the first 4 weeks. Then taper down to 3 pumps am and 3 pumps pm.
1-4 Unleashed and post cycle 1 cap 3 times a day or at the least forged post cycle 2 caps am and 2 caps pm.
2-6 NTBM-DAA D aspartic acid 1 full Dose every day Am or Post work out.
6-10 Bridge 1 cap 3 times a day

NOTE************ a double dose of Bride can be used in place of hcgenerate on cycle. 2 caps 3 times a day in the extreme case you can not get a hold of hcgenerate which does no thappne often any more. However at times the demand for hcgenerate is so high it can not be kept up with. IN these extreme cases double dose of bridge works.

What I will do now is I will give a few example cycles and the support supplements as well as the above post cycle therapy and the way it should should be added to them. Then afterwords I will explain everything in detail. When looking at each cycle You will notice I have marked some things as optional, Highly recommended, or must have!. Keeping in mind that evening the optional has a detrimental impact on both your long/short term health and or your recovery. You may also notice on one cycle something is a must have but on another cycle the same thing is only a optional. The reason for this can be anything from running a oral that needs more support sups to
running a kind of steroid like deca that needs a different support supplement and or drug then another. Be sure to make not of this and Keep reading.

6 week Dbal Oral steroid cycle for bulking (without a Nandralone) (without a DHT)​
1-6 Dbol 50-60mg every day spread out
1-6 N2guard 7 caps a day spread out (Must have)
1-6 Aromasin 12.5mg every other day (Highly recommended)
2-6 hcgenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm (Must have)
2-6 Need2slin a cap 3 times a day 30 mins before meals (optional)
6-10 post cycle and unleashed 1 cap each 3 times a day:or at the least forged post cycle 2 caps am and pm (must have)
6-10 or 8-12 NTBM-DAA (D aspartic acid) 1 full dose every day(optional)
6-12 forma-stanzol 5 pumps rubbed on your chest 2 times a day morning and night For the first 4 weeks then drop down to 3 and 3 the last 2 weeks (must have)
10-14 Bridge 1 cap 3 times a day ( optional)

6 week Dbal/wintrol Oral steroid cycle for lean/clean bulking (without a Nandralone) (with a DHT)​
1-6 Dbol 50-60mg every day spread out
1-6 oral winstrol 10mgs Morning noon and night (acts as the ending AI/ prolactin Antagonizers)
1-6 N2guard 7 caps a day spread out (Must have)
2-6 hcgenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm (Must have)
2-6 Need2slin a cap 3 times a day 30 mins before meals (optional)
6-10 post cycle and unleashed 1 cap each 3 times a day:or at the least forged post cycle 2 caps am and pm (must have)
6-10 or 8-12 NTBM-DAA (D aspartic acid) 1 full dose every day(optional)
6-12 forma-stanzol 5 pumps rubbed on your chest 2 times a day morning and night For the first 4 weeks then drop down to 3 and 3 the last 2 weeks (must have)
10-14 Bridge 1 cap 3 times a day ( optional)
14-18 sarms s4 25mg twice a day (Extra fun :D)

4 week Deiselbolan Oral steroid cycle (with nandralone/progestrin)(without a DHT)​

1-4 Dieselbolan 1 cap 3 times a day spread out morning, Noon, and night.
1-4 forged bromo 1 cap 2 times a day morning and night (Highly recommended)(acts as the ending AI/ prolactin Antagonizers)
1-4 N2guard 7 caps a day spread out (Must have)
1-4 hcgenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm (Must have)
2-6 Need2slin a cap 3 times a day 30 mins before meals (optional)
4-8 post cycle and unleashed 1 cap each 3 times a day:or at the least forged post cycle 2 caps am and pm (must have)
4-8 03 6-10 NTBM-DAA (D aspartic acid) 1 full dose every day(optional)
4-10 forma-stanzol 5 pumps rubbed on your chest 2 times a day morning and night For the first 4 weeks then drop down to 3 and 3 the last 2 weeks (must have)
8-12 Bridge 1 cap 3 times a day ( optional)
12-16 Sarms s4 25mg twice a day(Extra fun :D)

4 week oral Deislbolan/provirone lean/clean bulking cycle (with nandralon/Progestrin) (with a dht)​
1-4 Dieselbolan 1 cap 3 times a day spread out morning, Noon, and night.
1-4 Provirone 25mg twice a day (acts as the ending AI/ prolactin Antagonizers)
1-4 N2guard 7 caps a day spread out (Must have)
1-4 hcgenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm (Must have)
2-6 Need2slin a cap 3 times a day 30 mins before meals (optional)
4-8 post cycle and unleashed 1 cap each 3 times a day:or at the least forged post cycle 2 caps am and pm (must have)
4-8 or 6-10 NTBM-DAA (D aspartic acid) 1 full dose every day(optional)
4-10 forma-stanzol 5 pumps rubbed on your chest 2 times a day morning and night For the first 4 weeks then drop down to 3 and 3 the last 2 weeks (must have)
8-12 Bridge 1 cap 3 times a day ( optional)
12-16 Sarms s4 25mg twice a day(Extra fun :D)

10 Newb Test-e cycle for bulk or lean bulk.(without nandralone/progestrine)(without a DHT)

1-10 Testosterone-E 250mg Twice a week Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday
1-10 N2guard 7 caps every day spread out (optional)
1-4 Hcgenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm (Highly recommended)
4-8 Hcg 500ius Monday and Thursday (Highly recommended)
6-10 hcgenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm (Must have!)
6-10 Aromasin 12.5mg every other day (highly recommended)
8-14 Need2slin 1 cap 3 times a day 30 mins before meals(optional)
10-16 forma-stanzol 5 pumps am and 5 pumps am for the first 4 weeks then taper down to 3 pumps am and pm for the last 2 weeks. (must have!)
10-14 Unleashed/postcycle combo. 1 cap 3 times a day of each. Or at the very least forged post cycle 2 caps am and 2 caps pm (Must have?)
12-16 NTBM-DAA (D aspartic acid) 1 full serving every day. (Highly recommended)
16-20 Bridge 1 cap 3 times a day (highly recommended)
20-24 Sarms s4 25mg twice a day(optional)

Test-D/primo/masterone long ester Lean bulk cycle( with out a nandralone) (with a dht)
1-14 Test-decanoate or undecylenate 500mg-1000mg once a week
1-14 Primo 300mg Twice a week (or if your source sucks then your stuck with 100mg 6 times a week or 200mg 3 times lmao)
1-16 Masteron Enanthate 200mg twice a week.
1-4 Hcgenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm (Highly recommended)
4-10 Hcg 500ius twice a week Monday and Friday.(Highly recommended)
8-14 Hcgenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm (must have)
14-20 forma-stanzol 7 pumps am and 5 pumps am for the first 4 weeks then taper down to 4 pumps am and 3 pm for the last 2 weeks. (must have!)
42-18 Unleashed/postcycle combo. 1 cap 3 times a day of each. Or at the very least forged post cycle 2 caps am and 2 caps pm (Must have?)
14-18 NTBM-DAA (D aspartic acid) 1 full serving every day. (Must have)
14-22 Bridge 1 cap 3 times a day (Must have)
22-26 Sarms s4 25mg twice a day(highly recommended)

Common Bulk cycle with Test/deca/dbol (with Nadralone/prostrine) (without a DHT)​

1-12 Test-e 250mg 3 times a week (Monday wensday and Friday)
1-10 Deca 200-300mg Twice a week. (Monday and Friday)
1-4(up to 6) Dbol 30-60mg every day spread out
1-4 Forged liver support+Krill-Ts (must have) or 1-10 N2gaurd (1-4 must have the rest optional)
1-4 Hcgenerate 3 cap am t caps pm (optional)
4-8 Hcg 500ius twice a week Monday Thursday (Highly recommended)
8-12 hcgenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm (must have)
6-12 Prami .5mg every day (Highly recommended)
6-12 Aromasin 12.5mg every other day (highly recommended)
12-18 forma-stanzol 7 pumps am and 5 pumps am for the first 4 weeks then taper down to 4 pumps am and 3 pm for the last 2 weeks. (must have!)
12-16 Unleashed/postcycle combo. 1 cap 3 times a day of each. Or at the very least forged post cycle 2 caps am and 2 caps pm (Must have?)
12-16 NTBM-DAA (D aspartic acid) 1 full serving every day. (Must have)
16-20 Bridge 1 cap 3 times a day (optional)
20-24 Sarms s4 25mg twice a day(highly recommended)

16 week SUST/Eq/Tren/Provirone Super lean bulk cycle(with nanadrolone/progestrine)(with A with DHT)​

1-16 Sust 250 every other day
1-14 Eq 300mg Monday and Thursday
1-8 tren ace 100mg every day or every other day
8-16 Provirone 25mg twice a day (acts as the ending AI/ prolactin Antagonizers)
1-8 N2-burn 2 caps am and pm(Highly recommended)
8-12 T3-Pct full dose am and pm ( must have)
16-22 forma-stanzol 7 pumps am and 5 pumps am for the first 4 weeks then taper down to 4 pumps am and 3 pm for the last 2 weeks. (must have!)
16-22 Need2slin 1 cap 3 times a day 30 mins before meals (highly recommended)
16-20 Unleashed/postcycle combo. 1 cap 3 times a day of each. Or at the very least forged post cycle 2 caps am and 2 caps pm (Must have?)
16-20 NTBM-DAA (D aspartic acid) 1 full serving every day. (Must have)
20-24 Bridge 1 cap 3 times a day (MUST HAVE)
24-28 Sarms s4 25mg twice a day(highly recommended)

I have not even begun to scratch the surface of what can be added to the above cycle to make them fun :D or what I feel should be added to make them more safe and healthy. However the above cycles all include what I feel is a must have down to what I feel should be highly considered . Even what I have marked as optional aside from the sarms is a Must have in my eyes But I Err on the side of caution and nothing but the best of the best will do for me. If that is the kind of person you are then Following the guidelines above are a must for you.

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Uniquemicals <--- this is where to get sarms You can and should use sarms s4 after pct 25mg twice a day from the day pct ends all the way till your next cycle.

Now for the people who not only want to know what to do but who also want to know some of the reasons why.

Everyone who first starts learning about steroid cycles has thousands of questions . You have two types of New steroid cycle knowledge seeking people. The people who just want to know what, and the people who want to know why, what, when, where, and most importantly why? Now the former group of people could possible end up using any information he gets his hands on first to put his steroid cycle together. He may end up going ether way when it comes to steroid cycles. More then likely he will end up using just steroids and maybe 1 or two other drugs for his cycles. If he never evolves into the later steroid user then more then likely who will continue to use only drugs and many years from now he will be that forums next lemming "only drugs work" pusher.

However right now I am speaking to you the man who wants to know more then just what to take. I want to arm you with the tools to not only understand why you will be taking what you are about to take. But why others are not. Because From experience I know and from human nature "we all want to fit in" and we all want to know why we are not doing what the majority is doing. Human nature almost forces us to say "but if everyone else is doing it then it must be good" . We have done this since our first day of school till right now this very second.

I covered the topic of why some can't, refuse to, or some times dont even want to understand how holistic health, supplements, natural ingredients, organic compounds , and bio identical hormones work. But I feel it must be covered at greater length before moving onto the explanation of the pct/support sups in the cycles above work.

If what you are saying works then why are so many people still using only drugs , nolva, clomid and or other serms for post cycle therapy and or on cycle support?​

Many people first learn about steroids from their gym buddy and as we all know here in the land of real knowledge whatever your buddy in the gym has to say is complete useless utter crap. Stone age advice. It is a good assumption that he is doing nothing more than regurgitating the same old advice that started in the 1970's. Some people would call this tried and true. I call this Ignorant and lazy. As well as stone age and a stumbling block to the advancements in perfecting the art of chemical/muscle enhancement.

Then you have your people who do visit forums but go about spending there day re-posting the same thing over and over again and bashing anything they can’t understand lol. Because Heaven forbid you challenge their little pea sized brains to understand anything else. How dare you strip them of their regurgitating rights that make them feel important, as if they know something? Once you see someone making comments like "No supplement works" or "nothing natural can take the place of drugs" what you have is a consumer driven brain washed lemming following the crowds and conforming to bro'ology. Most often this is because they lack any ability to understand the topic being discussed.

O sure they will toss out some studies. They will put up some good debate at times. After all they have plenty of regurgitated advice passed down to them from their equally ignorant gym friends and or mentors. However if they had no agendas as well as the ability to understand and think on their own they would be singing a different tune. If they were any kind of person who opened up their mind and put a lot of thought, research, and time into the subjects we talk about on a daily bases. They would not make these kinds of comments.

Understanding that OTC products, Holistic compounds, and natural ingredients have the ability to manipulate the human bodies hormones in as many ways as drugs can is not like asking people to believe in god I am sorry it’s just not. However you will find more than a few “supplement atheist” on every forum you lurk on or choice to inhibit. And this time its not just for lack of faith but more often because they have refused to learn anything new at all. In some sense I do not blame many of them. After all many supplement companies have pumped out nothing more than glorified “Sup-hova’s witnesses“ and now most people run, hide , close curtains, and slam doors when they see one coming.

You see I have used this analogy along with other statements to help you who is ready this understand why so many people can’t get past the 19th century post cycle therapy. Knowledge has advanced beyond our wildest dreams in the 20th century and now in the 21st century advancements in every form of knowledge and education is happening at such an accelerated rate some of us barely have a chance to watch it pass us by let along take part in it. When it comes to holistic health medicines , natural support supplements , Bio identical hormone replacement and recovery it has been no different. However it is the many stumbling blocks ranging from distrust and stubbornness to ignorance and bro-ology regurgitations that keep the 19th centuries methods of cycling steroids on the forums of the 21st century. Of course lets not pretend that money and greed has not also corrupted all forums and had its influence on preventing the 21st centuries knowledge from spreading. Don’t think for a second that there is not just as many people out on every forum out there trying to make as much money as they can of pushing “supplements don’t work” as there are supplements companies in this industry. Because in all honesty there is more of them lmao. For every 1 legal supplement company you see on a forum like Need To Build Muscle - Need To Build Muscle or elitefitness. You can bet your button dollar on my daughters grave there is 20 people who are tryint to make a buck of selling some kind of drug and or steroids. Both publicly in your face and right under your noise, Yet another reason why ”drugs are the only thing that work” is so heavely fought for on every chemical enhancement forum.
Which brings me to the next question I get asked often. Needto how come when I go to (insert the name of some mid to tumble weeds rolling by sized forum here) Everyone says supplements dint work and they all agree you must have a serm and hcg? Gee I don’t know my friend ? Why don’t you look all over that forum and tell me what you see for sponsors more then anything else? Exactly!!!
Allow me to clear something up. Every single steroid and or chemical enhancement forum has a sponsor or means to making money. Small forums are no exception to the rules even if you don’t see a single banner add running in no way at all means some one is not pumping money out of the members on that site. I am keeping it real fellow posters. When it comes to mid size to small forums you have two types.
The ones who have 200 sponsors and 90% of them are steroid sources , drug companies or chemical research sites. Or the ones who claim to have no sponsors at all and ether the forum owner him self is a underground source or 10 of his friends are. NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE!!!!! Trust me dig deep enough and you will quickly find this out and that is why they seem to “all agree only drugs work for pct” because the top income/biggest money maker of the forum is drugs. The people making that money have a larger influence on that forum. Yes even on forums where the owner has a “front” and owns a supplement company. Trust me steroids and drugs are still making him more money than his little company. No matter what forum you go to though one thing is becoming more clear every day. There is a voice out there of someone who understands supplements when made correctly work. And they often make a lot more sense then the people who don’t when you take the time to listen to them.
Anyone and I mean anyone can become a overnight steroid guru to the masses if he learns the basics of “only drugs work” regurgitation. Any geek off the streets can do that it takes no knowledge or understanding of any kind at all. Only those people who are willing to put in the learning time can fully understand how holistic health and bio identical hormones work. Only the people who are able to set aside what 20 lemmings say and says to them self” I am going to research and find out what I believe in and understand”. Then I am going to learn more each day and someday I will use it to help myself as well as many other people.

As a follow up to the above. I highly recommend reading the following two threads in their entirety.

Holistic health and supplements Vs drug companies market-driven profiteering

You should read this entire thread but skip to post 6 for now then come back to this write up after you read that.

OK Needtogetaas Tell me why you have put together the above steroid cycles and how it all works?​

Lets take a look at Formastanzol first​

Forma-stanzol has both suicide aromatase inhibitors and natural selective estrogen receptor modulators in it. So yes you can replace the Clomid or nolva with Forma. It's deff the much better choice of PCT after a tren or deca cycle as nether Clomid nor Nolvadex will address High prolactin/ progesterone and in fact Nolvadex will up regulate the progesterone receptor.

Some good threads to read my friend.

Forma-stanzol explanation thread

Ok now hold onto your seats boys I am about to drop a huge deuce on top of nolvadex and clomid forever "and once again prove what I have been saying all along" Read the following links and hold onto your jaws as you do so.

Nolvadex and clomid "up regulate both estrogen and progesterone receptors!!!!" Thus not only making them not the best for pct but dangerous to use before during and after a cycle period .

Studies for all to share with friends.
Up-regulation of estrogen receptors by nonsteroidal antiestrogens in human breast cancer. — NextBio article
Up-Regulation of Estrogen Receptors by Nonsteroidal Antiestrogens in Human Breast Cancer

OOO To bad so said for the 19th century drug pushers that has to suck big time. Non the less it is time to move on and the 21st century is finely going to come now! Yah!! On only needs to read the studies and threads I have posted so far to quickly find out Nolvadex and or clomid are harmful maybe even deadly to your health but at best just plan old 19th century old now. The Ideas of the past.

Sorry nolva/clomid lovers I am not don yet Nolvadex and clomid impair muscle growth,reduced the plasma level of IGF-1,lower FSH, and even impair recovery!

And No they do not impair muscle growth because they lower estrogen as we have proven above. We can also put to rest the retarded notion that both estrogen and testosterone is needed to grow muscle at an accelerated rate? More 19th century crap.

Now my friends, Armed with the knowledge and prof from above that nolvadex and or clomid both raise blood level estrogen and both up regulate estrogen receptors and prolactin/progesterone receptors. Let as now Take the blade and follow through with it.

Higher blood levels of estrogen Lowers IGF reduce the size of muscle fibers and so does synthetic estrogens ie nolvadex/clomid
Estrogen agonists/antagonists may down-regula... [Med Hypotheses. 2003] - PubMed - NCBI
Growth hormone is produced within the hippocampus where it responds to age, sex, and stress
Tamoxifen interferes with the insulin-like growth... [Cancer Res. 1997] - PubMed - NCBI
Modulation of the cytosolic androgen receptor ... [Endocrinology. 1984] - PubMed - NCBI

Most people on the forums and in the chemical enhancement community just assume (through bro-ology as always) That Nolvadex and clomid along with other drug like serms are nothing more then estrogen antagonist ( meaning they block estrogen from the estrogen receptor. This most basic and absolutely incorrect example of bro-ology has been regurgitated so many times it has simple become second nature for everyone to just assume this. Its as wrong as wrong can get my friend. They are not just estrogen antagonist. They are just as much estrogen agonist!!!!! In different tissue and parts of the body as they are antagonist.

Keep in mind these drugs have all been designed and created for 1 single purpose and that is to reduce and fight breast tumor growth/cancer grown in the breast tissue.

The impact of Tamoxifen or clomid on IGF-1 is as follows, it simply demonstrates another synthetic estrogen action of Nolvadex/clomid. By rendering the liver less sensitive to growth hormone (probably by reducing the liver density of GH receptors), estrogens and tamoxifen diminish the production of IGF-1. This action of estrogens explains why women produce less IGF-1 than men even though the have a higher GH level. This is because they have higher levels of estrogen.

Contrary to what everyone has been repeating over and over for years Nolvadex and or clomid is about the worst damn Idea for pct that one could ever dream of taking. For the people who have recovered using it. I would venture to say you would have recovered just as well had you used nothing at all.

What about Clomid/nolvas Effect on the Thyroid? Can this effect pct?​

Thyroid binding globulin in tamoxifen patients [PharmGKB]
Thyroid function test changes with adjuvant tamoxifen therapy in postmenopausal women with breast cancer
Thyroid function test changes with adjuvant tam... [J Clin Oncol. 1995] - PubMed - NCBI
Thyroxine-binding globulin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Estrogen Dominance and Thyroid Issues

To put it simple They Lower the amount of Free Thyroid Level in the blood much like high levels of estrogen also do. They raise the level of Thyroid Binding Globulin (TBG)!!!

Every heard of Sex hormone binding globen? How this binds to free testosterone in the blood thus rendering it useless? Ok this is along the exact same lines. Thyroid Binding Globulin (TBG) Rendered Your T3 and T-4 Useless. WOW sounds like something I want for my pct and on cycle us! NOT!!

But lets get into what kind of problems this can cause some one. I want all of you to sit and think about many of the common side effects and complaints you have heard people speak of when talking about their use of Nolva/clomid and Tell me if any lights go off in your head here.

First and foremost the thyroid is your fat burning gland. Without it's proper function your body can not burn, store, or process calories, fats, and even protein. Yes every here some one say a nice low does T3 can increase protein synthases? Well it can and likewise a sluggish thyroid or improperly functioning thyroid hormones can slow down protein synthases. The thyroid gland is the main metabolism gland in your body. As said previously, if your thyroid is not working correctly, you will have a difficult time losing weight. However, the thyroid does so much more than that. Every cell in the body has receptors for thyroid hormone. Every one of these receptors has a job to do and when on clomid/nolva all of these jobs are impaired and or misfiring. Low thyroid hormone leads to elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. High levels of Thryriod binding globulin leads to poor digestive function because this significantly lowers the number of digestive enzymes in the intestines often leading to compounded fecal matter due to undigested foods as well as slowed muscle recovery do to down regulated nutrition retention. If food does not get broken down it can not be absorbed the intestinal wall. This can make one feel bogged down and sluggish.

What other ways does this effect mood? low thyroid hormones can cause low dopamine levels! Understanding how this can effect the hormone loop is really quit simple my friends. In most cases, production of pituitary hormones is normally turned "off," and releasing hormones are sent to stimulate the pituitary when more pituitary hormones are needed. In the case of prolactin, however, prolactin secretion is generally turned "on" unless the hypothalamus secretes the prolactin-inhibiting hormone dopamine to turn prolactin production "off". Dopamine travels from the hypothalamus to the pituitary in a small network of veins called a venous portal system. Anything that interferes with this fine network may prevent this inhibitory message from reaching the pituitary gland. The result is that the pituitary will produce too much prolactin. You will notice a pattern in most peoples test who have just come of nolvadex or clomid. Prolactin levels are almost always above normal to high.

By now almost everyone has heard that mixing a Nandralone or progestrine Like tren/deca/ 4-9-estra/ or 13 ethel-methoxy with Nolvadex is a no go and from the Material laid out above and below no wounder why. How about the common bro-ology phrase "deca/tren/nandralone/progestrines shut you down more then other steroids and its is just excepted that they take a longer more rigorous post cycle therapy ,right? WRONG!!! But we will talk more on this later good friends.

OMG Needto are you done yet? No but almost good bro. We must finely cover Tamoxifen and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Tamoxifen does not block the inhibitory effect of testosterone on FSH release in rats
Tamoxifen does not block the inhibi... [Acta Endocrinol (Copenh). 1987] - PubMed - NCBI

The results have clearly shown that, in both experiments, the administration of testosterone results in a significant decrease of serum FSH and in a total suppression of LH release. The administration of tamoxifen, in either dose, does not modify the elevated serum FSH and LH levels present in the orchidectomized animals, and does not antagonize the inhibitory effect on FSH and LH secretion exerted by the concomitant treatment with testosterone propionate

ScienceDirect - Metabolism : Tamoxifen inhibits Leydig cell steroidogenesis: In vivo and in vitro studies
Using isolated interstitial cells from testes of Sprague-Dawley rats, we have shown previously that tamoxifen inhibits LH and 8-bromo-cyclic AMP stimulated testosterone synthesis in a dose-dependent manner. The inhibitory effect of tamoxifen could not be reversed with 17β-estradiol. The present studies indicate that tamoxifen directly inhibits testosterone response to gonadotropin stimulation both in immature and mature hypophysectomized rats. When interstitial cells were incubated with pregnenolone (5×10−7M), testosterone levels in the incubation medium were View the Math+ML= source. Tamoxifen (10−5M) significantly inhibited pregnenolone-induced testosterone formation. Tamoxifen also significantly diminished adenylate cyclase activity whereas the binding of hCG to receptor was not affected. These results indicate that several steps of steroidogenesis are inhibited by tamoxifen.

ScienceDirect - Neurochemistry International : Cyclic AMP enhances gene expression, synthesis and release of newly synthesized alpha and luteinizing hormone beta subunits in cultured rat anterior pituitary cells

Cyclic AMP enhances gene expression, synthesis and release of newly synthesized alpha and luteinizing hormone beta subunits in cultured rat anterior pituitary cells.


We have previously demonstrated that GnRH stimulates the synthesis of both the α and LHβ polypeptide chains, an effect which was reproduced in a non additive manner by direct activation of protein kinases A and C, and abolished by actinomycin D. In the present study, we examined the effects in monolayer cultures from rat anterior pituitary cells of 8-Br-cAMP and cholera toxin, on α and LHβ subunit mRNA levels and in parallel the synthesis and release of the subunits. RNA blot hybridization analysis with cDNA probes demonstrated that α and LHβ mRNA levels increased by 8.9- and 4.7-fold, respectively, after a 5 h-incubation in the presence of 6 nM cholera toxin and 7.1- and 2.9-fold in the presence of 1.5 mM 8-Br-cAMP. Under the same conditions, [35S]methionine incorporation into α and LHβ subunits was optimally stimulated, by 2.8-fold and 1.7 to 2.2-fold, respectively, whether the cAMP analogue 8-Br-cAMP or cholera toxin, an endogenous cAMP generator, were employed. Further, in addition to synthesis, 8-Br-cAMP appeared to increase release of neosynthesized α and LHβ polypeptides, and in this respect, 8-Br-cAMP was more effective than GnRH. In contrast, 8-Br-cAMP had a weak, non significant effect compared to GnRH on the release of total radioimmunoassayable LH in the cell media. These data provide the first direct evidence for a stimulation of α and LHβ gene expression by cyclic AMP, which accounts for an increase in subunit synthesis. They suggest that cAMP, as previously shown for diacylglycerols, is a potent candidate for an intracellular mediator of the GnRH effects on subunit synthesis and that it is largely responsible for sustained (protein synthesis-dependent) LH release.

In the most basic of terms Nolvadex blocks the action of HCG. As well as inhibits some positive cAMP mechanism on Testosterone and release of LH. Also suggesting that is lowers positive Gnrh mechanism of action for producting Testosterone .

Nolvadex nor clomid "blocks the shut down of LH or FSH that is produced by the introduction of a outside source of hormones into the body (Ie in the above case testosterone)

But Needtogetaas I really do recovery just so super awesomely using clomid and nolva . Also how come to many people use it with good success?

Did you really? Do they really? Any prove of this other then one saying he does or did? After all I see people screaming for Blood test , show me the test , show me the prof. The second some one says they recovered after a steroid cycle using anything other then clomid or nolva. Lets start screaming for the same treatment to the above drugs as well.

When I think about it long enough. I been around a very long time. In all my time here on elitefitness and every other chemical enhancement forum out there. I can say with 100% honesty I have seen with my very one eyes Far far more before steroid cycle and after OTC pct blood test. Then I have Before steroid cycle After pct with nolvadex and or clomid blood test.

In fact. I have yet to see even 1 single before steroid cycle and after pct with clomid or nolva blood test in all my years of being on all the forums. Not 1 single 1??????? I have heard people say they have seen them, or say they have them. I have seen people say there is "billions of them" and "decades worth of them" However I have to face reality here and speak the gods honest trust. I have not laid my eyes on a single one of them.
Now have you?

If you have how many of them? 1-2-5 maybe? If There is so many of these so called "billions of studies built up over decades" then please explain to me why laying my eyes on one of them has been so hard? PLease explain to me why everyone does no have a copy of this in their signatures . Why is not every regurgitated response of "only nolva and clomid work" followed by " and here is my Before steroid cycle and 4 weeks after clomid/nolvadex pct is over blood test to prove it???

bllod work big fail after clomid and or nolva pct
Used hcg clomid/nolva pct was a big fail

Used Clomid for pct and pct again was a big fail
Low test after PCT.

more fail

Even worse. Pct was great with first pct. Talked into clomid/nolva
and pct was a fail.

Another failed pct using clomid and hcg

Clomid/nolva/adex/ and hcg pct failed again
low test after pct

Nolva+clomid pct fails again

nelson pct

SO What shall We use to take the place of these Time tested bro-ology lover approved drugs?

Lets take a look at Formastanzol first shall we?

Forma-stanzol's main active compound is formastane/lenatron tm.
Although "formastan" its self has nothing in common at all with nolva or Clomid, forma-stanzol does. nolva and Clomid are serms and they block estrogen at the ER thus stopping it from having any effects on the ER.

However when on Nolvadex or Clomid the level of estrogen in your body does not go down but rather it goes up!!!!. You see, Nolvadex only blocks estrogen that's already in your body but it does not in any way stop test from converting to estrogen. In fact by stopping the estrogen from entering the ER it causes your body to create both more testosterone AND ESTROGEN let no one ever forget this. Your bodies level of estrogen goes up well taking Nolvadex or Clomid not down and anyone who has read a study or two and has been around a wile knows this . Now any and everyone ready this thread also knows that when on nolva and or clomid your estrogen levels not only go up but your estrogen and progesterone receptors are also up regulated too. Is anyone else noticing the recipe for disaster that I am?.. This is why it is very common for Nolvadex and or Clomid to cause what is known as "rebound gyno" if you use these product for PCT with out a Ai or even better a "suicide aromatase inhibitor" (which is what forma-stanzol is)
Estrogen going up during PCT is not a good thing . Estrogen receptors getting upregulated is also not a good thing. Ad the two together please anyone who wants this to happen to them please raise your hand?

Now as you can see formastane its self and Nolvadex/Clomid are worlds apart. From here on throughout my explanation I will be speaking only about forma-stanzol as I feel it is the far superior compound because it has both formastane (suicide aromatase inhibition as well as progesterone reducing effects) and phytoserms (Phytoserm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) effects. On top of this it also has many other necessary effects for any prospective steroids user.

One Forma-stanzol's many characteristics is whats know as a "suicide aromatase inhibitor" of aromatase. This means that Forma-stanzol binds to the aromatase enzyme in a permanent and irreversible manner, rendering it inactive. The result of this is an eventual diminishment of aromatase enzyme in the body and a concurrent reduction in estrogen levels. A corresponding increase in testosterone production is usually experienced as well

It is important to note here that this deactivation of aromatase enzymes by forma-stanzol does not mean that your body becomes permanently deficient in the ability to synthesize estrogen. Your body will react to the deficiency of enzyme by producing more enzyme to replace that which has been deactivated. Therefore, when you stop taking Forma-stanzol your aromatase enzyme level will quickly catch up to normal and full estrogen production will resume.

Now Another important attribute to forma-stanzol is of course its phytoserm effects. Serm/phytoserm effects are important for PCT because of there binding to the estrogen receptors, thus inhibiting estrogenic activity only at the ER. This causes a increase to LH & FSH levels, which in turn stimulates testosterone production. The important thing to remember here is although both Nolvadex and Clomid will do this they do it at a price! not only does the level of estrogen keep going up well taking them (unlike with forma-stanzol) but they can also be harmful in many other ways ( read post 6 in this thread to learn more about this. Now Another important attribute to forma-stanzol is of course its phytoserm effects. Serm/phytoserm effects are important for PCT because of there binding to the estrogen receptors, thus inhibiting estrogenic activity only at the ER. This causes a increase to LH & FSH levels, which in turn stimulates testosterone production. The important thing to remember here is although both Nolvadex and Clomid will do this they do it at a price! not only does the level of estrogen keep going up well taking them (unlike with forma-stanzol) but they can also be harmful in many other ways ( read post 6 in this thread to learn more about this.

This is why phytoserm's "medically and clinically" excepted natural serms are better. Combined with other compounds like the ones in forma-stanzol they are a much more effect form of PCT or on cycle estrogen and progesterone control.

Forma-stanzol unlike any other AI or serm also has anabolic effects and coverts to a anabolic at a "dose dependent rate". In other words when used at the higher end of dosing ( 10 pumps twice a day) after a week it starts to covert somewhat to a anabolic compound and adds gains to your cycle. Still when used at the lower end or PCT stile dosing protocol ( 5 pumps twice a day) there is no worries about suppression because its anabolic conversion is again " dose dependent" and only happens at higher doses taken for longer periods of time. How Amazing is that? I dont know any AI's out there that can clam this nor do I know one single AI that also lowers progesterone too!

Because of the formatane and now added compounds in forma-stanzol Its anabolic/androgen effects are similar to that of the steroid primobolan Depot ( but only when used at higher doses for longer periods of time).even at the lower dosing It increases IGF-1 levels by an amazing 26%,and increases HPTA activity and testicular activity similar to a combination of hcg and Clomid!

All of this is backed up by " human" studies. Yes Real human studies don by well known Universities and agencies. Because for the longest time Lentaron I.M. Depot® was a proscription drug . This was not a drug that got scrapped because it did not work or because other drugs worked better. No this drug lost favor because many years ago the only way to use the drug was through injections. But because of the advancements in Trans dermal delivery Lentaron I.M. Depot® is back. With the help of NTBM and its more powerful then ever.

forma-stanzol is a synergistic blend of supporting components making forma-stanzol a Highbred on cycle estrogen/progesterone control and PCT drug.

Aromatase inhibition: 4-hydroxyandrostenedione (4-OHA, CGP 32349) in advanced prostatic cancer.
Comparison of the pharmacokinetic... [Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 1990] - PubMed - NCBI
Biochemistry and function of sterols - Google Books
Pharmacokinetics of 4-hydroxyandr... [J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 1993] - PubMed - NCBI

In each of these studies we can see that despite that fact that 4-hydroxyandrostenedione has also ( in some studies) shown to be a "very weak prohormone" to the anabolic steroid 4-hydroxytestosterone, as an aromatase inhibitor it also possesses notable testosterone stimulating properties. The use of 4-hydroxy 4-androstenedione gradually increase androgen levels while simultaneously decreasing estrogen and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Natural androgen production is increased by the stimulation of the hypothalamic pituitary axis via an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) levels coupled by the direct stimulation of testosterone by 4-hydroxy 4-androstenedione. Luteinizing hormone (LH) is responsible for the production of total serum testosterone and testicular function. Formastane gives a gradual decrease in estrogen blood concentration which produces a signal of the hypothalamic pituitary ( again despite its very weak conversion to 4-hydroxytestosterone).

Whatever "weak conversion activity" it may have is more than compensated for by its ability to drop estrogen levels. This action of course reduces the suppressive signal estrogen sends to your brain. In all of these studies Formastane was shown to suppress estrogen concentrations yet dos not suppress gonadotropins . Let me further help you understand the difference and why one is good for PCT (suicide aromatase inhibitors) and the other is not.

To understand why forma-stanzol may be useful while regular AI's (like letro and A-dex) are not we'll need to first understand the differences between the two. suicide aromatase inhibitors are actually steroidal compounds, while regular AI's (like letro and A-dex) are non-steroidal drugs ( no I don't mean STEROID LIKE YOU ARE HOPING LMOA)

Of course, there are some similarities between the two types of AIs...both suicidal and non suicidal AIs mimic normal substrates (essentially androgens), allowing them to compete with the substrate for access to the binding site on the aromatase enzyme. After this binding, the next step is where things differ greatly for the two different types of AI's. In the case of a suicide aromatase inhibitors the noncompetitive inhibitor will bind, and the enzyme initiates a sequence of hydroxylation ( hence the name 4-hydroxy given to formastane) ; this hydroxylation produces an unbreakable covalent bond between the inhibitor and the enzyme protein. Now, enzyme activity is permanently blocked; even if all unattached inhibitor is removed. Aromatase enzyme activity can only be restored by new enzyme synthesis.

Now, on the other hand, most all other AI are competitive inhibitors, reversibly bind to the active enzyme site, and one of two things can happen: 1.) either no enzyme activity is triggered or 2.) the enzyme is somehow triggered without effect. Thus essentially they can actually disassociate from the

binding site, eventually allowing renewed competition between the inhibitor and the substrate for binding to the site. This means that the effectiveness of competitive aromatase inhibitors depends on the relative concentrations and affinities of both the inhibitor and the substrate, while this is not so for noncompetitive inhibitors. Forma-stanzol is a suicide aromatase inhibitor meaning that once it has done its job, and deactivated the aromatase enzyme, we don't need it anymore! Starting to understand now bro? Other AI's need to remain present to continue their effects and this is why they are not the best choice for use during PCT but forma-stanzol is..

What About Preventing shut down of the HPTA and or desensitization of the ladeg cells. Only HCG can do this right?

The hypothalamus, upon realizing that blood levels of androgens are low releases Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH). GnRH goes to the pituitary which takes this hormone as the stimulus to release Lutenising Hormone (LH). LH then goes to the testes and stimulates T production. hcg mimics LH however it is not LH!!!!!!!

The hcg would stimulate more T to be released, but during a cycle the hypothalamus would still "recognize" the increased level of androgens and still stop releasing GnRH; which in turn would lead to the pituitary stopping your own natural production of LH and testosterone.

We saw earlier that even though we see hundreds of posters a day claiming clomid and nolva will raise Test levels After a steroid cycle (so some would claim) They certainly have no way of blocking Testosterones inhibitory effects on FSH and LH. Now what about Hcg its self how good is this drug at preventing sht down during a steroid cycle or jump starting test production after?

The hypothalamus, upon realizing that blood levels of androgens are low releases Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH). GnRH goes to the pituitary which takes this hormone as the stimulus to release Lutenising Hormone (LH). LH then goes to the testes and stimulates T production. hcg mimics LH however it is not LH!!!!!!!

The hcg would stimulate more T to be released, but during a cycle the hypothalamus would still "recognize" the increased level of androgens and still stop releasing GnRH; which in turn would lead to the pituitary stopping your own natural production of LH and testosterone.

This wouldn't matter so much whilst you were taking the hcg as this replaces the LH and so T production would continue whilst you kept taking the hcg. So although hcg may prevent degeneration of the ladeg cells (remember that your own body isnt producing any LH or GnRH anymore!!! regardless ) As the hypothalamus recognizes outside sources of both androgens and LH now it will feather suppress its own production of LH and GnRH The problem is that whilst the pituitary has been lying dormant due to not receiving any GnRH from the Hypothalamus it atrophies (just like the testes do when not used).

Get it?

In a normal healthy male luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) are sent from the brain (the pituitary) to stimulate the testes to make testosterone and sperm.

The release of LH & FSH from the pituitary is stimulated by Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is stimulated to produce GnRH when it senses low levels of testosterone and estrogen.

(hypothalamus [GnRH] --- > pituitary [LH & FSH]--- >(hcg would be placed here if we placed it anywhere)---> testes [testosterone])

hCG is a synthetic exogenous aka "out side source" hormone. So for the sake of argument and layman's terms ( so that your self and everyone can grasp/wrap head around subject) I will brake things down and give them a names.

steroids,hcg,drug serms, and just about anything manufactured by a pharmaceutical company that we have commonly used= Synthetic "out side source of the target hormone"

Now we will give things like HCGenerate,bridge,Unleashed/post cycle a name. Natural "bio-identical hormone" or "Homeopathic hormones" but in reality they have many names and even medically excepted ones like Phyto-SERMs, phytochemicals, phytonutrients , phenolic compounds ,phytotherapy, blah blah blah and a whole slew of other terms..
But for now will use the terms Synthetic and bio-identical hormones.

Bio-identical/Homeopathic hormones are plant-derived and identical to the body's hormones. They are naturally the exact same thing and or they cause "natural" production/suppression of the target hormone.

Synthetic hormones such as hcg or a drug like serm are similar but not identical to the body's hormones. Fethermore they are "always" a outside source of the parent/target hormone. Moreover through manipulation of the hormone cascade they can also be used to suppress the production of a target hormone in the hopes to facilitate the production of another. We use compounds like hcg and or Clomid often notwithstanding the fact These slight chemical shift create a mismatches between the body's receptors ,Parent hormones,sister hormones, and or governing hormone cascade.

Now don't pull out your pitch forks and torches just yet
I love my steroids,drugs,chemical enhancement just as much as the next guy and in fact IMO more bwahahahahaaaa . So lets not try and act like I am downing there use. On the contrary I just happen to be more of a nonconformist who believes that Both Natural and synthetic coexist synergisticly in many concomitant circumstances.

Take 7,8 Benzoflavone a neuro-active flavone that has the ability to pass the blood brain barrier and block the suppression of GnRH release through modulation of the GABAergic receptor complex For instance.7,8 Benzoflavone also has a positive effects on Libido due to its aphrodisiac and anxiolytic (anxiety-relieving) effect having natural anti-anxiety properties, 7,8-Benzoflavone my help improve general self-confidence and well being. 7,8-Benzoflavone -- increases testosterone production by preventing the negative feedback of testosterone and estrogen on the hypothalamus through aromatase inhibition and GABAergic modulation which is why it is referred to as phytoserm.Interestingly though researchers are just beginning to understand how the GABAergic system regulates the hypothalamus and GnRH secretion its important to know that a lot more studies have been done and are getting done then you think.. On Natural ingredients!!! Like 7,8-Benzoflavone and other phytoserms one can find in products like forma-stanzol. Also note that since it stimulates GnRH through GABA receptors, technically it should also STIMULATE GH RELASE. Thus increasing fat loss, muscle mass and deep sleep.

Now I am not saying that preventing the desensitization of the ladeg cells during a cycle is not a good thing. Because as we know No matter how much LH & FSH the brain secretes, the testes won't secrete testosterone if they are desensitized to LH & FSH. (remember, this can happen from too much, or not enough LH & FSH stimulation)

hcg’s effect is centralized at the Leydig cells of the testicles and stimulates hormone function at the testicular level but does not reverse hypothalamic-pituitary suppression. Adequate stimulation from pituitary gonadotropins is required for the Leydig cells of the testicles to function independently in the body’s normal hormone axis.

Of course, during a cycle there are natural compounds and products that work through different mechanisms to prevent complete shutdown without further suppressing pituitary some through GABAergic modulation and some through others like with HCGenerate.

Title: Aphrodisiac potentials of the aqueous extract of Fadogia agrestis (Schweinf. Ex Hiern) stem in male albino rats.
Author: Yakubu MT , Akanji MA , Oladiji AT
Source: Asian J Androl, 7(4): 399-404 2005

Abstract: AIM: To evaluate the phytochemical constituents and the aphrodisiac potential of the aqueous extract of Fadogia agrestis (Rubiaceae) stem in male albino rats. METHODS: The aqueous stem extract of the plant was screened for phytochemical constituents. Male rats were orally dosed with 18 mg/kg, 50 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg body weight, respectively, of the extract at 24 h intervals and their sexual behavior parameters and serum testosterone concentration were evaluated at days 1, 3 and 5. RESULTS: Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids and saponins while anthraquinones and flavonoids are weakly present. All the doses resulted in significant increase in mount frequency, intromission frequency and significantly prolonged the ejaculatory latency (P 0.05) and reduced mount and intromission latency (P 0.05). There was also a significant increase in serum testosterone concentrations in all the groups in a manner suggestive of dose-dependence (P 0.05). CONCLUSION: The aqueous extract of Fadogia agrestis stem increased the blood testosterone concentrations and this may be the mechanism responsible for its aphrodisiac effects and various masculine behaviors. It may be used to modify impaired sexual functions in animals, especially those arising from hypotestosteronemia. We will talk more about Fadogia later.

Now Lets stop for a moment and combine the two. Both Nolva/clomid and Hcg!​

Remember Nolva Causes and increase to Thyroid binding hormone (TBH) as well as a opregulation to the PR and ER. Now HCG Also causes a Rise in Prolactin and an inhibitory effect on everything in the hormone loop from LH back.

Because they are both Synthetic outside sources of hormones There introductory into the body Is always going to cause the suppression of its own target hormones Mechanisms and or Facilitation of corresponding Hormone within he loop.

This is what happens with an outside source of Synthetic hormone mimickers. It happens with steroids, it happens with serms, and it also happens with HCG as well.
Although hcg may cause there to be less atrophy of the testes. The lack of leydig cell activity it in turn causes shutdown of the pituitary.

So what about Natural phytoserms , bioidenical hormones and or holistic Ai's. Do they not cause the same problems?

All to often I think people are confusing Bio-Identical with Homeopathic . One naturally augments or reduces and the other naturally replacements. Although all things considered naturally replacing is often (but not always) the superior method of choice. This creates less of a problem in the way of mismatching, adverse reactions, or suppression then the chemical counterparts

There are many people reading this right now who are thinking up everything they possibly can to rip it apart. I welcome that I honestly do. Some may be thinking " So what's he saying not to use any drugs at all except steroids. Of course only a supplement pusher would say that" Still the majority may just be saying "DUH!!!! So when can I get back to regurgitating what the last guy said"

When it comes to steroid cycle, chemical enhancement, post cycle therapy and manipulation of ones hormones. One must have a open mind and the best working knowledge of all the above he can get. You need to know when naturally augmentation is needed or when naturally replacements is necessary. Not only that but you should know when Synthetic out side replacement is needed ad when powerful inhibition or facilitation through the use of synthetic drugs are needed.

Because there is a perfect place for everything and everything is perfect its its place. Refusing to learn, experience, and or otherwise move into the 21st is hurting you and others around you if this is what you try to preach to everyone.

Now back to Hcg_nolva/clomid. So then What do we use then?

Prolactin inhibition on behalf of Formestane
Formestane decreases the receptor counts for both estrogen and progesterone. (Yup, an effective way to control progestin activity from progestin based anabolic androgenic steroids like Nandrolone which would prevent the negative effects on libido including a flaccid erection.Here is the study that backs up what I am explaining:
The murine Leydig cell tumor (M5480A) possesses high levels of estrogen receptor and is known to produce estrogens. In these studies we examined the effects of the potent aromatase inhibitor 4-hydroxyandrostenedione (4-OHA) on Leydig tumor cell steroidogenesis both in vitro and in vivo. The addition of 4-OHA to Leydig tumor cells in primary culture resulted in a dose- and a time-dependent decrease in media progesterone levels. The observed decrease was most likely due to impaired synthesis of progesterone, inasmuch as no alteration in progesterone metabolism was seen when progesterone levels were diminishing. However, 4-OHA inhibited progesterone conversion to testosterone following 1 h of incubation, but this effect disappeared coincident with 4-OHA metabolism. Analysis of Pregnenolone production revealed a biphasic dose-dependent effect of 4-OHA. At low doses (0.01-0.1 microM), 4-OHA was found to decrease Pregnenolone concentrations, while at higher doses (1-10 microM) Pregnenolone levels were elevated. Therefore, the actions of 4-OHA on Leydig cell steroidogenesis in vitro appear to be multifocal. Other experiments were performed to evaluate the effects of 4-OHA on tumor-bearing male mice in vivo. In these studies, the predominant effects of 4-OHA were to act as an aromatase inhibitor and to inhibit progesterone production. Thus, while 4-OHA is a potent aromatase inhibitor, we have found that this compound may alter steroidogenesis in Leydig tumor cells at several sites prior to aromatization.
(PMID: 2065323)

Clinical trials of human use of transdermal formastane
In the case of breast cancer, the medicament can be applied locally to the skin of the breast, such that the preferably strongly lipophilic active compound is transdermally absorbed and thus brought locally to the intended site of action. The active compound concentrates in the periductal fatty tissue. In a long-term treatment, the fatty matter of the treated breast is markedly reduced. This reduction decreases the quantity of oestrogen-forming cells having oestrogen-forming competence. The lipophilicity and hydrophobicity of the active compound has the result that the active compound is exclusively concentrated locally in the fatty tissue and thus cannot display any significant systemic action.
In the case of breast cancer, the medicament can be applied locally to the skin of the breast, such that the preferably strongly lipophilic active compound is transdermally absorbed and thus brought locally to the intended site of action. The active compound concentrates in the periductal fatty tissue. In a long-term treatment, the fatty matter of the treated breast is markedly reduced. This reduction decreases the quantity of oestrogen-forming cells having oestrogen-forming competence. The lipophilicity and hydrophobicity of the active compound has the result that the active compound is exclusively concentrated locally in the fatty tissue and thus cannot display any significant systemic action.
Double blind clinical tests were conducted with a group of 10 female patients. In this clinical testing, particular attention was paid to hormone receptor statuses of patients' target breast cancer tissue regarding progesterone receptor (PR) and in particular regarding estrogen receptor (ER); The cancers of the patients were assumed to be predominantly androgen receptor (AR) positive. Among this group, six patients had histologically ascertained malign breast carcinoma (C. mammae). The tumors of 5 patients of this investigated sub-group were found to be progesteron receptor (PR) negative and, in particular, estrogen receptor (ER) negative (status level 0 (zero)). With respect to
Her-2-neu, three patients did show a negative status, one had a moderate (level 1) and another had a strong (level 2) receptor status. In a sixth patient, the presence of a malign breast carcinoma was ascertained, but the amount of cancer tissue was too low to determine receptor status.
The remaining four patients did not show a malign disease, but appeared as having normal or mastopathic breast tissue.
All 10 female patients were topically and locally treated using 4-hydroxytestosterone as active agent, by administering of a cream as described in Example 2 locally to target skin portions of the breasts. After continuing daily topical administration once a day during an administration period of 3 months, clinical investigations on therapeutic effects were performed.
The results of the 6 patients having malign breast carcinoma
Among those women so far subjected to post-treatment investigations, three patients did show a noticeable remission of breast cancer tissues as determined by mammography.
Though receptor status of the tumor of the sixth patient of this cancer sub-group is unknown, there was also a clear clinical remission ascertained in this case.

With respect to the remaining 4 patients having non-malign disease states, it is to be noted that there is a clear tendency for tissue reduction of the apparently normal or mastopathic appearing tissues in the course of topical administration.
The results of this clinical study show two main important effects of the pharmaceutical composition according to the present invention comprising 4-hydroxytestosterone (4-OHT). Firstly, 4-OHT shows an excellent efficacy in shrinking cancerous tissues. Secondly, and still more surprisingly, even ER negative cancer cells can be effectively treated.
Taken together, the findings made in the present invention support the concept that 4-OHT can efficiently act via the AR, and that apoptosis can eventually be realized.
The findings of the present invention thereby make valuable therapeutic and/or prophylactic treatments feasible. Among other useful applications including adjuvant therapy, neoadjuvant therapy is of particular importance by making use of the substantial reduction of tumour volume to assist or enable subsequent surgical treatment schemes.
A 42 years old patient with bilateral breast-cancer and skin metastases after surgery was treated daily with a cream corresponding to example 2. After 4 weeks of treatment the skin metastases have disappeared. A 50 years old patient with large breast cancer (diameter: 12 cm) massive tumour-spread and metastatic liver disease was treated by partial tumour-resection and subsequent daily application of a cream corresponding to example 2. The patient exhibited under treatment no further tumour growth and even a reduction of nonresectable tumour-mass. (Uses for 4,17B-dihydroxyandrost-4-ene-3-one - Teichmann, Alexander Tobias)

A 74 years old patient with advanced breast cancer and tumour-spread to the lymphatics was treated daily for 10 weeks. A substancial reduction of tumour volume occurred and in the affected lymph nodes no tumour cells were present anymore.
Topical delivery is usually AT LEAST 40 percent more effective in delivering formestane to it designated areas. As mentioned before topical minimizes or even prevents systematic sides associated with oral consumption of formestane. I love how you can literally apply formestane to your chest and see it dissolve the estrogen that is causing problems, it’s that reliable

More reasons to use Formestane during PCT

Taken from: Author L. Rea Management of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Side Effects with formastane
• Formestane increases IGF-1 secretion and activity
• Formestane decreases the number of progesterone receptors (inhibits the trenbolone and "deca-dick" type side effects and increases fat loss)
• Formestane inhibits 91.9% of aromatase enzyme production
• Formestane increases HPTA activity similar to HCG and Clomid together
• Formestane is anabolic and androgenic (At 500mg weekly the product is similar in effects to 250mg of Primobolan Enanthate)
• Formestane is a "suicide inhibitor" of aromatase. Specifically this means that it will irreversibly bind to the aromatase enzyme and permanently deactivate it
• Formestane (The sterile injectable form) possesses a 4-day half-life
• Formestane decreases SHBG 34% thus increasing androgen activity.
• Formestane inhibits DHT (dehydrotestosterone) formation and activity for those who are DHT sensitive. It does not completely get rid of DHT, just where its not needed. Basically keeps DHT controlled.
• Formestane possesses 1% of the binding affinity of DHT to DHT receptors
• Formestane has been shown to decrease prostate concerns such as BPH.
• Formestane has been shown to continue to increase HPTA function above natural levels even after 22 weeks of continuous administration.

Forma uses a great carrier to get the actives into the blood that is far less toxic than DSMO. The best way to use a product like Forma is to take shower that all dead skin and residue comes off, leaving your pores clear to receive the raws from the topical. Try to avoid hair in the areas that you apply the lotion. The most ideal areas are permeable spots throughout the body such as the upper back, shoulders, scrotum, inner arms, inner thighs, top of the feet, top of the hand, waist aka love handles, and neck. So be sure to apply forma after showering and drying off, in the areas of the body mentioned above for maximum absorption of the
An detailed explanation on how we come about Rat to Human dosing.
Many people always complain about products like HCGenerate and PhytoSerms, saying that the doses are not the same as the ones used in the study, when they forget that humans and rats have different bodies and weigh much differently from each other. The first step in determining the MRSD is to review and evaluate the available animal data so that a NOAEL can be determined for each study. Several definitions of NOAEL exist, but for selecting a starting dose, the following is used: the highest dose level that does not produce a significant increase in adverse effects in comparison to the control group. In this context, adverse effects that are biologically significant (even if they are not statistically significant) should be considered in the determination of the NOAEL. The NOAEL is a generally accepted benchmark for safety when derived from appropriate animal studies and can serve as the starting point for determining a reasonably safe starting dose of a new therapeutic in healthy (or asymptomatic) human volunteers.
The NOAEL is not the same as the no observed effect level (NOEL), which refers to any effect, not just an adverse one, although in some cases the two might be identical. The definition of the NOAEL, in contrast to that of the NOEL, reflects the view that some effects observed in the animal may be acceptable pharmacodynamic actions of the therapeutic and may not raise a safety concern. The NOAEL should also not be confused with lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) or

maximum tolerated dose (MTD). Both of the latter concepts are based on findings of adverse effects and are not generally used as benchmarks for establishing safe starting doses in adult healthy volunteers. (The term level refers to dose or dosage, generally expressed as mg/kg or mg/kg/day.)
Initial IND submissions for first-in-human studies by definition lack in vivo human data or formal allometric comparison of pharmacokinetics. Measurements of systemic levels or exposure (i.e., AUC or Cmax) cannot be employed for setting a safe starting dose in humans, and it is critical to rely on dose and observed toxic response data from adequate and well-conducted toxicology studies. However, there are cases where nonclinical data on bioavailability, metabolite profile, and plasma drug levels associated with toxicity may influence the choice of the NOAEL. One such case is when saturation of drug absorption occurs at a dose that produces no toxicity. In this instance, the lowest saturating dose, not the highest (nontoxic) dose, should be used for calculating the HED.
There are essentially three types of findings in nonclinical toxicology studies that can be used to determine the NOAEL: (1) overt toxicity (e.g., clinical signs, macro- and microscopic lesions); (2) surrogate markers of toxicity (e.g., serum liver enzyme levels); and (3) exaggerated pharmacodynamic effects. Although the nature and extent of adverse effects can vary greatly with different types of therapeutics, and it is anticipated that in many instances, experts will disagree on the characterization of effects as being adverse or not, the use of NOAEL as a benchmark for dose-setting in healthy volunteers should be acceptable to all responsible investigators. As a general rule, an adverse effect observed in nonclinical toxicology studies used to define a NOAEL for the purpose of dose-setting should be based on an effect that would be unacceptable if produced by the initial dose of a therapeutic in a phase 1 clinical trial conducted in adult healthy volunteers

Now I am sure many took notice that throughout this write up there is both human and rate studies. This topic should then be covered I suspect.

Conversion Based on Body Surface Area
After the NOAELs in the relevant animal studies have been determined, they are converted to HEDs. A decision should be made regarding the most appropriate method for extrapolating the animal dose to the equivalent human dose. Toxic endpoints for therapeutics administered systemically to animals, such as the MTD, are usually assumed to scale well between species when doses are normalized to body surface area (i.e., mg/m2) (EPA 1992; Lowe and Davis 1998). The basis for this assumption lies primarily with the work of Freireich et al. (1966) and Schein et al. (1970). These investigators reported that, for antineoplastic drugs, doses lethal to 10 percent of rodents (LD10s) and MTDs in nonrodents both correlated with the human MTD when the doses were normalized to the same administration schedule and expressed as mg/m2. Despite the subsequent analyses showing that the MTDs for this set of drugs scale best between species when doses are normalized to W0.75 rather than W0.67 (inherent in body surface area normalization) (Travis and White 1988; Watanabe et al. 1992), normalization to body surface area has remained a widespread practice for estimating an HED based on an animal dose.

An analysis of the affect of the allometric exponent on the conversion of an animal dose to the HED was conducted (see Appendix A). Based on this analysis and on the fact that correcting for body surface area increases clinical trial safety by resulting in a more conservative starting dose estimate, it was concluded that the approach of converting NOAEL doses to an HED based on body surface area correction factors (i.e., W0.67) should be maintained for selecting starting doses for initial studies in adult healthy volunteers. Nonetheless, use of a different dose normalization approach, such as directly equating the human dose to the NOAEL in mg/kg, may be appropriate in some circumstances. Deviations from the body surface area approach, when describing the conversion of animal dose to HED, should be justified. The basis for justifying direct mg/kg conversion and examples in which other normalization methods are appropriate are described in the following subsection.

Although normalization to body surface area is an appropriate method for extrapolating doses between species, consistent factors for converting doses from mg/kg to mg/m2 have not always been used. Given that body surface area normalization provides a reasonable approach for estimating an HED, the factors used for converting doses for each species should be standardized. Since body surface area varies with W0.67, the conversion factors are dependent on the weight of the animals in the studies. However, analyses conducted to address the effect of body weight on the actual BSA-CF demonstrated that a standard factor provides a reasonable estimate of the HED over a broad range of human and animal weights (see Appendix B). The conversion factors and divisors shown in Table 1 are therefore recommended as the standard values to be used for interspecies dose conversions for NOAELs. (These factors may also be applied when comparing safety margins for other toxicity endpoints (e.g., reproductive toxicity and carcinogenicity) when other data for comparison (i.e., AUCs) are unavailable or are otherwise inappropriate for comparison.)
Here is a table of comparison to get a better look

Table 1: Conversion of Animal Doses to Human Equivalent Doses Based on Body Surface Area
To Convert Animal Dose in mg/kg to Dose in mg/m², Multiply by km To Convert Animal Dose in mg/kg to HEDa in mg/kg, Either:
Species Divide
Animal Dose By Multiply
Animal Dose By
Human 37 --- ---
Child (20 kg)b 25 --- ---
Mouse 3 12.3 0.08
Hamster 5 7.4 0.13
Rat 6 6.2 0.16
Ferret 7 5.3 0.19
Guinea pig 8 4.6 0.22
Rabbit 12 3.1 0.32
Dog 20 1.8 0.54
Monkeysc 12 3.1 0.32
Marmoset 6 6.2 0.16
Squirrel monkey 7 5.3 0.19
Baboon 20 1.8 0.54
Micro-pig 27 1.4 0.73
Mini-pig 35 1.1 0.95

The factors in Table 1 for scaling animal NOAEL to HEDs are based on the assumption that doses scale 1:1 between species when normalized to body surface area. However, there are occasions for which scaling based on body weight (i.e., setting the HED (mg/kg) = NOAEL (mg/kg)) may be more appropriate. To consider mg/kg scaling for a therapeutic, the available data should show that the NOAEL occurs at a similar mg/kg dose across species. The following circumstances should exist before extrapolating to the HED on a mg/kg basis rather than using the mg/m2 approach. Note that mg/kg scaling will give a twelve-, six-, and twofold higher HED than the default mg/m2 approach for mice, rats, and dogs, respectively. If these circumstances do not exist, the mg/m2 scaling approach for determining the HED should be followed as it will lead to a safer MRSD.
1. NOAELs occur at a similar mg/kg dose across test species (for the studies with a given dosing regimen relevant to the proposed initial clinical trial). (However, it should be noted that similar NOAELs on a mg/kg basis can be obtained across species because of differences in bioavailability alone.)
2. If only two NOAELs from toxicology studies in separate species are available, one of the following should also be true:
• The therapeutic is administered orally and
and the dose is limited by local toxicities. Gastrointestinal (GI) compartment weight scales by W0.94 (Mordenti 1986). GI volume determines the concentration of the therapeutic in the GI tract. It is then reasonable that the toxicity of the therapeutic would scale by mg/kg (W1.0).

The toxicity in humans (for a particular class) is dependent on an exposure parameter that is highly correlated across species with dose on a mg/kg basis. For example, complement activation by systemically administered antisense oligonucleotides in humans is believed to be dependent upon Cmax (Geary et al. 1997). For some antisense drugs, the Cmax correlates across nonclinical species with mg/kg dose and in such instances mg/kg scaling would be justified.
• Other pharmacologic and toxicologic endpoints also scale between species by mg/kg for the therapeutic. Examples of such endpoints include the MTD, lowest lethal dose, and the pharmacologically active dose.
• There is a robust correlation between plasma drug levels (Cmax and AUC) and dose in mg/kg.

Estrogen is Overrated

In this study I came across the researchers examined the role of estrogens on LH pulse modulation in men in two ways. First they compared LH pulse frequency and amplitude in 13 normal men before and after 6 weeks administration of the antiestrogen tamoxifen (10 mg twice daily). Next they compared LH pulse frequency and amplitude between a group of 10 agonadal men not receiving sex steroid treatment and a group of 9 agonadal men (male to female transsexuals) continuously treated with 50 ng ethinyl estradiol/day. Tamoxifen administration to normal men resulted in a significant rise in the mean serum LH level from 5.7 ± 1.3 (± SD) to 10.1 ± 2.4 U/L, which was associated with significant increases in LH pulse frequency (from 4.2 ± 1.5 to 5.8 ± 1.7/7 h) and LH pulse amplitude (from 3.8 ± 0.9 to 4.6 ± 0.7

U/L). In the group of agonadal men the mean LH pulse frequency was 6.8 ± 1.5/7 h, while it was 5.9 ± 1.7/7 h in the estrogen-treated agonadal group (P = NS). The mean serum LH level and LH pulse amplitude were, however, significantly lower in the estrogen-treated agonadal men than in the agonadal men (14.7 ± 7.0 vs. 34.3 ± 8.6 and 4.1 ± 1.8 vs. 7.4 ± 1.8 U/L, respectively). It was conclusive that estrogens reduce basal LH levels and LH pulse amplitude. With regard to the modulation of LH pulse frequency our data provide contradictory results. While an antiestrogen increased LH pulse frequency in normal men, estrogen alone produced no change in LH pulse frequency in agonadal men. The study design in the agonadal men ignores the possible interaction of the two major testicular hormones (estradiol and testosterone) on gonadotropin secretion. Therefore, a possible explanation for this discrepancy in the effects of antiestrogen and estrogen could be an interaction between estrogens and androgens on gonadotropin secretion at the level of the LHRH pulse generator. (SPIJKSTRA et al. 66 (2): 355. Feb. 1988, 1988 Archive.)


The Next thing you are going to want to read to help you understand why I laid out the cycle the way I did above Will be My blog post here.

Fadogia Agrestis causes toxicity and shut down? Needtogetaas brings light to the propaganda, lies and misunderstandings. Need To Build Muscle Inc. Official Blog

This will help you better understand why I have placed Hcgenerate in all of the cycles above. Also why you see so many people posting about the product all over the internet these days.

Now lets cover some of the other Things Hcgenerate is going to do for you. and then Finish everything off with a detailed (but quick) explanation of the other supporting supplements in the cycles above?

One thing you should keep fresh in your mind at all times is that there's more to recovery than the HPTA and way way more to recovery then clomid or nolva could ever dream of covering. even if clomid or nolva were not the piles of crap that they are. They still could not cover all one needs for pct.

Ask yourself these questions:

1.Will clomid or nolvadex help with Nitrogen retention and protein+carbohydrate synthesis? Not a chance!!!
It is a well known fact steroids promote nitrogen retention in the muscles. The more nitrogen the muscles holds the more protein the muscle stores, and the bigger the muscle gets. Steroids also increase carbohydrate synthesis. More of what you eat is used as muscle fuel and energy.

2. Will clomid or nolvadex help with a Euphoria,heightened self-esteem and aggression? Fucking please we all know more then half the people taking them feel like shit and the lucky ones might feel just ok! This ones some what self explanatory. You feel like king of the world and life just seems great no matter what happens. Yet the moment you step into the gym you turn into a beast and kill everything in site! steroids give you this and you lose when you come off cycle. No way in hell nolva and clomids helping you get that back.

3. Will clomid or nolvadex help with Blood quality,blood volume, and muscle gorging pumps? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAHAHAHAA LMAO you wish!!!!
Ever notice how quickly the muscle gets full when training on steroids and designer supplements? How you feel like your muscles are going to rip out of your shirt and your veins are going to pop out of your skin? That's enriched blood and blood volume. You are not getting that back using clomid or nolva; sorry guys!!!

4. Will clomid or nolvadex help with maassive Libido,extreme sexual urges, rock hard erections? HMM some say there sex drive is "OK" or "JUST FINE" when taking them but more people say its in the shitter. Again clomid and nolva pretty much lose on this one too. Yet another boo hoo for them!! Remember it has POTENT estrogen agnostic properties which can damper libido, just like its potent estrogen anatagonist properties at the breast and pituitary.

5. Will clomid or nolvadex help with Strength,stamina, and muscle recovery? AAAH if you think so your a meat head.
Oh yes the pounds keep adding up on the bar and we keep pushing out the extra reps. Over and over we kill it in the gym and wake up the next day ready to kill it again. <---not on clomid ya want, Not on nolva ether. You are lucky if you get to keep some of your gains and thats it.

WOW look at everything one loses when they come off a steroids or designer supplements cycle. It seems crazy to ever thing that clomid or nolvadex could cover all of this. That's because they don't. In fact they don't do anything on this list. They are old drugs once used to help recover the hpta and these days there is far better for this. The point is even if your HPTA is recovered, you're missing these vital aspects of steroid and designer supplement use.
And this is why "until now" it has been almost impossible to maintain all your gains from one cycle to the next(because retards kept pushing clomid and nolva). This is why people who take steroids and designer supplements have always taken 10 steps forward only to end up taking 5 steps back and at times losing even more then that(because retards keep pushing clomid and nolva) . Until now!!! Finally years later people are starting to see the light. Even if clomid and nolva did the job of recovering the hpta flawlessly with out causing any other problems ( we all know they do cause tuns of problems) they still dont do one single thing on this list. Not a single one of them.

But you know what does?????????????????????????????? Correctly made,purely dosed, cutting edge supplements thats what.

HCGenerate from N2BM review!!

tests ^^^

BLOOD WORK PROOF after 6 Weeks of HCGenerate post HEAVY cycle!
more tests ^^^

HCGenerate with Fadogia Agrestis.The most powerful sex drive increasing , shut down preventing on cycle support product ever created.
in the customer review even more test ^^^

Account Suspended
blood test before and after the use of just fadoga which is in hcgenerate ^^^

An OUTSTANDING Log: The Anabolic Chronicles... - Page 10
post 194 more blood test took pics of the paper handed to him by the doctors. ^^^^^^^^^^
Gets wife prago

Let’s take a further look into the ingredients of HCGenerate.
Fenugreek/ Testofen has been known to boost free testosterone by double or 100% in HUMAN men. That is ideal during pct as you want to free up your testosterone so that your muscles continue to grow, continue to gain strength, and have an awesome libido. Now we also can benefit from fenugreek if your goal of a cycle was to cut. Great news for you guys, fenugreek has been shown to aid in fat loss as well. Fenugreek has a well-deserved reputation for boosting testosterone production and libido. But did you know that it can also accelerate fat loss? Although we’re not 100% sure why, there are several logical explanations.
Fenugreek seeds are concentrated with roughly half of galactomannan, a substance that slows down the speed at which glucose molecules in food reach the blood as well as the rate which food leaves the stomach also known as gastric emptying.When given to animals in a clinical study, galactomannan was shown to inhibit lipogenesis which is the formation of new fat reserves. Logically this would be because of its ability to inhibit appetite.
However, this study also showed that glucose dispersed more quickly from their blood, while insulin synthesis was lowered. Clearly this blood sugar lowering effect would also have a positive influence on fat loss as well, as would the observed effect on increasing insulin sensitivity.
But another study, also performed on animals, but this time at Yeungnam University in Korea, may suggest a different reason for Fenugreek’s ability to burn fat. It appears that Fenugreek stimulates the production and release of Growth Hormone, an important and potent fat-burning hormone, from the pituitary. So it appears that whatever the cause, Fenugreek is a potent fat burner, and likely operates through multiple biological pathways.
Zinc is a MUST for pct which is why HCGenerate includes it in its formula. Zinc is a vital mineral that is involved in over 200 enzymatic reactions within the body including the production of sex hormones. Zinc has been shown to help sperm motility/mobility, increases total and free testosterone, lower SHBG’s, control prolactin, improve cognition and the list goes on. Yes if one has sufficient zinc levels, supplementation with it will not do much but the reality is that we people especially bodybuilders and athletes deplete ALL VITAMINS on a daily basis. When you sweat, stress, lift, run, do errands, read, they all deplete vitamins from the body which includes zinc. During pct you want to minimize the loss of Zinc to help with the restoration of the HPTA, as zinc is vital to androgen production. The only way to keep zinc levels high is to supplement it continuously throughout the day. The key times I recommend taking vitamins are first thing in the morning, post training, and before sleep. I personally recommend taking anything with copper earlier in the day, as copper is an estrogen agonist and can give you a surplus of energy. While Zinc is an estrogen antagonist and will make you calmer, making sleep a breeze. Zinc also stimulates the manufacturing of muscle protein in those who are in need of it as well, leading to greater protein synthesis.
LJ 100 is known to be the extract that not only boosts free testosterone while lowering SHBG’s but stimulates LH production dramatically. Here is a study: Rodent studies have shown oral delivery of Eurycoma extract to improve sexual performance and increase serum testosterone levels. Open-label human trials have suggested that Eurycoma extract may help prevent age-associated androgen deficiency, improve sexual function, and increase psychological parameters such as mood, energy, and sense of well-being. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Eurycoma longifolia on testosterone and cortisol levels during intense endurance exercise. We used a water-soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia (E) standardized to 22% eurypeptides and 40% glycosaponins. Male subjects were recruited from a 24-hour mountain biking event and asked to provide a saliva sample before and after each lap for measurement of cortisol and testosterone by enzyme immunoassay (Salimetrics, State College, PA). Subjects completed 4 laps (14.91 miles/lap) and provided 8 saliva samples over a 24h period. Subjects consumed 100mg of E or a look-alike placebo 30 minutes prior to endurance exercise. Cortisol levels were 32.3% lower in E compared to P (0.552+0.665 versus 0.816+0.775 ug/dL, P < 0.05). Which is why WE ONLY INCLUDE 100mg in the HCGenerate formula.

Testosterone levels were 16.4% higher in E compared to P (86.72+40.90 versus 72.47+33.77 pg/mL, P < 0.05). These results suggest that Eurycoma longifolia extract may help to maintain normal levels of cortisol (low) and testosterone (high) and thus promote an overall “anabolic” hormonal state (versus a “catabolic” state characterized by elevated cortisol and suppressed
testosterone) during intense endurance exercise. (Talbott S, Talbott J, Negrete J, Jones M, Nichols M, and Roza J. Effect of Eurycoma longifoliaExtract on Anabolic Balance During Endurance Exercise. SupplementWatch, Inc. Draper,UT, 84020 USA and Source One Global Partners, Chicago, IL 60611 USA.)
Now you are probably saying to yourself where is the HUMAN evidence blah blah, well I found a HUMAN CLINICAL TRIAL that showed positive results.
2005 Human Clinical
20 male volunteers of various health conditions from the ages of 38 to 58 were randomly given either 200,400,600 mg of LJ100 (22% Bioactive Eurypeptides) or placebo for 2 months. The SHIM (Sexual Health Inventory for Male) scores were elevated to upper normal level showing improvement in sexual desire and performance for majority of the volunteers. The Aging Male Score (AMS) were lowered showing improvement in sexual, physical, psychology, and vasomotor domain for majority of the volunteers. Testosterone and DHEAS levels showed high normal levels when compared to baseline and is consistent with the excellent QOL (Quality of Life) score. LJ100 modulates the production of DHEAS, which would in turn be aromatized to testosterone. Bioavailable testosterone is needed to maintain wellness and enhance libido.
Full blood examinations showed normal limits even at 600mg dosage for all tests. LJ100 does not interfere with the platelets or hemoglobin and does not have any toxicity to the RBC. The liver function test showed no liver toxicity even at high doses of LJ100 . Renal function test showed that LJ100 has no harmful effect on the renal system even for men whose renal function is affected (as seen in the diabetics). Some volunteers even showed improved or normal levels of uric acid at end of trials. Tumor markers are sensitive indicators of cellular stress. AFP( Alpha Fetal Protein) identifies testicular cancer; PSA ( Prostate Specific Antigen) is used to detect prostate cancer. All tumor markers were within normal levels even at 600mg dosage of LJ100 .
The Lipid studies showed increment of high-density lipoprotein (HDL Cholesterol –good cholesterol) levels. Elevations of HDL are normally associated with a lower risk of heart attack.
Volunteers who were diabetic, showed significant effect on lowering the blood glucose levels. LJ100 does not exert hypoglycemic effects but may have influence on the cellular uptake of glucose.
The cortisol levels were in the higher normal level for the LJ100 group as opposed to the placebo group. T
High thyroxin indicates high BMR (Basal Body Metabolism Rate). Majority of volunteers on LJ100 have high normal level of thyroxine compared to the placebo group. This mean slight higher metabolism rate which can be translated to better weight management. Volunteers taking LJ100 have high normal level of IGF-1 at end of trials. Some with low IGF-1 level was increased to normal level after 1 week. Placebo group is showing no change in the IGF-1 levels. This study suggests that LJ100 has a secretagogue effect on growth hormone and modulates the release of IGF-1; in turn, making it a great anti-aging supplement.
LJ100 ® Saliva Testosterone Test
• Saliva Testosterone Test of 9 Individuals 26-52 years of Age
• ¢ Dosage 2x2(50mg/capsules) morning & evening for 10 days
• ¢ Normal range for athlete 800 = 150ng/dl of blood
Volunteer age pre treatment
ng/dl blood after treatment
ng/dl blood Increase %
1 26 860 = 30 1,650 = 50 91.86%
2 28 580 = 30 985 = 35 69.83%
3 35 875 = 40 1, 576 = 60 80.11%
4 24 950 = 45 2,210 = 55 132.63%
5 29 755 = 30 1,345 = 35 78.15%
6 48 650 = 20 875 = 30 34.62%
7 52 450 = 25 765 = 35 70.00%
8 50 585 = 25 875 = 35 49.57%
9 42 350 = 30 480 = 35 37.14%
BAMMMMMMMMMMM an average of 72% increase in testosterone in HUMAN athletes with little to no toxicity. Even those who had GOOD levels of testosterone still had significant increases in testosterone, legitlty making LJ100 not only an HPTA restoration agent but an actual testosterone booster with cortisol lowering properties.
What does more DHEAs and IGF-1 mean, means more production of sex hormones including testosterone/free testosterone along more overall anabolism. This means that LJ100 not only improves HPTA function but also serves to help maintain gains from the past cycle. Talk about a true bang for the buck.
Now that you have seen the core of HCGenerate, let’s take a look the formula of Unleashed.
One of the primary ingredients in Unleashed is Ashwagandha, this adpatogen has been touted for its disease preventing attributes. Adaptogens help people deal with stress better by stabilizing the CNS. Well I guess someone with logic decided to take into perspective that a cortisol modulating herb could potentially increase overall testosterone. We all know that cortisol at high levels distrupts testosterone output. Well a study conducted on seventy-five normal healthy fertile men) and 75 men undergoing infertility screening. Before and after the treatment, seminal plasma biochemical parameters, antioxidant vitamins, and serum T, LH, FSH, and PRL levels were measured. Withania somnifera inhibited lipid peroxidation and protein carbonyl content and improved sperm count and motility. Treatment of infertile men recovered the seminal plasma levels of antioxidant enzymes and vitamins A, C, and E and corrected fructose. Moreover, treatment also significantly increased serum T and LH and reduced the levels of FSH and PRL. The treatment with W. somnifera effectively reduced oxidative stress, as assessed by decreased levels of various oxidants and improved level of diverse antioxidants. Moreover, the levels of T, LH, FSH and PRL, good indicators of semen quality, were also reversed in infertile subjects after treatment with the herbal preparation. The data goes further show that testosterone in the subjects were boosted over 40% percent on average. Note its main functions besides keeping cortisol controlled is anti-oxidant activity and prolactin control. Users of this herb can expect improvements in organ function along a libido boost, along performance enhancement through an increase in ATP production. (Fertil Steril. 2009 Jun 5. )
Trimethylglycine or TMG for short is a precursor to SAMe which is responsible for the metyhlation of bodily processes. The researchers introduced S-adenosyl-methionine into Leydig cells from the testes of rats and first looked at what happened to the attachment of LH to its receptor. They observed that S-adenosyl-methionine caused more hormone to attach to its receptor. The researchers also observed that the cells manufactured more cAMP. cAMP is a secondary messenger – a compound that functions as a messenger between an activated receptor on the cell membrane and the rest of the cell. As the study goes, on they notice a pattern, the pattern shows that the lower the LH levels are, the more response the subject will obtain. Now if we were to use some logic, at the start of pct, your LH levels are clearly shot, so using TMG which is a precursor to SAMe but without the drawbacks with give a rise in testosterone. The problem with SAMe is in can raise homocystenine, you need to take both TMG and b-vitamins to avoid this issue while using SAMe. So in my honest opinion you are better off just supplementing with 2-3 grams of TMG a day which 2 servings of Unleashed will SURPASS.
Want some proof of TMG’s athletic performance increasing abilities, take a look at this study I came across a while back. Betaine, beetroot juice, and supplemental nitrate have recently been reported to improve certain aspects of exercise performance, which may be mechanistically linked to increased nitric oxide. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of betaine supplementation on plasma nitrate/nitrite, a surrogate marker or nitric oxide, in exercise-trained men. Methods: They used three different study designs (acute intake of betaine at 1.25 and 5.00 grams, chronic intake of betaine at 2.5 grams per day for 14 days, and chronic [6 grams of betaine per day for 7 days] followed by acute intake [6 grams]), all involving exercise-trained men, to investigate the effects of orally ingested betaine on plasma nitrate/nitrite. Blood samples were collected before and at 30, 60, 90, and 120 min after ingestion of 1.25 and 5.00 grams of betaine (Study 1); before and after 14 days of betaine supplementation at a dosage of 2.5 grams (Study 2); and before and after 7 days of betaine supplementation at a dosage of 6 grams, followed by acute ingestion of 6 grams and blood measures at 30 and 60 min post ingestion (Study 3). Results: In Study 1, nitrate/nitrite was relatively unaffected and no statistically significant interaction (p=0.99), dosage (p=0.69), or time (p=0.91) effects were noted. Similar findings were noted in Study 2, with no statistically significant interaction (p=0.57), condition (p=0.98), or pre/post intervention (p=0.17) effects noted for nitrate/nitrite. In Study 3, no statistically significant changes were noted in nitrate/nitrite between collection times (p=0.97). Conclusion: The data indicates that acute or chronic ingestion of betaine by healthy, exercise-trained men does not impact plasma nitrate/nitrite. These findings suggest that other mechanisms aside from increasing circulating nitric oxide are likely responsible for any performance enhancing effect of betaine supplementation. (Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2011, 8:5doi:10.1186/1550-2783-8-5Published: 18 March 2011Abstract) So in other words; just 2.5 grams a day will increase performance which is CRUCIAL during to pct to maintain strength, translating to muscle mass maintenance.
Xanthoparamelia Scabrosa is known its positive effects on libido through Viagra like effects. It inhibits PDE 4and 5 which increase blood flow to the corpuse C. This will lead to serious erection strength, allowing your performance in the gym as well as bedroom to increase. Talk about killing two birds with one stone LMAO.
Avena Sativa is one of those herbs that you see all the time but they are always underdosed. Recent studies have shown that Avena Sativa is an MAO-B inhibitor. This means that its method of action is to prevent the breakdown of dopamine and phenethylamine. As you know the more dopamine you have the less prolactin you will have in the body. Dopamine has scientifically been proven to be a TESTOSTERONE AGONIST. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter associated with reward, sense of well being, coordination, learned behavior through reward, and responsible for the production/release of GROWTH HORMONE. This is why doctors have prescribed MAO-B as an alternative as TRT/HRT. The only problem with these MAO-B’s is that they are liver toxic, and can prevent people from running it indefinitely. Coming off of these MAO-B’s can cause withdrawal which is NOT FUN. So instead of going with something pharm grade that holds lots of toxicity, you could go with a proven herb with much less toxicity such as Avena Sativa. The inclusion of Avena Sativa in Unleashed was pure genius in my opinion, why? Think about less cortisol, less prolactin, more blood flow, more free testosterone, more GH, more IGF-1, this all adds up to more gains. These attributes are all much needed during pct as well, so I repeat Avena Sativa is something to really look into. Its one of those ingredients that goes under the radar, but I am telling you it’s the real deal.
Cannot go wrong with Muira P. as its been shown to elevate sex drive and mood, it increases the availability of acetylchloine which increases blood flow throughout the whole body while increasing memory. Acetylchloine is crucial for Alzeimer’s prevention, so there are many health benefits with this herb. Recently reserachers discovered that useable acetychloine increases the production of GnRH and LH which we all know leads to MORE TESTOSTERONE.
Now we are going to touch upon the profile of POST CYCLE. Epimedium has been used for quite some time to boost libido. It has plenty of documentation on its PDE-5 inhibiting effects while lowering GH and controlling cortisol. Since cortisol and GH release have strong correlation that must mean that libido must come from a combination of an increase in GH from dopamine and a relaxed mind. This would explain how the smooth muscles relax in the corpus C. to allow easier flow of hydrogen sulfate N.O. levels within the brain. Epimedium has also been shown to increase available acetylcholine which makes muscles more dense, giving you those sick pumps in the gym and as mentioned before an increase in available acetylcholine leads to greater GnRH, LH, FSH and testosterone output. NAC significantly increases glutathione levels. Increases of glutathione and glutathione peroxidase appear to be negatively correlated with cytokine release; as levels of these anti-oxidants rise, cytokine levels decrease. This effect is also apparent in the male reproductive system, as several studies have shown that NAC can reverse testicular damage cross-indicated with cytokine release and cytokine-related testicular suppression. This in turn allows for a positive environment of the testes, so that testosterone optimization may take its course. Calcium D-Glucarate is one of those compounds that people think is a waste. Honestly I know this stuff works and not only does it work but it does something that AI’s are not capable of doing so. That is the ability to get rid of excess estrogen from the liver. One of the main reasons liver values get so high during cycle is the combination of SHBG being produced by the liver at alarming rates while a ton of estrogen is being stored in the liver. For some reason estrogen takes much more time than other hormones to leave the liver. Calcium D-Glucarate allows the liver to get rid of these estrogen hormones, so that LST enzymes can take a break. There is a lot of evidence showing that an intoxicated liver stunts the production of androgens which is why when people finish a proper pct their LIVER VALUES ARE BETTER THAN WHAT THEY WERE DOING THE CYCLE! Pirkoliv also has POTENT liver protectant propeties, making a great additive ingredient to the formula. There a couple of studies showing its ability to reverse toxicity induced by extremely harmful agents. It also has potent anti-oxidative properties as a study demonstrates its ability to protect gene expression during reoxygenation. To make sure this compound gets absorbed, we added bioperine which prevents the stomach acids from destroying the compounds within the capsule.

Lastly from all the PCT supporting supplement, we come upon Bridge. Bridge contains pregnolone which is the Father/Mother hormone of sex hormones. Pregnolone produces DHEA the most prevelant hormone in the body especially during puberty. DHEA is two steps of a precursor to tesoterone. When one optimizes pregnolone and DHEA, testosterone, androstendione and DHT in turn get optimized. We put enough in Bridge to OPTIMIZE levels without causing suppression. Too much preg and DHEA can overstimulate the HPTA causing a negative feedback loop response. Bridge also contains enough fadogia to elicit an LH surge response, if anything the PERFECT DOSE during pct. You never want to overstimulate LH which is what happens with higher range doses of Clomid, which in turn desensitizes LH receptors, that is not a good thing at all. Fadogia if anything, sensitizes LH receptors allowing for a pro testosterone environment without the negative feedback response. LJ100 at the 100mg clinical dose was also included, if you read the information above you will see why it was a MUST to be included in this formula. EGCG from Gree Tea was included to actually potentiate the SHBG lowering effects of Lj100 and Reservatrol by allowing albumin to unbind SHBG from AR. This formula even gets more potent with the addition of PhosphatydlSerine. This phosphor lipid has been documented to lower cortisol while raising testosterone IN HUMANS. The great thing about, is the fact that it works as a great post workout cortisol inhibiting supplement. I can take PS right after training and notice how my stress levels go down. The combination of DHEA, Preg, and PS make for an awesome cortisol controlling stack. DHEA and pregnolone are crucial for producing stress controlling hormones. DHEA is also needed to keep bad cytokines from forming. High DHEA levels leads to more androstanes and more overall ANABOLISM PERIOD!!!!!!!!! Making bridge a great bridging supplement, before going into your next cycle.

Other Maintenance supplements
Both Need2Slin and Gear are a must during pct because of their abilities to stimulate anabolism throughout the muscle tissues of the body. Gear uses two of the best protein sources available which are Super Protein Plasma and PeptoPro. SPP has the most molecular weight obver any other source protein, what does that mean? Simply that your body requires MUCH LESS amounts of SPP to the job as opposed to whey protein concentrate. Most people will sip on 10-20g of protein, while with SPP all one needs is anywhere as little as 1 gram to 5 grams in one serving. Pretty crazy huh! Now PeptoPro or Hydrolyzed Caseinate is contains the lowest molecular weight which means it absorbs the fastest and has the highest yielding percentage of di and tri peptides over any other source of protein. Di and Tri-peptides are the most crucial peptides for muscle building and muscle tissue reparation. PeptoPro only requires one to intake 2-8g depending on the purpose and duration of training. Since Gear already contains SPP, you will not need no where the recommended amount of PeptoPro. To make things better Gear also contains BCAA’s which will only aid in the delivery of protein to the muscle cells allowing for better muscle tissue reparation leading to more gains. Now Gear can be used Pre workout or post workout if you may choose to do so since Gear was made to be used in a versatile manner. The combinations of ingredients in smaller doses allows you to dose it repetitively without having to worry that you are going into an overkill of protein at the given moment. Something to also note is that Gear contains Bromelain which is great for bringing down the inflammation that will rise during an intense lifting session. Bromelain also aids in the digest of protein by increasing protein digestive enzymes.

Need2Slin has tremendous benefits during pct as it increases the up-regulation of GLUT-4 leading to better utilization of creatine and more glycogen storage/synthesis. This leads to more protein synthesis leading to more strength and muscle mass. The more carbohydrates the muscle can hold, the more protein the muscle can hold as well making it a very ANABOLIC environment for the muscles. Better utilization of creatine also means more myostatin inhibiton and more ATP for the muscles to utilize. Need2slin contains a very ideal ingredient for pct called Acetyl-L-Carnitine. ALCAR stacks very synergistically with Na-R-ALA, as they improve the function of each other. ALCAR was developed to improve focus, concentration, improve vision, and improve mood. One day a group of researchers noticed that it had serious libido enhancing effects comparable to that of Viagra. So these researchers went on to discover that ALCAR is crucial for male reproductive function through the modulation of cGMP. increased cGMP levels equate to increased levels of luteinizing hormone (LH). LH has a stimulatory action on endogenous testosterone production; so when cGMP levels increase, so do LH levels, and when LH levels increase, so does endogenous testosterone production. This effect has been well documented in recent research on PDE5 inhibitors (compounds that increase cGMP levels such as Viagra Researchers found that high cyclic GMP levels ultimately equate to higher testosterone levels. ALCAR levels are very important for testicular function, in that low testicular ALCAR and L-Carnitine levels are strongly associated with testicular dysfunction and infertility.
ALCAR also INCREASES LEPTIN LEVELS part of the reason that we knew we had to include in Need2Slin. Leptin releases LHRH (luteinizing releasing hormone) by activating nitric oxide synthase (NOS). NOS is the enzyme that speeds the production of nitric oxide from the body’s amino acid L-Arginine. LHRH is responsible for controlling the release of luteinzing hormone (LH), thus, greater amounts of LHRH release equate to greater amounts of LH release, which can allow for higher amounts of natural testosterone. Again all this occurs by increasing leptin levels and boosting LHRH release. To dig in further, increases in cGMP increased phosphorylation of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR). Increased phosphorylation of StAR is VITAL, in that StAR is a Leydig cell cholesterol transfer protein that provides the main foundation for testosterone synthesis from cholesterol.
Forksolin increass cAMP levels which translates to more muscle growth and fat loss according to a promiment 2005 study. In The Journal of Obesity, researchers found that obese men taking 250 mg of forskolin a day for 12 weeks experienced an averaged 33% increase in free testosterone levels, averaged a 10 lbs. fat loss per subject and increased lean mass an average of 8 lbs per subject! Forksolin also inncreases cAMP independently of epinephrine, thus providing increased energy without the need to take any type of traditional stimulant. Increased cAMP also is a signal for testosterone production in the Leydig cells of the testes by increasing levels of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein. This can be great for someone lagging, as it kind of gives one a pick me up boost, you will notice people even not on cycle saying that Need2Slin boosts their endurance and energy, sometimes people complain that they cannot take Need2Slin late at night as it interferes with their sleep. I attribute this factor the rise in cAMP from forksolin along the free fatty acid metabolism increase from ALAR.

One Last time my pct protocol is as follow!

PCT Protocol
HCGenerate should be run for the last 4 weeks DURNG cycle as an alternative to HCG to get the testes working again . This would be run at 3 caps am and 2 caps pm.( Or 4 weeks on 4 weeks of throughout the entire cycle . during off weeks one can use HCG 500ius a week too). I recommend that one take forma-stanzol from weeks 1 though 6. The dosing for the first 4 weeks is 5 pumps first thing in the morning after a shower and 5 pumps post workout after a shower. For weeks 4-6 I recommend a tapering down of down to 3 pumps in the morning and then 3 pumps in the evening or after a workout. Now weeks 1-4 both Unleashed and Post Cycle should be taken 3 times a day, in the morning 1 cap of each, around mid afternoon 1 cap of each, and late night or before bed 1 cap of each. Sometime from the start of pct to around week 2 you should start N2BM-DAA D aspartic acid. Run this 1 full dose every morning on non-work out days and post work out on work out days. On week 6 of PCT is where one should implement Bridge up until week 10 of PCT. Bridge will allow you to supercharge testosterone and enhance gains further beyond your cycle. I highly recommend Starting N2slin/need2slin 2 weeks before your cycle ends and running this for 4 weeks past the cycle too. 1 cap Morning, noon, and night 30 minutes before meals is the best way of taken this for its nutrition retention properties. REMBER, your gains and health are not worth messing around, so get your PCT in check!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Natural post cycle therapy. Holistic cycle support . The drug and steroid user Bi

Fantastic read , I use every single item listed on this list for my PCT and I have never had a problem recovering since switching. HCGenerate is probably my favorite of all of them along with gear.
Re: Natural post cycle therapy. Holistic cycle support . The drug and steroid user Bi

Wow..this is one hell of a post!
Re: Natural post cycle therapy. Holistic cycle support . The drug and steroid user Bi

Mammoth post with awesome info. Keep this on hand as a reference manual.

Yeah, it's time to lose the "tried and true" myth of clomid and nolva. Yeah, we tried it and it sucks. THAT is true. It prevents gyno. That's it. Realize this -- when it became a bodybuilding tool, arimidex, formastanazol, aromasin and POST CYCLE were not around. They're ALL better.

Would you use a rotary phone because at one time it was "tried and true?"

And remember, a double dose of UNLEASHED and POST CYCLE makes an amazing pro-sexual aid. Raging boners and loads! Try it and see for yourself.
Mammoth post with awesome info. Keep this on hand as a reference manual.

Yeah, it's time to lose the "tried and true" myth of clomid and nolva. Yeah, we tried it and it sucks. THAT is true. It prevents gyno. That's it. Realize this -- when it became a bodybuilding tool, arimidex, formastanazol, aromasin and POST CYCLE were not around. They're ALL better.

Would you use a rotary phone because at one time it was "tried and true?"

And remember, a double dose of UNLEASHED and POST CYCLE makes an amazing pro-sexual aid. Raging boners and loads! Try it and see for yourself.


Very awesome post! Read it 4 times already. This is some great info! Thank you for sharing
GREAT post bro! This should be made a sticky! I only wish people would learn how outdated Nolva and Clomid are, and take heed to what both you and Nelson say here.

The days of using outdated drugs to PCT another drug should be over and buried once and for all with this post. Sadly, without even trying the products, the haters will still be around.
Fantastic read Needto thankful so very much for your knowledge on pct and the information is in the pudding! Really cleared up questions I had on pct there are few people like you that truly care for the health and well being of others who use aas and I thankyou for it!
Re: Natural post cycle therapy. Holistic cycle support . The drug and steroid user Bi

Not only another "epic" post from needto, but his willingness to share, educate and help all of us (who listen :-) ) is also epic. Thanks again needto
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