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Scotsman said:
Ok here are a few of my thoughts on deadlifting.

1. Deadlifts are not a back exercise.
2. Deadlifts are not a leg exercise.
3. I don't care who you are you should be deadlifting. (barring injury)
4. They hurt, they hurt a lot so quit you fucking bitching, you knew what you were getting into in the first place.

I write this because I have seen a lot of talk regarding deadlifting and I think a lot of it is wrong and misleading. Speculation about the benefits and detractions of deadlifting run amuck here, and I wanted to help clear a few things up from my perspective.

First off deads are neither a back or a leg exercise. They are both and more.
The primary movers on deads are:
Bottom: Quads, Hams, and Glutes.
Middle: Hams, Glutes, and Lower back.
Top: Glutes and Lower back.
The primary stabilizers(or secondary movers):
Bottom: Upper back, Forearms, Bicepts, Shoulders.
Middle:Upper back, Mid-back, Bicepts, Shoulders, Traps.
Top: Upper back, Mid-back, Traps, Shoulders.
Secondary Stabilizers
Calves, Abs, Obliques, Chest.

Deadlifts work more muscle than any other movement you can do. Due to the extreme amount of muscular effort made lifting your body releases a tremendous amount of testosterone growth hormone, and the other growth stimulators. Therefore your entire body will grow just from doing them. This being said you entire body will grow stronger from doing them. Nothing else works your posterior chain like deads.

Unless you are physically incapable of doing them you should be deadlifting. No ther exercise builds core stability as well. No other exercise builds mass as well. No other exercise builds strength as well. No other exercise is as efficient. You don't have to be doing them for high weights but you should be doing them. There are no excuses for not deadlifting other than, injury or some physicall limitation that makes them impossible.

Also I hate hearing people whine about how sore they are after deadlifting. You knew what you were getting into when you started so there is no room for complaining. You have just assaulted you body in a way completely different from everything else you can do, so yes it is going to hurt. In fact it is going to hurt a lot, if you do them heavy it may hurt for a long time. What in life that is worth doing is worth enduring a little pain for the coming glory of accomplishment.



very good bro,,, my partner and I are some of the only people in my gym that I see DL'ing. You are right there are no excuses. I have bulging discs in my neck in my lumbar region and I still DL. Actually this forced me to improve my form and make my deads that much better. Peace!!!
Deads, squats and bench are the main mass builders available. If you're not putting on mass and your diet is where it should be, likely you're not putting enough stress on your body to grow. Deadlift, squat and bench until you're too sore to move! ;)

These three excersizes never leave my workout schedule.
I just got back into lifting about 1 month ago. I'm still concentrating on form with my squats and such, and would like to eventually add deads. Good post.
Whose doing deads this week?
I did last week god I love being sore like I was all weekend.

Scotsman said:
Whose doing deads this week?
I did last week god I love being sore like I was all weekend.


Deads every week!! Maxing every week as well!! Today I repped out at the end of my routine and hit 315x18. 365x12, 405x5 felt good to hit some reps off the floor. I havent deadlifted off the floor in 5-6 months. I stick with mostly rack lifts now. Love that shit!
Does this happen to anyone else?

The local HS kids and comm. college kids that walk around gym thinking they are the $hit try to give you advice on something. They are self-proclaimed know it alls and try to prove their superiority by claiming they lift XXX amount. I'll talk to them for a minute then ask how much they deadlift. They usually stand there with a dumbass look on their face like wtf is a deadlift, and then I walk away.
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