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Need (Help/Advice) SUS & DECA CYCLE

Btw I weighed in at 149lbs for my show and 2 -3 months later I hit 205 off my first cycle (test e+ EQ) if you don't know much about what your using you prob shouldn't use the gear for weight gain everyone's different diet is also key you need to be consistent
Sounds like a lie. With your size you will be gaining about 2lbs of fat a week eating that. 3500 cal excess equates to a pound of fat. If you aren't, you are either doing too much cardio or have a freakish metabolism like ive never heard of. If any of these are the case just eat more or stop cardio.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using EliteFitness

Thanks for the input..I wish I could gain...and the diet I have been on was through speaking with Dr.'s and nutritionists for the sole purpose to track diet and understand why the body is not gaining and to see why the metabolism works so fast...they where thinking about putting me on HGH...
I just tuned 21...deca wasn't an issue with me but for first cycle try something like test E w/ EQ

Did you have any issues on deca what did you do?
What did your cycle look like?
What On Cycle Treatment and PCT did you use?
If you used deca then why state for me to not use it? and to try something else...
I have deca/dbol/sus and thats what i want info on
Looks like you have done some research, welcome to the boards!! As a newbie, I'm sure reading all the threads could be confusing. As for your post, you stated that cycle was a classic.. and it is for bulking.

The reason why people say to stay off deca as a first cycle choice is because it has many sides you need to watch for and be prepared for. Yes, all aas has sides, but some have more then others so most will say to stick to one compound for a first cycle to help you out so you can see what if any sides you get from that.

This way should you go on to another cycle you will know what to look for. You have taken the right step, and thats to come to the boards and research and build a foundation to learn on. I know of many people who find a dealer, buy and go on based on what their supplier says is G2G.

Looking at your diet, it looks like you understand how to eat thats a good start. the first three things that need to be solid are EATING/RESTING/TRAINING what does your training look like?

but going back to your initial question about the cycle, on cycle treatment could change depending on the compounds you plan on doing. Have you looked over threads having PCT protocols for the types of aas you are planning on taking? I'm sure thats where you're getting confused as some work best for certain compounds then others.

What have you read about estrogen? or rebounding, or keeping down bloating? If the only compounds you have are SUS/DECA/DBOL and that's what you are going to do the bro's here on the board will suggest you only take the sus and possible dbol because of the deca sides, I have done that cycle (deca/sus/dbol) and it was a great mass builder and my strength went up.

I did get sides fairly quickly but I also know others who took that and had no issues at all. Maybe the other bro's can help you plan your on cycle treatment based on their experience same with pct.

look into

Look into all this and more, come up with an outline based on your over all research and I'm sure others will critique to help you get the best out of your first cycle...Your receptors are very open to AAS and you will grow, its just being able to handle the sides dealing with them and having the best protocol to keep what you put on.

Welcome to the boards
Did you have any issues on deca what did you do?
What did your cycle look like?
What On Cycle Treatment and PCT did you use?
If you used deca then why state for me to not use it? and to try something else...
I have deca/dbol/sus and thats what i want info on

I had 0 issue a w/ deca NONE..I also was not taking a cycle therapy buying took nolvadeX post cycle, I stopped deca 2 weeks before the test. I would recommend it to anyone but then again everyone reacts different..some people get "deca dick" might want to keep Viagra or cialiS on hand if you end up having problems..again I did NOT have any & I just started my new cycle w/ deca again today
I had 0 issue a w/ deca NONE..I also was not taking a cycle therapy buying took nolvadeX post cycle, I stopped deca 2 weeks before the test. I would recommend it to anyone but then again everyone reacts different..some people get "deca dick" might want to keep Viagra or cialiS on hand if you end up having problems..again I did NOT have any & I just started my new cycle w/ deca again today

you should NEVER take nolva with a 19-nor, which deca is... you are overloading a serious amount of prolactin doing this and it will lead to big problems... thats great that you didn't experience any sides but you are one of the few that fall into that category... most fall into the category of having a lot of sides with it so you need to be making that clear when you post, otherwise, someone who is new to steroids will think that may hold true for most and then end up hurting themselves... please be careful how you phrase things... i just put people's health and safety first...
Your goal of keeping 20-25lbs is WAY out there man... you'd be lucky to keep 5-7lbs if by some miracle you did everything right, which you can't because you don't have enough experience with nutrition and training... I'll echo what Dylan said, listen to Steve and whatever you do forget about the Deca for a few years....
I had 0 issue a w/ deca NONE..I also was not taking a cycle therapy buying took nolvadeX post cycle, I stopped deca 2 weeks before the test. I would recommend it to anyone but then again everyone reacts different..some people get "deca dick" might want to keep Viagra or cialiS on hand if you end up having problems..again I did NOT have any & I just started my new cycle w/ deca again today

something tells me you didn't cycle off.. you just jumped from one cycle to the next.

it takes 5-6 weeks to feel the crash. there is no way you waited 6 weeks and then felt nothing after with such a weak pct and not running ancilaries during cycle. i just don't believe it.
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