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Anyone here work one bodypart per day?



I just switched my routine around to lifting Sunday through Thursday, doing one bodypart per day for no more than 50 minutes, except tuesdays I do bi's and tri's together. And of course i'll throw in forearms twice a week usually along with abs. Was wondering if anyone else here does this and how it's working out.
Goddamn that was the most insightful post I've ever seen in my intire life.

Thank you.
At the moment my routine looks like this:

MONDAY : Back/Traps
TUESDAY: Shoulders/Forearms
THURSDAY: Biceps/Triceps
SUNDAY: Chest/Abs

I think it's working great! Don't see any reason to do abs and forearms twice a week since they get a lot of indirect work.
My best/most effective split was one bodypart per day, but still did bis 'n' tris twice a week cos mine like it that way . . . I was working one bodypart A DAY, each part worked once a week.

Mon: B&Ts
Tue: Shoulders
Wed: Chest
Thur: B&Ts
Fri: Back
Sat: Legs

Found the extra recovery time worked wonders. I had more energy for workouts and the workouts were slightly shorter so I could focus more intensely.

But like a fool I changed jobs and don't have time for that now . . .
When I started working out again, I worked a couple body parts on most days. Here is my schedule:
Mon- Bi's and Tri's and traps
Tues- legs/Abs
Thurs- back/taps
Fri- chest
Sat- whatever is lagging behind

I usually worked legs and traps on Saturday. I currently do abs 3 times a week, and only work traps twice a week (I think I was overtraining them, as they werent growing.) Working one body part a day is ok....just depends on the person doing it.
Burning_inside, those are cool icon and signature images, wayne static rules!
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i've seen some good splits posted but i always believed in the 4 day on 1 day off. i go like this:

day 1-chest/tri's
day 2-upper back/bi's
day 3-shoulders
day 4-lower back/legs

worked good for me, but i'm also thinking about a little change, so i'm interested in seeing some posts here..

i do one body part a day(excluding abs and i do bi's and tri's together)..i feel that i can focus my whole energy on that particular part
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