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I dont care anymore............


New member
I've been lifting for 6 years.I'm 31,6'4",245,12%BF.I've hit my natural limit.I've changed my diet,work out routines everything.I've done 2 cycles before with a little progress.They were short cycles,6 weeks.Deca/Sus/D-bol mostly.Now I'm going to do this:
Weeks 1-3 Anadrol 50-100mg a day
Weeks 1-4 Test prop. 100mg a day
Weeks 1-10 Test E 750mg a week
Weeks 1-10 Tren 75mg EOD
Weeks 1-12 EQ 600mg a week
Weeks 5-9 D-bol 35mgs a week
Weeks 9-12 Test prop. 100mg a day
Weeks 5-10 Winny 50mg a day
Strict ass diet,75% protein
No reason to use that many AAS.

A simple 12 Week Test/Tren will give you damn good results.

I'd drop the EQ, winny, and anadrol.

AAS are not a magic should know this.

Well your first cycles you speak of were way too short for the compounds used, by the time things got going you stopped. I wouldn't use those experinces as a yardstick for a future cycle. You also mention a 'strict ass diet', a sure fire way not to gain much at all.

Way way way too many compounds there bro and your on some kind of 17aa for way to long (IMHO). I really don't like the winny/dbol crossover you have.

Totally revamp your proposed cycle, keep it to 3 compounds and simple. Eat like a horse, go to the diet board and check out Mr. X's bulking diet. Don't forget your anti-e's too. T
Way too much 17aa in there bro. Killer on your liver.

I understand that you are frustrated with not getting the results you want with previous cycles. But you are going overboard. I was not happy with my first cycle and made my second one kinda heavy. (although not even close to yours) I got ALL kinds of sides.

Take Spectre's advice. Keep it to 3 compuonds.
I'm thinking you could cut the doses a abit. That's an awful lot of gear.
I think you could drop the Anadrol, Tren, and Dianabol and get great results and not risk health problems.

Too many 17aa's IMO.
You need to be a bit more conservative and rethink your plan bro. We all undertsnad your frustration but take advice from the guys here and give it more thought.
Yeah bro, I'm gonna have to agree, that a bit much for your first cycle, your liver is going to have a hardtime. I agree with bumpo run a test/eq cycle, toss some dbol in there for the first 5 weeks, and you've got a good cycle.
or even just a test / dbol cycle would be benefitial
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