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Ark94's Workout Log

Lol its happened to me before when your glutes are so sore you can barely sit down to take a dump :lmao:

haha it honestly sucks. when i sit down to take a shit i always hesitate and take a few seconds to get that pain through lol :p

Anyways, here is tomorrow's workout - Squat Emphasis

Front Squat

Speed Deadlifts - (anything i can substitute this with.... i really don't like them much but i'll do them if there necessary to help my ass problem in my deadlifts.

Reverse Lunges
25x7x3-4 sets

Grip Training
30lbs x a lot more seconds :p

Core Training
same thing as last week, except try more intesity
nice front squats bro. who cares about taking shits? The best ones are only so good because you go through all the constipation, all the dihherea, and all the other types of shits. Someone who always takes great shits doesn't understand the hardship 99.9% of people have to go through, so enjoy these bad shits because in the end they will be extremely beneficial to you in the long run.

Anyways, nice front squatting!!!!!! I'm realllly curious to see how it effects your backs squat after seeing how Mike's front squatting influenced his back squat
nice front squats bro. who cares about taking shits? The best ones are only so good because you go through all the constipation, all the dihherea, and all the other types of shits. Someone who always takes great shits doesn't understand the hardship 99.9% of people have to go through, so enjoy these bad shits because in the end they will be extremely beneficial to you in the long run.

Anyways, nice front squatting!!!!!! I'm realllly curious to see how it effects your backs squat after seeing how Mike's front squatting influenced his back squat

Thanks jdid! i like my front squatting, but i am getting sooooooo fucking pissed off lately having to miss a workout.

I am going to be doing my Squat today, since yesterday was just unbelievable, and saturday i may even have to miss AGAIN, my full body workout! omfg this shit pissed me off. I REALLYYYY want to overhead press, and shit keeps on happening preventing me from going to that workout.

nice front squats bro. who cares about taking shits? The best ones are only so good because you go through all the constipation, all the dihherea, and all the other types of shits. Someone who always takes great shits doesn't understand the hardship 99.9% of people have to go through, so enjoy these bad shits because in the end they will be extremely beneficial to you in the long run.

lol wtf
B2 W2 – Squat Emphasis

Front Squats
115x3 (still don’t think my warm-ups are adequate to get my ready for my topset :S)
145x3x5 (damnnn! I just could not stop!!! After 3 sets I just didn’t want to stop, had to more sets! :D)

Reverse Lunges (made an error on weight input from last week)
I use 2 DB’s, and each 25lbs... SO –

Speed Deadlifts (fucking hate these :()

Grip Training
3 30lb plates
30secs , 35sec , 45sec !!!! ,

Core Training – not sure the name, don’t have video link... but really good ab exercise

I got to the gym and my camera was ready, only to find out when I turn it on that I forgot the memory card in my computer!!! FUCK!
Anyways, a tremendous workout I thought, only thing is I have a few troubles with my front squat.

Front Squat – I really have gotten more depth, I mean I was going low before, but I have noticed I can go even lower than before, and I’m really happy with that.

- Only thing that I have troubles with is my leg and knee stability. I realized my first set I was not planting my feet and actually squatting up, so my legs would wobble and collapse in etc. My second set I tried something different, and planting my feet hard and pushing off into the ground when I squatted up and it worked great first rep, but my second and 3rd rep my legs still wobbled and collapsed in somewhat. How can I fix this?

- Oh, and another thing I realized my approach to the progression was off, I kept on adding weight. I decided to add sets to my 3 reps, then next week decrease sets and add reps. Then the week after add weight, depending on where im at. That sound right?

Reverse Lunges – shit these were great. I can really feel them and they got really tough which I love.
B2 W1 (during week 2) – Full Body

Standing Barbell Overhead Press
100x5 (damn tough last rep)
100x4 (4th rep was a real struggle)
100x3 (expecting this 5,4,3 thing after second set, 3rd rep tough)

OH Squat (only got to record 3 sets I believe)
45xfail (shoulders gave out in bottom)

Pull-ups (tried something different today)
- Normally I do full range reps, but between 8-10 I would not go all the way down
- This week I did complete full range all reps, and slower and strict reps
Bwx3 (wow, my pull-ups are weak)

15 – I was totally beat from the rest of the workout =( weak ass pushups)
10 (completely exhausted, I just wanted to do abs and get out)

Lying Leg Raises –very strict
15x2 (couldn’t handle it anymore, had to get out)

Well, it didn’t go as well as planned, but it was a Sunday workout.

OHP – after a month now since my last full body workout, it wasn’t that bad. I will try and hit 100x5x3 next workout atleast.

OH Squat – I have a few videos, and I really need some help on them. Idk if I was suppose to use the bar or not, but when I put it up, and squatted down I got pain in my shoulders. The pain was in my deltoids, and it really killed. Not sure if thats a good pain or not, but somebody the shoulder just gave out from pain and I had to put the bar down. My shoulders are FINE now, but during the workout they killed.... :S

wth!!!! :(

after coaching today, idk wtf happened but i soooooooooooo forgot my gym bag at the soccer field.

So i went back like 20minutes later when i realized i was sitting in the car with no gym bag, and we got back there to find it was gone....

Spent an hour driving back an forth between Dairy Queen (where the sponsor was taking the team out) and asking people on the team if anybody picked it up.

Now its 9, and i can't hit the gym because i got nothing, and nobody will pick me up after 10:30/11:00

Fml!! just not my day.
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