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Summer and Steroids!


New member
Well boys its summer time and I dont know if yall have noticed but all the little chickies are wearing less and less clothes and its just about time to hit the lakes, beaches and rivers. I just have to say that last summer was my first summer to juice and it was a fucking BLAST. I guess you could say I fell in love with the game after that first cycle. This summer I am about 15 pounds heavier and am in mid cycle right now so only the good lord above knows whats in store for me this summer. I hope all of yalls cycles are going atleast as well as mine. I really think that this is going to be the craziest summer ever partly in thanks to the marvelous drugs running through my system. Why doesnt everybody post how their year in training has gone and what the sauce has done for them and what they intend on doing with their improved bodies this summer. As for me.......I no longer have a "wife" so I intend on sharing the Bobber with every fine ass girl I see. God I love summer time!
Started the juice end of last year and i am know 14lb heavier and a lot leaner and getting more sex than ever ! I also just got back from san diego (I have a thread about it in the chat room
) Where i had the time of my life.

Start my sumer cycle begining of May and i know it going to be a good sumer as long as i don't get acne but I'm not doing any test this time so I am hopping I don't get any.


I remember weighing 128 lbs. in 2000 when I graduated. I always told myself I would never get involved w/ juice. I got tired of being the 6 pack scronny short kid. I've only done 2 cycle that was deca and test and I'm now 150lbs w/ 8% bodyfat. I'm only 5'6 so I look alot bigger than I am cuz of my height but I love it. My next cycle which starts May1st will be Deca, EQ,and Test prop. along w/ Liquidex and clomid. I'm gonna get serious on this one and do a total of 600mg's a week for 8 to 10 weeks. This summer is gonna be fucking on. The best thing is showing up at waterparks shirtless making all the girls and theyre little cut bf's looking at you like "what the fuck is that dude up to". Gotta love it, Masterpiece
i'm running an eight week of deca and sust..200 mg/week deca and 250 mg/week sust, is acne gonna be a prob from the sust?
im approaching my 8th week of test and im up 15lbs feeling great...hopefully put on another 10!!! ha im greedy!!! but im working for it...

peace fellaz and enjoy the juice
im approaching my 8th week of test and im up 15lbs feeling great...hopefully put on another 10!!! ha im greedy!!! but im working for it...

peace fellaz and enjoy the juice
I dunno, summer for me is all about eca stacks, starving and t3. Winters all about, well mostly food/

do any other bber's notice how extreme dieting and drugs have fucked their sex drives/?? im 19, and shiat i used to get so honry when spring rolled around, now i could care less about pussy.

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