If my memory serves me correct FukkenShredded was a big proponent of wind sprints for cutting up.
Authored by: FukkenShredded
"A very effective but little discussed method for getting ripped involves anaerobic exercise. Try windsprints in the following regime: 1 minute @ max pace, 2 min @ medium run (about 7-8 min mile), 3 min @ fast walk, and repeat three more times. Total workout is less than thirty minutes. Oxygen deprivation and incresed lactic acid create a very difficult environment for muscular contraction...eventually the mitochondria population is increased to assist in the oxygenation of the musculature, without the corresponding increase in size. This results in greater biological activity in the organisms musculature per cubic inch of tissue, which, of course, burns more fat, even at rest."
"There is a 'magic exercise' so to speak, and I have posted it several times on this board. Windsprints. It mystifies me why there is not more print addressing this exercise approach and its effect on the body. I thoroughly understand the reasons that windsprints work, but to completely cover the topic would require too much space. I will, however, encapsulate the primary chain of logic now. As you are no doubt aware, the culprit that impedes fat loss the most is sugar. That is why you always hear about carb reduction. Well...what are you burning during intense ANAEROBIC exercise? You got it. Sugar. So guess what? No sugar left to store as fat. If you reduce sugar intake and incorporate windsprints into your daily routine, you will be absolutely stunned at how the fat seems to beam itself into a parallel dimension. Simultaneously, you are increasing the mitochondria population in your body, therefore creating a more biologically active environment; i.e. faster metabolism. Lastly, there are repurcussions from forcing the leg musculature to work vigorously in an oxygen depleted state. Suffice it to say that the effects combine to burn fat much faster than any other exercise...even faster than any drug. I have proven to myself and some of my skepical friends many times. Wanna lose the love handles?? WINDSPRINTS EVERY DAY. Sprint on the treadmill for sixty seconds, then walk at max pace for two minutes, and repeat until vapor lock. There ya go."
[This message has been edited by Zeacky (edited October 04, 2000).]