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Does letrozole lose effectiveness after long-term


New member
hey, i had two gynecomastia surgeries already, and my gyno keeps coming back, my mom is a doc, and she can get me prescriptions for letrozole from our country, ive just started taking it to correct a small excess of estradiol. Im wondering if it will lose some of its effectiveness over time, and what can i do about that???
lol come on guys, ive looked all over the net for information and i cant find any, i live in canada and by the time i get to see a endocrinologist to ask him about this it will be 6 months from now, my estrogen is above normal and both my mom and my fam doctor think letrozole could fix that, but i know nolva loses its effectivesness if it is taken for too long so im wondering if the same is true for letrozole, and if there is anything i can do about that !!!
When you get the surgery , can't they take the gland out? Prob prevent nemore gyno from returning . Letro is harsh . It isn't something u wanna run for long periods of time .
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