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new to this board. 1st post


New member
i joined elitefitness last night, it looks like a really good board.
This is my 1st post,hopefully people will be helpful and nice.
here's my stats i'm 21 5'8 175 7% been training for 4 years with 8 years of martial arts. I'm looking to gain maybe 5lbs of lean mass and drop down to 5%. i'm totally natural. I set small goals cause most of the time people set big goals and never achieve them, i like to take it step by step.
i'm reading alot on this board, i already got addicted :)
btw i train 4 to 5days a week with 3 sessions of cardio. following a low carb diet with weekend carb ups. i take adipo-kinetix, protein,ala and a multi.
if anyone has any suggestions or comments please reply or welcome me to this board :D
This all depends on wether you want to stay natural or not.If you want to do it naturally you could try using creatine 1-ad and no2 to put some size on then cut up once you end the creatine with a eca stack.
Are you willing to use drugs? I'm sure you would get more responses if you would clarify that. Naturally, you really can't lose bodyfat and gain muscle mass at the same time as they are working against each other. With four years of lifting experience changes like that don't happen......without gear. I don't really feel comfortable giving gear recommendations, as there are many people on this board who know a lot more about it than I do. Hopefully somebody else will help you out on that.
well i was thinking about doing something mild like anavar primo or winny. i have puffy nipples so i'm sared i'm gonna end up with gyno. i've been looking into doing 50mg winny orals ed for 7 weeks . followed by clomid for a week. one thing that's scaring me is hair loss.
i don't know if this is a good cycle to start off with, i never did anything before.
thanks for all your help
If you're worried about gyno, and even if your not I would go with winny. Var is good but too expensive and primo is too often and too accurately faked to be reliable. It is widely speculated that winny actually counter-acts the effects of gyno, but I have yet to see a study to confirm this. This being said, it would make a good stack with a low dose of test, most preferably propionate. Anyways welcome to the board, alot of smart mofo's on here.
What's up man? Welcome to the board, I don't have a lot of info. on the gear your looking at, but this is the place to learn. My advice is to be smart with your body. Sounds stupid but it is often overlooked.:rolleyes:
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