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Summer and Steroids!

May 1st : 1st cycle begins!
sus250 every 5 days
tt eq 400wk
.25 liquidex ed
nolva on hand
clen for after
mjc22tt said:
i'm running an eight week of deca and sust..200 mg/week deca and 250 mg/week sust, is acne gonna be a prob from the sust?

Depends if your prown to it or not. I had acne as a teen so I do get it and i have used test on both my cycles so this one i'm not using test to see ifit is the test that has caused it.

summer cycle

Hey bro's I am on week 1 of my 1st of 2 cycles during the summer. My stats are 6ft 185lbs. I will be 21 on May 2 and cannot wait to hit some clubs and a rave or 2:) Anyway, I am doing 500mgs a week of Primoteston,400mg a week of Equipoise, and 50 mgs a week of Reforvit-B for the first 4 weeks. I am already up 5lbs at the end of week 1. after this I will take a month off and start on my Fina, prop, Equipose and winny cycle. All I can say is I love summer!
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