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Approved Log Slyder 24 bulk cycle log

you look amazing in that picture ripped to the Bone
try maybe some hot tea that will ease your throat
Never got a sore throat. Never got any thing in my chest. Never ran a fever.It was just a sinus infection.
The wheezing yesterday was me out of conditioning.. heart was pounding and was breathing heavy as hell.
It was comical.
Yee haw.
I am back in the saddle. Still got some congestion but I finally feel better.
Tuesday hour of chest
Wednsday arms and shoulder. Not crazy heavy.
Thursday did Back and trainer kicked my ass for an hour and half. I did 8 plates on shrug machine. 4 set of 30 to finish off. If I remember correct 6 plates is my normal.
First set was 6 plates. Felt great so jumped up. Trainer even looked shocked.
I said I think around number 22 I am trying to move my traps. But I am not sure they are moving far. Hahahahaha
I would do 10 with pause at top and 10 fast then ten whatever I could.
Man it feels good to get back in the gym.
I feel you
Here is what cardio gets me. There is actually a full 6 pack there. This was a crappy no pose shot.
2 years ago at beginning of 2022 about 170 lbs 6 feet tall 55 years old.
I had just finished a body fat challenge.
6 weeks dropped 25 lbs or so and ended about 6 percent body fat.
Man you was peeled
I went this morning to a different gym around the corner from my home.
I am looking for a different style to add in.
I need cardio. I need core work.
I fucking hate both.
So this is more of a gym that has classes and maybe more cross fit style.
I do good in a class setting.
Tell me to do kettle bell swings and I will.
Push ups? Ok how may. Burpees , no problem.
Do this on my own and it ain’t happening.
Use to do lots of cardio and core work. Started lifting and that kinda stopped.
I went in for an evaluation and yep. My ability for cardio has gone to shit.
Three sets of 30 second on row machine.
I could hear my self wheezing.
Cardio and core here I come.
I know how that feels
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