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nandrolone to combat hair loss ?


New member
I've been using finasteride or dutasteride in the past to combat hair loss. Those compounds come with severe sexual sides like loss of libido, difficult to stay hard. Also gyno and depression, brain fog etc.
In theory only 2% of the users would have these sides but it's quite the opposite.
At a moment I wasn't on meds and was shedding heavily and took one single shot of 100 mg deca. The shedding stopped completely. So this made me think that maybe a low dose of 25,50 or 100 mg every 4 weeks may help with hair loss. 4 weeks of nandrolone on a low dose followed with a break of 4 weeks than repeat...It's hard to find the best dose with the lowest sides but I think its possible and without the severe sides from finasteride or dutasteride.
Take in mind that this is only for a hair loss point of vue. And yes you can have a deca dick, gyno etc from a nandrolone but I don't think this gonna happen with a low dose for a short time.
Waiting for the comments...
Nandrolone itself is a 5a -reductase inhibitor (although it yields DHN in the process). So less DHT is produced if nandrolone is present. Nandrolone will also inhibit natural production of testosterone, so there is less testosterone available to be converted to DHT.

DHT probably has hair loss activities not mediated by the androgen receptor, but by other proteins in the scalp and via the immune system. DHN may not have these activities.
i suffer from hair loss too and really don't understand what you are trying to do ?
so you basicaly want to take deca for life or what?
not for life but a few times a year...

what's the point ? do you think your hair will magicaly grow just after a few weeks of deca ? plus you will need to do pct after each "cycle" and serm's are known to aggravate hair loss
you should just use low dose fina and stop reading forum like propeciahelp or try RU
I'm on RU, nizoral, minoxidil...used propecia, dutasteride, spiro
let me say that the sides from propecia are harsch bro...
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