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Ive turned into a fat shit!!


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over the last couple months i just completely lost all concepts of diet and eat everything and anything I saw...I am now a fat peice of shit...with a big gut and some nice tits coming in....basically my life has been shit lately...i mean COMPLETELY boring....anybody that has been thru something like this...what have u done to get urself motivated again to workout hard and eat right?
Bro first I would think of the weight as a positive thing. Use the extra weight on your body to push heavier weight when training. Think of it as a bulking phase, all true bodybuilders go through this phase. For motivation....look for a picture of a body that you would like to have, then cut your face out of a picture and put it on that body. I know this sounds lamo, but it gives me some motivation. I carry it around and when i think of eating all that junk food, I just pull the pic out and that usually motivates me from eating that junk. Log your workouts and eating routines to the T and Set obtainable goals. Go buy a new muscle magazine, that also helps me out. Good luck Par
bro i know how u feel . i was once bulking and overdid it just eat everything i saw like a pig. i put on a lot of fat but also alot of muscle to .

just go on a strick diet and take some clen t3 and ephedrine and this wud give u the energy to work out and do cardio

do cardio first thing in the morning before u eat and again after weight training.
EXCELLENT suggestion bjorn....GEEZUS! Is school back in session yet???????? Nothing like reccomending T3 and clen when a dude has fallen off the edge.......You should get flammed hardcore for ignorance....

Bro - Ease into it. Cut the crap out of your diet.....up your 6-7 SMALL meals a day ALL of which should be solid ingredients.....chx, lean steak, tuna, fish, etc......include a few carbs (the fewer the faster you'll shed the lbs...)

Jump on the cardio 5x/week.....train hard......and then we'll talk about AAS.......
get some r-ala immediately and take before all carb meals. *slowly* start tightening up your diet and get in the gym now. i'm bias, i know, but i posted my training program and would recommend it to anyone, look it up it will serve you well. :)

you'll get back, just be consistent brother.
Take it easy bro, it takes you a shorter amount of time to gain fat, then it does to lose it. But that's the thing it can be lost. Eat right, and if you have a wife ect...have her monitor your eating habits, when you binge or have that twinky..(yum...twinkies) and your caught....put money in a jar. Make a game of it, try anything new, and be sure to get yourself 20 mins EOD of some type of cardio.

Good luck. and trust me, under all that fat, there is a superhuman body wanting to come out and's like hide and GO SEEK!!
i did the same thing almost 2 years ago, got fat and sloppy, love handles and a gut (no tits though).

took 20 months of dieting and cardio (all natural - got too fat so my bp was so high, couldn't risk taking anything). i am on cycle now and just about at 10%. my 6 pack is visible again. it was hard as hell, but i learned everything about my body and dietary needs. i will never be fat or even 15lbs. over weight again. i was about 27% bf when i started my diet. now i know how to bulk without adding too much fat, so i guess it was a blessing for me, in the past my diet was iffy and training was hard only when on cycle. now it's the complete opposite.

good luck, start dieting and keeping a journal. i would start with calories at 13 x's bodyweight for a month or 6 weeks, then start calorie cycling, 10 x bw, 11 x bw, 12 x bw. it works.
yep I've been out of the gym for about 5 months now. I just can't get the motivation to go and i've turned into another statistic. If you figure out how to get going again, let me know how you did it.
I got knocked out of action last year from an injury and got real fat and out of shape. After Physical therapy I have been back in the gym for 3 months and have made real progress. I have been doing cardio everyday and refining my diet to the point where I am now eating between 50-100 grams of carbs a day or less. I have lost considerable fat and put on muscle. My wieght has increased about 5 pounds but I have lost about 4 beltloops. Yep, it comes on quick and leaves slow(Fat that is).
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