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First cycle after reading "Anabolics" by Williams L...


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So I've been doing all the research I can in order to approach everything with the safest and most knowledgeable route I can take seeing as I'll be injecting into my body. I picked up Anabolics, the latest edition that was released in 2011 and was hoping for some input on this cycle that I comprised based off what I read in the book.

AAS Chosen: Testosterone Enanthate- 500mg per week
8 Weeks at a time (10-12 weeks max)
1 200mg
2 400mg
3 400mg
4 400mg
5 400mg
6 500mg
7 500mg
8 500mg
9 500mg
10 200mg

Products: 20mL 200mg/mL Testosterone enanthate

All weeks: Cholesterol support: Lipid Stabil (3 caps/day) and Fish oil (4g a day)
Estrogen Support: Tamoxifen(Nolva) (20-40mg/day)
HCG @ 2000IU every other day for 20 days.

PCT Initiated 2 weeks after last injection:

Clomiphene Citrate/Clomid 50mg twice per day for 30 days.
Tamoxifen Citrate/Nolvadex 20mg twice per day for 45 days.

OCT (Off Cycle Support)
Vitamin D 3,000 IU/Day
Calcium 500 mg/day
Zinc Sulphate 250mg/day
D-Aspartic Acid 3.2g/day
Arachidonic Acid 250mg/day
Fish Oil 2g/day
Creatine 5g/day
Beta Alanine 3-6g/day
BCAA 10g/day

I also heard that running taurine may help counteract back pumps as a possible side but I couldn't much information to confirm this. Aside from that I was going to look into something to reduce testicular atrophy while on cycle. How does this look though?

I had someone suggest just running 500MG from start to finish, no tapering up or down. Also, can I just kep HCG on hand as a just in case to prevent the testicular atrophy or should I just run it regardless? Lastly, I had people tell me to just use Nolva OR Clomid and not both but going off what I've read in the book he says to use both. Any thoughts on that? Nolva looks to be run through the whole Test cycle as well as PCT also.

Thanks for the input.
Nolva clomid is Stone Age pct and is outdated. There is a wealth of information on these boards about a proper pct.

The dosages are ok I guess, if its your first time I'd just do straight 12 weeks at like 350... Before I go on what are your stats?
Nolva clomid is Stone Age pct and is outdated. There is a wealth of information on these boards about a proper pct.

The dosages are ok I guess, if its your first time I'd just do straight 12 weeks at like 350... Before I go on what are your stats?

Thanks for the response.

I'm close to 6'5" about 230lbs, roughly 12-13% bodyfat just coming off of a pre contest diet. Have been training for around 6 years.

I'm trying to keep it as basic as possible as not to introduce too many different compounds in my system. I've been seeing a lot of recommendations about running arimedex every other day at .25mg as well, but like I was saying I'd really like to keep everything as simple as possible.
K well, not bashin the author but nolva is junk bro. Needto made a post explaining all its negative effects and you should def go read it in steroids 101 sticky. As far as your cycle goes, just keep it simple:

Weeks 1-12 test e 400mg, split 2x per week
Week 1-12 aromasin 12.5 mg eod or Arimadex .5 mg eod

For your pct you just want to focus on getting your natty test up:

Unleashed/post cycle combo
Forma stanzol
Daa powder/powerchews

If you decide on running clomid, run it low, 25/25/25/25
And ostarine is nice to add to help keep gains and your momentum.

Those sites have awesome supps and everything you need.
Weeks 1-12 test e 400mg, split 2x per week
Week 1-12 aromasin 12.5 mg eod or Arimadex .5 mg eod

I like this much better - There is no reason to ramp up and down like that on injectable testosterone.

Unless he is tossing in an Oral like Epi-Strong or something UG, then he ought to take it all the way to 500-600mg per week.

As far as AI and PCT goes. I like Arimidex, I like Aromasin as well - I try to stay away from Letro nowadays.

May I suggest a really good AI for you guys to consider:
I've honestly really, really enjoyed my Experiences with androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione - I found it to be a very potent and suitable AI for any Testosterone cycle, and since it also lowers Cortisol, it adds anabolic potential. 75mg per day should be plenty for a cycle of less than 750mg - maybe all the way to 100mg per day if you are really prone to Estrogen sides.

You can get androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione 25mg per tablet, with this product here: D-Spark

Formestane is a very good AI as well and I like to apply it to the chest and love handle areas:

The most important difference I noticed Using Formestane and androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione over Arimidex and Aromasin, was in the libido department. I found through the years a lot of AIs could cause problems with Libido. But NOT these two! They actually help raise it quite a bit.

I'm not just pimping products. Research these two AI and you'll see that not only do they do the job of lowering Strogen like Aromasin and Arimidex do, but they actually add anabolic potential to your cycle. Read up on the libido too, it is not a lie brother.

If you really wanted a true indication of the effect test has on you then dont run any AI. You dont know if you even need it and its just another drug in your system. If you bloat or get fat then next time you will know and run AI .
If you really wanted a true indication of the effect test has on you then dont run any AI. You dont know if you even need it and its just another drug in your system. If you bloat or get fat then next time you will know and run AI .

Still I rather have an AI on hand in a "break seal in case of emergency" scenario. I've had bottles of Letro I held on to for years even though I wasn't going to use it, but still felt good knowing I could have something that strong in case shit happened.

In my personal case I always run some sort of AI, and I have noticed my own personal need to use and AI gets more important as I age.

I like this much better - There is no reason to ramp up and down like that on injectable testosterone.

Unless he is tossing in an Oral like Epi-Strong or something UG, then he ought to take it all the way to 500-600mg per week.

As far as AI and PCT goes. I like Arimidex, I like Aromasin as well - I try to stay away from Letro nowadays.

May I suggest a really good AI for you guys to consider:
I've honestly really, really enjoyed my Experiences with androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione - I found it to be a very potent and suitable AI for any Testosterone cycle, and since it also lowers Cortisol, it adds anabolic potential. 75mg per day should be plenty for a cycle of less than 750mg - maybe all the way to 100mg per day if you are really prone to Estrogen sides.

You can get androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione 25mg per tablet, with this product here: D-Spark

Formestane is a very good AI as well and I like to apply it to the chest and love handle areas:

The most important difference I noticed Using Formestane and androsta-3 5-diene-7 17-dione over Arimidex and Aromasin, was in the libido department. I found through the years a lot of AIs could cause problems with Libido. But NOT these two! They actually help raise it quite a bit.

I'm not just pimping products. Research these two AI and you'll see that not only do they do the job of lowering Strogen like Aromasin and Arimidex do, but they actually add anabolic potential to your cycle. Read up on the libido too, it is not a lie brother.


Great info!!
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