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  1. J

    puritysourcelabs discount codes and saving money

    I’m a person who goes 100% with everything in life when it comes to using steroids I want to order a huge cycle and spend lots of money because I believe that life is short and we should spend money on ourselves and enrich our own bodies. That’s why I love bodybuilding it’s for selfish people...
  2. B

    help with puritysourcelabs shipping

    I’m looking to try PSL for shipping but not sure if their shipping charges are fair or not. And before someone says to check the website it makes me fill out all my information and place an order before it will even tell me shipping Those that have already used Purity Source Labs can you tell me...
  3. C

    question on puritysourcelabs 15Ml vials

    so what in the world is the deal with these 15ML vials lol Never seen such a thing in my life I’ve been in the business of steroids and I’ve been using them longer than most of you have been alive. I’m currently 66 years old I’m just not sure what I think about these 15 milliliter vials how do...
  4. V

    PuritySourceLabs how is puritysourcelabs anavar?

    Once steroid I have not used yet in my life is anavar for some reason. I guess I’ve been scared to use it because I’ve heard so many people using fakes. Gonna try PSL and I was wondering if they’re orals are as good as their injectables. Who has personally tried their var and what would you...
  5. H

    puritysourcelabs issue with shipping

    so i placed an order with PSL and its been 2 weeks. The tracking says out for delivery and then nothing. Its been 5 days since that happened. Is this normal with them or it doesn’t have something to do with maybe my package was stolen or something happened with the post office where it got sent...
  6. V

    puritysourcelabs ETA on shipping

    I placed 2 orders with PSL last week. One of my orders was already shipped. My 2nd order still has not shipped yet as far as I know. Will they send me a follow-up email when that shipping takes place and how long usually does it take for them to ship or do they wait till you get your first...
  7. K

    puritysourcelabs masteron options

    was reading that you can only buy legit masteron in propionate form. So I was a bit confused why I was reading that PSL sells both propane and enanthate masteron. They also have it included in some Blends including some E blends which I thought was weird. Can anyone explain why they are doing this?
  8. B

    which route to go with puritysourcelabs testosterone?

    Here what are some options that I can use from PSL when it comes to testosterone? I’m hoping you can give me some guidance because they have many choices to choose from and many different brands. I’m looking for something to replace my current trt since I am no longer going to be spending money...
  9. S

    puritysourcelabs question on using winstrol vs. masteron

    what is the best PSL option when it comes to cutting down + hardening With the least amount of side effects if you had to choose between using injectable winstrol vs. injectable masteron? Or would you say they’re pretty much the same thing and I should just do a coin flip LOL I’m about to place...
  10. C

    puritysourcelabs sales currently?

    Can anyone fill me in on the current sales from Purity Source labs that you are providing to USA customers. I’m about to place a pretty big order I need some testosterone some equipoise and some Primo as well along with anti-estrogens and things I need for post cycle.
  11. W

    does puritysourcelabs split up orders?

    So I made a pretty large order with PSL and I’ve only gotten one of my orders so far. I’m not gonna panic yet because I’ve made big orders and bought things and bulk especially food items and sometimes they do split up orders due to weight. In this situation should I be concerned or is it normal...
  12. F

    puritysourcelabs shipping times international?

    I’m USA born and bred. Looking to place a pretty big order with PSL. International water is going to be way cheaper than ordering domestic. I’m a working man so if I can save a couple hundred dollars that goes a long way with me. My question is though how long does international shipping...
  13. M

    puritysourcelabs review of their tren

    first time using trenbolone and I chose PSL for it what an experience! Tren is the ultimate badass steroid and my experience has been amazing. I did 400 mg a week and then I lower the dose down to 300 milligrams one side effects started to hit me hard
  14. J

    how fast does puritysourcelabs ship?

    Just curious on the speed of PSL when it comes to international delivery although I am in the United States I would like to order International because the prices are very cheap and I don’t mind taking the risk with customs however I am also looking forward to running my cycle in the next two or...
  15. matt88

    TD containing 2 of my favorite Euro Pharmacies products from Purity Source Labs

    Wanted to share my TD. Test E and Mast Prop are my bread and butter. My body responds extremely well to Test E across the board and Mast just makes me feel great. As an added bonus Mast also really brings out my vascularity. On lab work with Mast versus just Test I notice a MUCH higher amount of...
  16. G

    Puritysourcelabs current promos?

    I’m looking to make a very large order with puritysourcelabs Both me and my brother are getting ready for a competition in the next few months, we are gonna take a road trip and visit California for the first time then compete there, should be fun! I got a couple questions about any promotions...
  17. R

    Will not go wrong with puritysourcelabs

    I’m hoping you guys can give me some kudos on my PSL results Just finished using their tbol Clen Test prop Mast prop The products are quality. Only used 60mcg of clen and light dosages of the test and mast. Didn’t need much. I was leaning out extremely quickly on this stack within the first two...
  18. A

    Puritysourcelabs fast or slow to order and ship?

    I’m about to pull the trigger on an order from puritysourcelabs but before I do I need to know how fast are they when it comes to the time you order and the time that they ship out the product and get it to you? not trying to pry into how they shipped their products or anything but let's say I'm...
  19. J

    Nandrolone and primo together puritysourcelabs

    Curious about learning more about euro pharmacies from puritysourcelabs and their quality when it comes to nandrolone and their primobolan? The primo seems really cheap compared to other primo i have seen. How is the quality? And the same with the nandrolone, it is very affordable was surprised...
  20. S

    Which puritysourcelabs testosterone to pick?

    They have too many options at PSL site Looking for one that is good for someone scared of needles and that won’t require me to pin very often and feel it, also the one that will give me most bang for the buck Here is the list i am seeing Test prop Sustanon 250 and sust 350 Test Phenyl propionate...
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