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fat person wanting to loose weight and confused

HumanShell - Thank you for your contribution :p

:D You're welcome. BTW, I eat a 50/35/15 2000cal diet, or right around there. I aim for 250g Pro/day, 175g Carb/day, and about 35-40g fat per day.
As everyone would guess, I recommend a Ketonic diet for the can read my CKD manual for more information...yet, if you know it's hard to handle, I would then recommend a simple 40/30/30...40%protein/30%carbs/30% fat...take a look at my CKD manual for the breakdown of food and daily calories.

Mr.X :cool:
Good words Mr. X

Compuatic - Heres one thing that you might want to keep in mind if you do one of these diets that i've learned the hard way. Watch your protein intake.

For a couple of weeks i was taking in to much protein (a LOT of tuna, love that stuff :D) and i knocked myself out of Ketosis. I went and did some research and found that your body uses the same chemicals to break down a protein, as it does a carb. Basically, to much protein (and to little fat) will inhibit your fat mobilizers. I backed off of the tuna (i was eating 3-4 cans a day w/ pork rinds as crackers :D) and BAM, back in ketosis i went.

Give it 2 weeks man, it really is a lot of fun, and i don't miss any of the foods i used to eat. Hell, my favorite dinner is Chicken Wings, a salad with crumbled bacon, yada yada. I know that i really seem to push all of these fatty meats, but the fact of the matter is that i eat more vegtables now than i used to. Find a good vitamin (i take Atkins Basic 3, Dieters Advantage, and Co-Enzyme Q10. You can find most of them at Wal-mart, or off of the atkins website.

Just remember, don't be afraid of fat. No carbs and no fat makes for some serious muscle break down, and you'll eat yourself into a heart attack.

Mr. X - What's a good form of exercise you recommend for people on a Keto diet? I haven't done much research in that area (bad, i know). I do about 30 minutes 2-3 times a week, of crunches, situps, basically cardio, and i mix some 15lb free weights as well (they're all i have ;) ) Any input?
hey im pretty much in the same situation as you 5"10 229 pounds
just keep asking questions thats the only way your gonna learn
keep your head up bro!!!

these brothers know their shit!!! they will get you on the right path. like they said use the web and dig in deep for any scrap of info you can get those itsy bitsy fingertips on. then when you get some ideas share it with the guys. youll be good
I weighed 311 Dec 11 now I weigh 220

First of all this is how I lost it and I had tried the Adkins diet before and it hurt my kidneys, I lost some weight and gained it back. So being a firefighter I said the its time. I had never really ever lifted weights so I started a weight lifting program , I drink lots of water, I work out 2 days on 1 day off. I dont eat after 530. I used to have a cheat day, but I have not had one for 5 weeks now that stinks but I only am going to do this for 10 weeks. I do a lot of cardio. I do not eat before I go to the gym in the morning. Yep it has sucked a lot of times when everyone else around me was eating and drinking whatever. But I am getting close to my goal of 205. But good luck
Congrats on your success :D

Why was Atkin's hurting your kidney's? Do you have kidney problems? Its a shame you weren't able to stay on it due to heath reasons. Everyone that i've talked to that has been able to stay on it has loved it.

What i hate seeing are the people who go on for 2 weeks, then completely go back to an old way of eating without slowly "coming off", and end up weighing more than they did before :(
well I went on a ketogenic diet this past summer for cutting fat, and it worked out well. I'm 6'2" and I went from 230 in june to 185 now.

I have to say that I felt quite sluggish on the ketogenic diet, I never could have continued it for much longer. and I did do the cycle of 2 weeks on, 2 days off. for about 2 monts altogether.

I think one simple rule (this is just MY opinion) to follow to lose weight is to stay away from fat/carb combined foods. foods that have a 2-to-1 ratio of hi-glycemic carbs to fats will make you fat every time.

for example, a candy bar with 25g sugar/12g fat is an ideal food to get fat on. the 25g of sugar quickly meets all your energy needs, so the fat is almost always stored. french fries with 40g of hi-glycemic carbs & 20g of fat is another example.

so when you have carb meals during the day, make them lo-glycemic and lo-fat. for your other meals, protein/fat and protein/carb combined foods are ok. just no carb/fat combined foods. within reason of course...

Yep, the number 1 rule on a Ketogenic diet is to not eat foods high in fat and carbs since carbs aren't on the diet.
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