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50 pounds on bench in 7 weeks (almost)

CerealKiller -- I moved some of the days around, but did the lifts, sets, reps EXACTLY as described in the workout. I moved Saturday to Tuesday and reversed Thursday/Friday. Did that make sense?

15yroldinNY -- You must not have read up on the program. During the workout you get 4 chances at a "failure" test. If you succeed in the failure test, you get to move up 5 pounds on you max and continue your workout from there. If you make every "failure" test, you will get a total of between a 40 and 50 lb gain on your bench by the end, depending on what your bench was to start with. The only way to get the supposed "50lb" gain on the program is if you bench 390 to start with and end up benching 440, as described in the weight matrix. I'd say most of us won't fit that scenerio...

BTW, I just started the program again yesterday. It has been 8 months since I did it last. I started at 315 this time, and realistically hope to get 350 by the end.

The crappy thing about bodybuilding is that every year when you diet, you end up losing strength. That's why my best ever is 335, but I'm only at 315 now. My goal is 365 by Christmas, but that may be unattainable for a natty...
Great benching KINGSQUAT, what is your bodyweight?

Yo Heavywear-- I'm 6'1", 216lbs right now. I'd like to get up to 230 or so before I have to start dieting again in February.
kingsquat> yep that make sence, I might have to do that a couple of times as well. Keep us posted so that we can see if you are able to put on another 40 this time.....good luck

rriis> You've got mail
Update: This is the second time I've done this workout. Last year, as I said before, it put 40 lbs on my bench. I just finished my 8th bench workout last night, so I'll be starting week 5 next week. I've got three weeks to go and my max is already up there! I started with the 315 workout and last night I had to do 295 for two sets of three, 315 for two sets of one, and 345 for a negative. I got all of it no help (besides the negative :) ), and made the 315 look easy, so I'm guessing my bench is 325 or so by now (conservatively). I'm loving it!

Anyone ever experience elbow pain when doing this workout? It is a lot to do every week, and my left elbow (which has never given me a problem before) is getting an achy feeling in it when I do my negatives. Hopefully, its just a bit tweaked from all the benchine and it will go away after the program is over.

I've done that program in the past. At that time I was able to bench 315lbs at a bodyweight of 180lbs. That was about 3 years ago...I liked it.

I've used a similar add to your bench workout from Mike Mentzer, anyway, I experienced the elbow pain/stress you're talking about, just think it's the strain of the weight in such a short period of time IMO
OK I'll bring a update as well. Before I started this program I was able to do 3*220.....5*220 is the most I've ever done before( at a higher BF%).

I'm 4 week in now and just did 5*232. This might not sound of much to you guys but I'm very happy with the result so far :)
The mann said:
i'm doing my first bodybuilding show next june.i do bench contest, but i have the urge to step on stage and see wat i can do.i like the best of both worlds.i compete at 181 and did 410 in'l have to give me some of your tips..............

You weigh 181 and bench 400? Give us tips?
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