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50 pounds on bench in 7 weeks (almost)


New member
There's always some quick and easy way out there to add 50 pounds to your bench press max. I know everyone is VERY tired of hearing about such BS, but in this case I tried it and it worked!

I've always had big legs and no chest (hence the name "Kingsquat"), so I set out to try and even out the field a bit. When I started this program, my bench was 295 X 1. To make a long story short, my bench went up to 335 in 7 weeks. That's a 40 pound gain! I was very impressed. You sort of have to just maintain on some other very key bodyparts in order to keep up with the chest part of the plan, but its only 7 weeks and well worth it. My lifting partner put like 70 pounds on his bench. The only difference is he used gear and I didn't. (Almost like a science project with a control)

Here's the link to the bench press program:

Give it a try! You won't regret it. :D
The add 50 program does get alot of shit thrown at it.....not all of it deserved. I know of one competitive powerlifter who has used it successfully and has even devised deadlift versions of the program. Notably, he extends the system to twice the recommended length and using less frequent workouts. But, unfortunately alot of people cant deal with the work load. Maybe they need to back off the rest of the body as you say.

I'm sure plenty of peopel will still want to criticise your post though......!!

kingsquat said:
There's always some quick and easy way out there to add 50 pounds to your bench press max. I know everyone is VERY tired of hearing about such BS, but in this case I tried it and it worked!

I've always had big legs and no chest (hence the name "Kingsquat"), so I set out to try and even out the field a bit. When I started this program, my bench was 295 X 1. To make a long story short, my bench went up to 335 in 7 weeks. That's a 40 pound gain! I was very impressed. You sort of have to just maintain on some other very key bodyparts in order to keep up with the chest part of the plan, but its only 7 weeks and well worth it. My lifting partner put like 70 pounds on his bench. The only difference is he used gear and I didn't. (Almost like a science project with a control)

Here's the link to the bench press program:

Give it a try! You won't regret it. :D
great job kingsquat!!!!!!!!!!!1 when is yur next show???
talk is cheap
I'm doing the Mr. and Mrs. Natural Southern States Classic again next year on April 27th. It's in Liberty, MO. I gotta start dieting again in mid-January. (sucks) I figure that I'll do one show per year until I can win one, then I'll do a couple per year.

I'm actually getting ready to start this bench program again this coming Monday. (Its been about 8 months since we did it last) We maxed out last week and I put up 315 on the flat and 280 on the incline. My goal is 365 on flat by Christmas. The crappy thing about bodybuilding is that you lose quite a lot of strength getting in contest shape!
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i'm doing my first bodybuilding show next june.i do bench contest, but i have the urge to step on stage and see wat i can do.i like the best of both worlds.i compete at 181 and did 410 in'l have to give me some of your tips..............
Good luck! It all depends on how competitive you want to be in the contest. If you're sort of ripped up already, you may be able to get your bf% down low enough without screwing with your carbs too much.

For what its worth, a few pointers:

1. Practice your posing so you look crisp on-stage. I've seen some huge-ripped dudes lose a show because they didn't know how to pose.

2. Use music with a beat that the crowd/judges can get into, keep your routine clean and fun.

3. Even though it sucks, and you feel like a dumbass doing it, remember to smile. I get comments from judges all the time about my lack of smiling.

It's all about the judges perception of you.
dude,i will be talking with ya before i do it.i'm doing two more bench meets between now and then,so i'll go in to it with ripping in mind.i'm going to be posting my photo soon so you'll tell me. keep in touch.....PEACE
7 weeks isnt that long, only 14 workouts? How come in the tables the most you only have to do is 20 pounds more, and not 50?
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