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Delayed Gyno Symptoms HELP!


New member
About 2 months ago, I finished a 10 week cycle of Prop/NPP with winny for the last 4 weeks. I used Clomid for PCT. Thought everything was good, but I just noticed small lumps under each one of my nipples yesterday.

I have Liquid Stane on hand as well as some leftover Clomid. I also have some vitamin B-6. Would any of this work? I've heard Letro is the best option but it would probably take 2 weeks to get it. I need advice with what to do and dosages. Please help!
Nolva is gyno specific and should work in getitng rid of them small lumps. I've never used letro but i'm sure it would nuke those lumps, from the general consensus of the forums.
nolva a serm, will raise serum estrogen while blocking it at the receptor. So while your on it everything is GTG.....but once you stop the problem comes back right away.

get on the aromasin now....use it til you get letro. use the letro pretty should get rid of the lump. Slowly taper down on it wk to wk. once the lump is gone go back on the aromasin, taper down and off that. than your gyno free.
So I just started letro. Going to taper up from .5mg to 2.5mg and stay at 2.5mg until the lumps are gone. Then taper back down and switch to Liquid Stane (aromasin) to combat the rebound. Would this be a better option then Nolva? How long should I take the aromasin for? At what dosages?
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