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Gyno From 240mgs Of Deca!!!!!


New member
I think I am getting GYNO from just 240mgs of Deca a week. My left nipple is killing me (Sharp pains when touched). Do you guys think it is possible? What can I do immediately to stop it? I have liquidex & Clomid-but they only help with estrogen based GYNO. No winny on hand! Any suggestions?
How did you get 240mg of deca?:confused:
You can try some Nolva and if that dont help hit the Bromo right away.
You can get gyno from decca at that dose (depends on your genetics, I start to get it at 1000 mgs). Try a different gear. And yes, it definitely sounds like gyno. BTW, decca is just another form of testosterone that does get converted to estrogen. Take some nolvadex and switch to a different gear.

this is progesterone induced gyno, winny or mebbe a dht derivative is your best bet. Nolva probably wont do shit.
Nolva 40mg ED for 1 week then 20mg until...?
Why nolva will work with deca and fina/tren has been explained on and you can even see it has worked for at least one recent case (search). I wish I could explain it but I had a hard enough time comprehending it at the time. I think it was a reply post by BillyGman.
Thanks for the gotfina link.

i used arimidex and it took care of the pain. I still have some puffiness and a small lump, but it does not seem to be growing with the arimidex)liquidex.

I know it is a long shot, but I also threw in some melatonin which, according some of the books that I have on breast cancer, seems to compete with estrogen for receptors.

I have some nolva on the way. i will replace the melatonin when it arrives.
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