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I am out of competition for at least a year.

glennds said:

quad i am an insurance man and that is the first thing i thought of when i read your posted. WHY! would a rung on the ladder collapse like that? was it very old? was it dirty or oily? sounds like a good products liability case to me.
Probably because the ladder wasn't made to hold big ass Quadsweep type peeps on it.

Surgery on Christmas Eve? That blows. Recovery on Christmas . . . Fuck you santa!

I'd be pissed. Damn ladder company ruined Christmas of 03. That would be my opening statement.

Collect some money, and keep your spirts up bud. It could always be worse.
interesting point genarr. but i don't think quad could weigh so much that a typical household ladder could not support him. i have never thought about this but maybe there are weigh limits on ladders.
genarr3 said:

Probably because the ladder wasn't made to hold big ass Quadsweep type peeps on it.

Surgery on Christmas Eve? That blows. Recovery on Christmas . . . Fuck you santa!

I'd be pissed. Damn ladder company ruined Christmas of 03. That would be my opening statement.

Collect some money, and keep your spirts up bud. It could always be worse.
I am heavy but only like 15-20 pounds over the limit. I will post pics of the damn thing. Its a structural failure. I painted for two years so I am good on ladders. This is BS!

wow man i am so sorry, good luck to you, i had no idea. hopefully you being young and healty will have a quick recovery. i'll keep you in my prayers.
GawdsGift said:
wow man i am so sorry, good luck to you, i had no idea. hopefully you being young and healty will have a quick recovery. i'll keep you in my prayers.

Thank you.

Quad, even if you are over the weight limit they can still be liable so dont worry. Could they have reasonably foreseen that someone 15-20 lbs over the limit would have used the ladder? Probably yes. Its likely they intentionally underrated it to prevent this type of incidents. Also how clear was the label that says not to use it if over x lbs? Where was it located? Could you read it clearly from the bottom of the ladder before you started to use it? You could also have a failure to warn claim against the manufacturer.

Merry Christmas and good luck with the recovery.
granby140 said:
good bros always recover in record time you will do the same
Man I hope so! This sucks ass!

Hey Quad get well soon

Dont throw that ladder away, I ran this story by my buddy and he told me that he has had great success with cases like this depending on age of equip. manafactuer, and store you bought it from.
Good Luck
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