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How Bad is Finaplix for you??I've heard scary things..

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I've heard it is very harsh on the body, and it like screws up your insides, and i've also heard that it is like primo but just stronger...

i am considering trying it, but not if it will totally screw me bad is it for you compared to D-Bol, with regards to liver,kidney damage etc..

i believe my friend said it was called Finaplex Gold or something like that....

thanks for the help guys

Well, you are not getting alot of answers due to the fact that this topic has been covered 1000's of times.

Do a search on "fina"

IMO fina is one of the greatest aas on the market. But it is not for beginners or for those who are uneducated.

Most of the original negativity toward fina has diminished with time.

It is harsh on the kidneys and most do not use it for more than 6-8 weeks. Although some have used it successfully for 12 weeks.

Anyway you should be able to find plenty of info on it.

thanks for the info, i've done some research on it, and it mentioned a little bit about the kidneys, and acne, but i what i was trying to get at is if it is safe enough for me to take...I don't like to take huge risks.

i kind of wanted to know compared with other steroids(i.e. DBol) how bad it is for u, if it is linked with cancer or some crap like that.....
its just when my friend said that it screws up your insides, it doesn't make you feel very good, and it kind of made me think twice about what i'm doing......i really don't want to cause any serious long term damage......I've done 3 cycles in the past 2 years, and i'm going to do one more for the summer, i'm hoping that is the last time i will take AS as I really don't want to deal with any complications due to steroids in the future..

thanks for the reply thought, i appreciate it.

nautica said:
Well, you are not getting alot of answers due to the fact that this topic has been covered 1000's of times.

Do a search on "fina"

IMO fina is one of the greatest aas on the market. But it is not for beginners or for those who are uneducated.

Most of the original negativity toward fina has diminished with time.

It is harsh on the kidneys and most do not use it for more than 6-8 weeks. Although some have used it successfully for 12 weeks.

Anyway you should be able to find plenty of info on it.


Nautica, what makes you say it is hard on the kidneys. I was under the impression that this was just a rumor.
some sites say its the binders from the pallets not Tren itself that cuases kidney toxic. Some one should go on a tren cycle and get kidney lab works down so we can find out the truth.
it is toxic to the kidney's...some people have gotten kidney infections while taking tren and pissed blood...and the usual side effect of orange piss is also a sign too. drink water to keep you kids happy :D

does promote cancer. especially prostate cancer. High DHT levels increase ones risk to get prostate cancer. fina contains a synthetic cousin to DHT. Therefor DHT sides are possible. if you look hard enough, you will fina a very popular website that states "Finaplix is an antagonizer of cancer in lab rats..." anyway, this is one thing you should just SEARCH ON! I guarantee there are no questions you can ask about it that is not already answered 100 times out there.
Most of the "bad" you may have heard, is because there are morons out there who prepare it wrong and end up shooting thier bodies full of glue and fillers. Now that will fuck you up bad.
Re: cancer

in-progress said:
does promote cancer. especially prostate cancer. High DHT levels increase ones risk to get prostate cancer. fina contains a synthetic cousin to DHT. Therefor DHT sides are possible. if you look hard enough, you will fina a very popular website that states "Finaplix is an antagonizer of cancer in lab rats..." anyway, this is one thing you should just SEARCH ON! I guarantee there are no questions you can ask about it that is not already answered 100 times out there.

If I remember correctly, I think pretty much all steroids can catalyze the growth of prostate cancer, if you're already predisposed to get it. But anadrol is the only one directly linked to cancer.
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