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First Cycle Log --- Test/Dbol/Tren

will do later tonight, i really need to start getting my lats wider (more pullups and wide grip rows rather than deadlifts)

And get rid of any visceral fat even though its hard when your bulking
Try to stay away from the alcohol. I forgot exactly what it does, but it fucks things up. Plus you gotta watch your liver brother.

For wide lats, you should also do a nice, wide grip on the lat pulldown machine.

And don't worry so much about the fat. I know it's hard for you, trust me, I was in your shoes too and was petrified of gaining any fat. But right now, you need to focus only on gaining quality muscle. When you're ready to cut, the fat will shred off in a few weeks. I guarantee it. Right now, keep building SIZE!
Try to stay away from the alcohol. I forgot exactly what it does, but it fucks things up. Plus you gotta watch your liver brother.

For wide lats, you should also do a nice, wide grip on the lat pulldown machine.

And don't worry so much about the fat. I know it's hard for you, trust me, I was in your shoes too and was petrified of gaining any fat. But right now, you need to focus only on gaining quality muscle. When you're ready to cut, the fat will shred off in a few weeks. I guarantee it. Right now, keep building SIZE!

Im stayin away from alcohol, i have no motivation to drink anyway

Im doin wide grip lat pulldowns, wide grip cable rows, bb rows, pullups. Should i stay away from deads if i dont want my traps to get huge and want to get more wide?

Its so hard to see fat gains! I still have a 6 pack, probably 11% BF or something, probably some water too since im not taking an AI. Ill just keep eating like a monster, progress pics tonight!
What can I do for lower back pumps? I am off the dbol, have been off them for 3 days, but after back and deadlifts I could barely stand up in the gym. It seems like its worse and worse every time
are you planning on staying below 3000 cals. can you gain with that? says on your profile you want fighting advice what style? best workouts for MMA is high explosive moves like jerks, cleans and snatchs CARDIO good luck! how are your macros ? i would eat meals 4and 5 together still not enough try for 750-1000 calories a meal! 5 times a day more protein!

MORE PROTEIN is what just screamed out at me... more calories too... you're doing plenty of test plenty of tren and the dbol will get you gaining FAST -IF- you have enough fuel to run on... so MORE CALORIES AND LOTS MORE PROTEIN:jenscat
MORE PROTEIN is what just screamed out at me... more calories too... you're doing plenty of test plenty of tren and the dbol will get you gaining FAST -IF- you have enough fuel to run on... so MORE CALORIES AND LOTS MORE PROTEIN:jenscat

Im up to 195 in clothes. 20 lbs in 4 weeks. Is 280g of protein every day enough?
Im up to 195 in clothes. 20 lbs in 4 weeks. Is 280g of protein every day enough?
I might get bashed for this. A lot of guys say 1-1.5 per grams per pound is good. But when I was bulking, I was probably taking around 400 grams of protein a day in. Grew like a weed. I am cutting now and take in at least 300 grams of protein and I am still growing (but burning fat too).
Basically I would have like 3 or 4 meals of chicken breast and a 6 egg white omelette. Lots of chicken, beef, whey and casein protein powder, fish...just about anything I could get my hands on haha. It definitely gets expensive brother.
the most ive hit with protein is 350 after that i feel very bloated and like congested.. and i get the shits! but then again i was taking
150-200grams of protein from a whey protein
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