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Will I retain less water at 350mg of test versus 500mg?


New member
Will there be a noticeable difference in water retention and bloat if I reduce my test dosage from 500 down to 350? If cutting will it make me end up looking a little more lean? I'm taking an anti E and don't see noticable water bloat but thinking I might "dry" up a bit more before my photo shoot if I lower my test dosage. What do you guys think?
maybe i'm wrong but i don't see how taking less of something that builds muscle would change that. it's more so about your diet... being completely clean with a super clean diet would make you retain NO water..
Joshuaua, you need to study up more on anabolics.

John89231, it's very possible that you would retain more water on 500mg vs 350mg because you could be producing more estrogen=water.

That said I can't say how big a difference it is.

I don't see anything wrong lowering your test dose, but you say you aren't noticing any bloat so it kinda makes me think that maybe you don't need to lower the dose.

It would be good to know which ai you are using and what your bodyfat % is.

Carb depleting/loading and sodium depleting could help right before the shoot and possible increasing the ai dose "might" dry you out some more, but you don't want to eradicate every last bit of estrogen or you'll feel like shit.

Anavar, winstrol, masteron etc can all help you look harder and I hear winstrol can have a very noticeable drying effect if your bodyfat is low.

I know Dave Draper admitted to using winstrol only and for me it's obvious as hell looking at his old pictures when he was or wasn't using it.

I'm sure there are more than a few pro's on the board that can elaborate better than I can.
Not a huge difference.
Use and AI and you will keep off water..
I wouldnt cycle test under 500mg IMO..
My body fat is 7% at most, and I am taking .25 mg of A-dex every other day. Does this help? What is a sodium deplete? and I am allready doing a low carb diet Im not sure what carb depletion is though.

Joshuaua, you need to study up more on anabolics.

John89231, it's very possible that you would retain more water on 500mg vs 350mg because you could be producing more estrogen=water.

That said I can't say how big a difference it is.

I don't see anything wrong lowering your test dose, but you say you aren't noticing any bloat so it kinda makes me think that maybe you don't need to lower the dose.

It would be good to know which ai you are using and what your bodyfat % is.

Carb depleting/loading and sodium depleting could help right before the shoot and possible increasing the ai dose "might" dry you out some more, but you don't want to eradicate every last bit of estrogen or you'll feel like shit.

Anavar, winstrol, masteron etc can all help you look harder and I hear winstrol can have a very noticeable drying effect if your bodyfat is low.

I know Dave Draper admitted to using winstrol only and for me it's obvious as hell looking at his old pictures when he was or wasn't using it.

I'm sure there are more than a few pro's on the board that can elaborate better than I can.
Will there be a noticeable difference in water retention and bloat if I reduce my test dosage from 500 down to 350? If cutting will it make me end up looking a little more lean? I'm taking an anti E and don't see noticable water bloat but thinking I might "dry" up a bit more before my photo shoot if I lower my test dosage. What do you guys think?

Use an AI such as ARIMIDEX,,LETROZOLE along with it,,,this will reduce bloat/water retention.
AI's will make you look flat... Just FYI. Sure you won't be holding the water, but other means such as dieting and a diuretic will do a better job to stay full and be dry looking. Xpel from GNC (yeah I know F GNC) is a good OTC safe diuretic.
i would be curious if anyone had hard evidence to say that a slightly higher dose of test releases more estrogen, it seems like it would make sense but does anyone have concrete info to back that?

also recovery would seem to be tougher if your estrogen levels spike up since estrogen keeps down testosterone levels? or is this just bro science?
This is the best way I can explain it.

When you take in a certain amount of testosterone a limited amount of the test is converted to estrogen by the aromatase enzyme. Every one's tolerance to active estrogen levels varies greatly. There are many guys like me that can run 500mg without an ai and just have bloat. There are some guys that are vary sensitive and even 250 can give them sore nips.

As you increase the dosages of test you increase the amount of estrogen being created. I think it's only like 2-3% of the test gets converted to estro, but estro is a very powerful hormone and doesn't require as high amounts to exert it's effects. So if like 3% of 250mg is being converted to estro then 500mg would be 3% which is double the 250's 3%. And so on.
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