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if i cant curl in the squat rack then where should i?

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I curl in the squat rack, it seems that most (on this board) make fun of that,but where should i curl then?

mind you, i curl heavy i am now working up to 135# for 7 and i like to use the 8' straight bar.

i know most gyms mine included have the "curling bars" like dumbells w/ the weights on already, but the bars are smaller in diameter and dont feel good to use

then theres the ez curl bar which i dont like to use for standing bb curls

so i curl at the squat rack or cage.

what should i do? stand over a bench and use the bar on the bench rack?
or just grab the bar and find an open spot on the floor in the corner to do my curling?

i like the cage i do most my lifts in there and i dont understand what the problem is.
I always like using a bench for doing curls. Or I would just find an open space where I could work.

I just set the bar on the ground and DL it up before every set. Curl where ever as long as ppl aren't waiting to squat.
drsketch said:
put the fucking bar on the ground and pick it up like every other person does.
lol, yeah thats pretty much it. find yourself a nice space on the floor, laod your bar up and just go for it, i doubt anyone can curl a weight so heavy that they cant pick it up of the floor
jnef said:
^^ c'mon you can lift 135 off the floor?
sweating and groaning like a dying wildebeest, but yes lol. nah 135 is a lot to curl, but come on, if you can curl it you can lift it of the floor.
*The_West* said:
sweating and groaning like a dying wildebeest, but yes lol. nah 135 is a lot to curl, but come on, if you can curl it you can lift it of the floor.

lol didnt mean to direct that at you, dont know how the "^^" got there

u put it better then me - if you can curl it, you should be able to lift if off the ground...
yeah you can bench off the ground too,so have at it
i dont "tie up" the cage if some one wanted to squat the so be it i can move, but if i have my choice ill curl there
would it be different to curl on the dl platform?
the gym i train at doesnt really have any unoccupied space
with so much equipment theres not that much floor space so finding an
"open spot" to "set up" isnt to much of an option, i guess i would be more out of the way in the middle of the isle right?
also the floors arent exactly level so having the rack makes it a whole lot easier on me and others as well id assume.
210toosmall said:
yeah you can bench off the ground too,so have at it
i dont "tie up" the cage if some one wanted to squat the so be it i can move, but if i have my choice ill curl there
would it be different to curl on the dl platform?
the gym i train at doesnt really have any unoccupied space
with so much equipment theres not that much floor space so finding an
"open spot" to "set up" isnt to much of an option, i guess i would be more out of the way in the middle of the isle right?
also the floors arent exactly level so having the rack makes it a whole lot easier on me and others as well id assume.

move your bar over to where the ez curl bar rests...thats what i do
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