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The Nelson Montana 3 week cycles Theory??? What do you think??


I have been going over my choices for a spring/summer cycle. I bought Nelson's book and he states that 3 week cycles are the safest using compounds like primo. He said that you can gain anywhere from 7-10lbs in that three weeks....and keep all of it. Any thoughts about this?? I was thinking instead of doing an eight or ten week cycle...I would do two short 3 week cycles. I was thinking of using 400mg primo/wk 50mg winny/day 50mg Proviron/day. I was hoping that I would not have to do clomid therapy. He never expanded on his post cycle treatments...I pm'd him and he never answered. I know that he was anti anti-e's and said that HCG and Proviron were superior...can anyone elaborate?? Also would this work with test prop?? I may e-mail Nelson...but, I don't think he will answer.
Malak said:
I have been going over my choices for a spring/summer cycle. I bought Nelson's book and he states that 3 week cycles are the safest using compounds like primo. He said that you can gain anywhere from 7-10lbs in that three weeks....and keep all of it. Any thoughts about this?? I was thinking instead of doing an eight or ten week cycle...I would do two short 3 week cycles. I was thinking of using 400mg primo/wk 50mg winny/day 50mg Proviron/day. I was hoping that I would not have to do clomid therapy. He never expanded on his post cycle treatments...I pm'd him and he never answered. I know that he was anti anti-e's and said that HCG and Proviron were superior...can anyone elaborate?? Also would this work with test prop?? I may e-mail Nelson...but, I don't think he will answer.

I like Nelson, but using a generalized, blanket 3-week cycle without consideration of the specific gear is crazy, bro. Shit, anavar takes a good two weeks to kick in, so are you going to use anavar for only one solid week of noticable strength gains? Fuck that shit. Even three weeks on hardcore gear like dbols and anadrol is a waste of time. You might as well not juice at all. It seems to me that Nelson's over-hyped fear of desensitizing receptors outweighs the scientific evidence of the extremely different affect of each individual AAS on the receptors, and the human body in general.

P.S.---The reason why Nelson never got into details about Post-Cycle care, anti-e's, etc. is because he doesn't believe in them....His thread against Clomid is a classic.
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Yeah I'm disappointed about how he bashes clomid in his book, but then doesn't suggest an alternate post cycle regimine. He says how proviron, avena sativa, and maca are good, but doesn't outline effective dosages for post cycle use. I'm sure he'll give you a better answer if you e-mail him though.

I don't really know where I stand on the 3 week cycle idea. I'm going to try a couple 3 week cycles this summer with a few different compounds so I can get a better idea of the value of short cycles and contribute my experience to the board. When it comes to mild gear like anavar or primo, I don't think it's worth it to run short cycles. Those gains come slowly, and are more likely to stay the longer you have them. I think this issue is yet another that really depends on each person's reaction. If you have a hard time recovering from longer cycles, maybe short cycles are the answer. But if you can easily recover from longer cycles and maintain your gains, why not do what works?
HULK- I stated a specific compound….Primobolan, Winstrol, and Proviron. And If you take var for three weeks you are on var for three weeks not one….how do you come to that conclusion?? Regardless of the half-life (var being only 9 hours) you are on as long as you take it….the effects are delayed. But, more importantly your missing the point on if it is effective….have you tried it???
DeepZenPill said:
Yeah I'm disappointed about how he bashes clomid in his book, but then doesn't suggest an alternate post cycle regimine. He says how proviron, avena sativa, and maca are good, but doesn't outline effective dosages for post cycle use. I'm sure he'll give you a better answer if you e-mail him though.

I don't really know where I stand on the 3 week cycle idea. I'm going to try a couple 3 week cycles this summer with a few different compounds so I can get a better idea of the value of short cycles and contribute my experience to the board. When it comes to mild gear like anavar or primo, I don't think it's worth it to run short cycles. Those gains come slowly, and are more likely to stay the longer you have them. I think this issue is yet another that really depends on each person's reaction. If you have a hard time recovering from longer cycles, maybe short cycles are the answer. But if you can easily recover from longer cycles and maintain your gains, why not do what works?

Additionally, your POST-cycle care is just as important as your cycle itself. So if Nelson says that you shouldn't use any ant-estrogens, even the basics like Clomid, you are setting yourself up for some major bitch-tits. I'd eat my own load before I'd go on a Dbol cycle, then use absolutely NO POST CYCLE CARE whatsoever. If you do that, you better get ready to go to Victoria's Secret.
Malak said:
HULK- I stated a specific compound….Primobolan, Winstrol, and Proviron. And If you take var for three weeks you are on var for three weeks not one….how do you come to that conclusion?? Regardless of the half-life (var being only 9 hours) you are on as long as you take it….the effects are delayed. But, more importantly your missing the point on if it is effective….have you tried it???

Have I tried VAR? I'm the KING of Var. Actually, that is the only oral I'm currently using, and have used, for quite some time. Yes, it takes two weeks to kick in, so you have to wait two weeks before the effects of the anavar are working side-by-side with your lifting routine. Thus, if you take var for three weeks, you are only getting ONE solid week of var in coordination with your lifting.But, hypothetically speaking, let's say you came across some miracle var that works immediately the first day you take it. Even three weeks under those considerations is STILL A WASTE OF TIME. All that receptor talk is a bunch of crap. How can Nelson be so over-worried about his receptors, when he states that he believes you should take no anti-estrogens whatsoever after a cycle? So Nelson says it's okay to protect your receptors, but you should fuck up your whole cycling by not using any anti-e's POST CYCLE? That's fuckin' crazy. If Nelson wants to experiment on himself like a lab rat with doing dbol cycles, and then using no anti-e's after cycle, then fine. I'll buy him his first bra. But it's bullshit for you bros to listen to that crap because he wrote a book. Let's see how much regard you have for someone who tells you not to use anti-e's post cycle when you have man-tits bigger than most 14 year old girls.

P.S.---Despite what I wrote, I agree with about 90% of what Nelson wrote in his book, I think it's great. But the part about no anti-estrogens is totally not good for you guys.

Look up the search under Manny78 i remember he did a test/var 3 weeker and seemed to like it. 10 lbs of decent doesnt seem far fetched.
I wasn't asking if you have taken var....I was asking if you have tried Nelsons short cycle theory. I understand what you are saying about it only being active for one week....but, I'm not talking about var....I'm talking about primo. It makes sense that shorter cycles will enable your body to recover faster. Would it be more effective with prop???
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