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Clen and Cardio........


New member
How much cardio should be done while on Clen? Most of the guys I talked to said to do as MUCH as possible......I'm just afraid of losing muscle...Although Clen is Catabolic, so it helps retain muscle...

Anyhow, I wake up and run 1.5 miles on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, AND do cardio POST workout for 30 min.....Which is Mon, Wed, Fri ( lifting days )

On Tues, Thurs, Sat and Sun, I do 45 min of cardio/day.

Do I need to have time off like when NOT on CLEN?

Or, since I'm on clen/eca cycle, I can bump the cardio up as I am, and not worry?
bro, imo thats way too much cardio already
i would do max 4 session a week for 30min
the key to loosing the weight is stick to your diet consistently
No. Push yourself as much as possible when on clen. It's only for 2 weeks. As long as the protein is there don't be affraid to lose lbm. Just make sure that yuo have enough energy to lift hard at the gym. You may even gain muscle.
So only do TONS of cardio while on CLEN?

Not during the off weeks while on Fat Burners....Then I can back off a little bit and get some rest for the upcomming 2 weeks of Clen again, correct? So doing as much as possible while on Clen is fine?

BUMP, more answers please!
LookingToCut said:
So only do TONS of cardio while on CLEN?

Not during the off weeks while on Fat Burners....Then I can back off a little bit and get some rest for the upcomming 2 weeks of Clen again, correct? So doing as much as possible while on Clen is fine?

BUMP, more answers please!

does clen help improve cardio endurance like jogging? i know clen is for BF loss but will it also help endurance? and if it does will you keep the gains from it?
anti-catabolic,<--- what does that really mean?
I don't know the dictionary meaning of the word, but basically it means it helps preserve muscle. Keeps you from burning it.
I have used clen several times and I definately agree that it is anti-catabolic to a certain extent, however, I think you are doing enough cardio as well. You may as well know now that the wulf is not a big fan of cardio. I think diet is much more important to getting lean than cardio. Normally I dont do cardio at all in the off season, and only moderatly 2-3 times a week in the summer. I also think sprint work could be incorperated. It has a more positive effect on hormone production, and from my experience doesnt catabolize muscle nearly as bad as long duration cardio. Also dont cut your carbs too low on clen, I find it works better when moderate carbs are consumed, just make sure they are complex for the most part. Eat simple carbs only the first meal of the day and post-workout. That is my experience with clen.-WULF
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