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I can't take it anymore.

JibbyJabba said:

... not only does he have to support your lazy ass, he also has to support you while you do illegal drugs and read wierd magazines. I would have kicked you ass if you were my son.
we get along great now.

While i agree that your dad should not have to support you at your age the fact that he was willing to before he thought you were gay would make my blood boil in your situation. NO BODY has any right to attack what someone can't help about themselves or even to know about it(unless of corse you are fucking them!).

the fact that he sturk you for no other reason then him thinking you were gay is grounds to get him in a SHITLOAD of trouble...

all i know is that in your situation i would not be able to think rationaly
:destroy: :destroy: :destroy:
Megamorph said:

My father is very abusive.
WTF!! are you a 21yr old man or are you a 5yr old girl? tell him the story and if he tries something drop the mofo. this has to be a joke post. is this you ranger?
[Theres the smack in the face you needed, now pack your shit, pinch your dad in the ass and tell him you joined the All male review and your going to s[pread Homosexuality throughout the land. Make sure your "girlfriends" Vibrator is vibrating and hanging out of your pocket as you exit.

JD your funny as shit
Megamorph said:

My father is very abusive.

bro, thats all the more reason to get out of there QUICKLY.
and not look back. i know he's your father and it's tough and all, but it's one of the only options you have.
sorry to hear about your dad bro
get a decent job it'll change your whole life, anything to get outa
the house.

You'll also meet new friends etc at work give you the chance to find a new lease of life.

Dont know if it makes you feel any better but all families are fucked up.

Some encouragement....

My dad is/was abusive too. His dad abused him (I see that now), and he abused me. Not physically, but emotionally, and he had a major control issue--holding me down so I would remain dependant on him so he could berate me about not getting out on my own.

I've come to understand that my dad doesn't realize he's doing this. He'd never knowingly hurt anyone he loves. Yet, he acts out on the pain he suffered from his father....I suppose I'm lucky he never gave into an inclination to be physically abusive like his dad was to him.

I got out of the house when I went off to college (27). I only stayed with my parents while school was out of session. When I went off to grad school (30), I basically cut them out of the loop about much of what was in my life. I refuse to move in with them unless it's an emergency where there's no other way to live independently.

Breaking the "cord" helped force my dad to learn to let go. I may always be his "little boy," but I'm not a baby who still needs his diaper changed and stomach filled by a providing parent. Our relationship has been better since then as he's been forced to accept me as I am--just as I've learned to love my dad for who he is (in spite of the imperfections). Of course, it also helps (sic) that my dad's had some medical close calls and one major surgery that's forced him to mello out a lot. We try to redeem the time we may have left because he could easily be dead already if it wasn't for a good doctor catching his problem before it killed him.
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