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Doggcrapp Training

Re: DC training

Illuminati said:
same here. im not 100% bodybuilder either. i like the strength aspects of powerlifting, but along with that, i like getting size from a Body building routine. its hard to find a routine that incorporates the two. but i think that i have found a good mix that im gonna run with for the next 2 months, and see how it goes.
5x5 is a good doing that for every body part except deads/back
Re: DC training

guldukat said:
I wouldn't read too much into that choice, biggun. That's just an example of something Dante likes to use himself (to considerable effect, no less).

I agree with 1. It's...tough. With the little volume involved it's not too bad, and the stretches help; still, you'd have to lighten up on shoulder and tri training weights initially.

As far as 2 goes, you know yourself better than I do :) Still, you might be surprised at your growth with DC training. It's so much more than most low volume approaches.

Another thing worth noting is the volume part of DC is a bit deceptive. Part of the beauty is that, since you're not doing a ton of work in each workout, you can train that bodypart again within 3-4 days. Also, as I reminded Tom, those rest-pauses and static holds are's way more intense than just doing one set to momentary failure, then moving on.

What you're doing works incredibly well for you, but I urge you to read a bit more about DC training before you make this determination. Dante has taken some already very strong, dyed-in-the-wool volume guys and turned them into believers by making them retarded strong.

For example, just recently, he started working with new IFBB pro Dave Henry.
Henry says he'd always done 9-12 sets/bodypart, and he was one strong motherfucker in the first place (one-arm DB extensions with 130! They were partials, but to even hold that shit with one arm is crazy). Dave's supposed to be much, much stronger now, and judging by his pictures he's growing at a nice pace, too.

Honestly, though, just reading Cycles For Pennies isn't enough for most guys. It's probably best to talk to DC trainers at places like Muscle Mayhem or maybe Dante himself is quite busy, and I think already too generous with his time; but he has a good circle of friends who understand the routine and have built themselves into geniune monsters with it (especially a poster named Inhuman...he must be a gorilla passing himself off as a man).

Anyway, they're a nice bunch and never act like some in the rabid HIT crowd used to (saying "Anyone who doesn't train like we do SUCKS!" or the like). I bet they'd be happy to talk to an accomplished if skeptical lifter like you.

CYCLES FOR need for me to cycle, i already cant buy clothes big enough at 255lbs. Plus if i hit any sauce i would be repping over 500 on bench.
Re: DC training

I hate anything to do with the Smith machine, it holds you to to strict of a movement and does very little for your stabilizers.

Never juiced and i am a fucking monster, 255lbs. About 5 or 6 years ago i did full body routines, but i never hit my legs or back. I grew a little, but not nearly what i have done since isolating each body part on a given day.

Ive always had my most and best growth from high volume training, i just love it. Part of the problem could lie in the fact that it takes me a while to warm up. e.g. it takes almost 50 reps on bench to get me even luke warm (135x20, 225x15, 275x10, sometimes even 315 before i am warm). I guess i have a love for just destroying whatever body part i am working that day.

The program is definitely better than any in a magazine. I havent read or looked at a mag in 4 or 5 years. I laugh my ass off at the guys in the gym following some mag routine. Ive been lucky over the past 10 years to train with various guys and learn from them, the best ever being a chemistry TA from my undergrad. He was this big and i mean big English guy, ~6' at 293lbs with a 6-pack. His bench sucked (~420), but his back and legs were strong as fuck, he repped over 600 on both squats and deads. His squats were crazy as hell, ALL BACK. I have a modo in the gym that if someone is as big or bigger than me that he didnt get that way over night and i should be able to learn something from him.

Hence, the dc training article got filed into file 13.
Re: DC training

guldukat said:
Hmm...I can't fully agree there, Tom. A 5x5 routine's great for growth, but keep in mind you're training more frequently under Dante's guidelines.

I'd also avoid the 1 vs. 9 sets comparison. The inroading from a DC set, whatwith the rest-pauses and static, is greater than one straight set to failure. Contrarily, not all of the 9 sets in a 5x5 are "equal," either, especially depending on where you are in a training cycle. 5x5 actually good for growth? I never seen any major growth till i did 3 sets of 10 at the same weight. I did the 5x5 for a while, i didnt notice much of a change, maybe helped my strength a little. I might not have did it long enough though.
Re: DC training

cwick0 said:
CYCLES FOR need for me to cycle, i already cant buy clothes big enough at 255lbs.

Neither can I at "only" 240 and 5'6".

Again, I would not get hung up in minutiae like high incline presses or the title of Dante's old articles. That's like saying "The Shawshank Redemption" sucked nuts just because of its ugly name.


I have a modo in the gym that if someone is as big or bigger than me that he didnt get that way over night and i should be able to learn something from him.


Dante's trainee Chris250, 4 weeks out from the North Americans:


Dante at 300+:


I'll see if I can find pictures of Inhuman, Massive G and some of the other 300+ pounders.
Re: DC training

cwick0 said: 5x5 actually good for growth? I never seen any major growth till i did 3 sets of 10 at the same weight. I did the 5x5 for a while, i didnt notice much of a change, maybe helped my strength a little. I might not have did it long enough though.

It might not be ideal for growth, but it's time-tested. It worked nicely for Needsize :)
Re: DC training

Tom Treutlein said:
Guldukat, didn't you say the negatives weren't supposed to be 6-8 seconds as everyone thought, but rather a steady 3-4 second? Basically, a typical negative?

I remember one aspect of DC training I didn't particularly enjoy was the long negatives, which caused a lot of joint pain (specifically the shoulders and elbows).

Yep. I wouldn't call a 3-4 second negative typical, necessarily :) Based on what I see every time I train, most people do about 1/1 reps, avg. maybe 20 seconds per set.

But typical for just under control, smooth negatives, yeah. Dante's said he just emphasized the 6-8 seconds since so many guys would count too fast.
Re: DC training

casualbb said:
you misinterpret...

he goes, "Contrarily, not all of the 9 sets in a 5x5 are "equal," either, especially depending on where you are in a training cycle."

I said: "oh but they are equal"

although now that I think about it the first set is worth more than the second, which is worth more than the third... etc etc

I don't even know what I'm saying. forget it. except the rest of the post, don't forget that.

So should I just skip over this one, then? Hehe :)

I think I know what you were trying to say, and you did make other good points. The part about failure not initiating growth is especially well-taken. I knew that, but all those years of Mentzer brainwashing have been very hard to undo. Sometimes the old beliefs sneak their way back in. ;)

Ah, well...I know Dante doesn't really care if people like his methods or not. I'm certainly not here to say anyone's doing wrong with more volume, less frequency or whatever. The results of these other programs, like Needsize's awesome gains with 5x5 or Cwick's 405x6 (?) bench from 3x10, speak for themselves.

Just the same, DC's results also speak for themselves, and I think it deserves the same respect we'd afford other methods. It most assuredly works, for naturals and enhanced alike. Someone like a lean 320 lb. Inhuman or 305 lb. Dante doesn't get to that kind of size with "just drugs." (No one said that, but I've talked about training w/ enough people to know which way the wind blows.)
Re: DC training

guldukat said:
Neither can I at "only" 240 and 5'6".

Again, I would not get hung up in minutiae like high incline presses or the title of Dante's old articles. That's like saying "The Shawshank Redemption" sucked nuts just because of its ugly name.



Dante's trainee Chris250, 4 weeks out from the North Americans:


Dante at 300+:


I'll see if I can find pictures of Inhuman, Massive G and some of the other 300+ pounders.

You are one THICK SOB! Im 5'10.5" so you may have me beat on thickness and have more trouble than me getting clothes to fit.

Ill take a look at some of the links.

Lastly, i dont want to be 300lbs like some of these guys, that is entirely too big.
Re: DC training

Ah, well...I know Dante doesn't really care if people like his methods or not. I'm certainly not here to say anyone's doing wrong with more volume, less frequency or whatever. The results of these other programs, like Needsize's awesome gains with 5x5 or Cwick's 405x6 (?) bench from 3x10, speak for themselves.

lol. Check out WalkingBeast's training log and you will see my chest routines for the past couple of months. About a month and a half or so ago i got 405 for 5x5, this week i did sets of 10 (275, 315, 365) till i hit 405 for the 6. I want 405 for a solid set of 10.
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