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Newb here

That's all I am looking for lol. I am getting pretty sore lol... I just live through it because I know at the end the little soreness will be worth it :)
Browsing around I read this long article about Phytoserms-347... damn is it expensive... but would it be something to look into once my "cycle" is over? THe article is here Phytoserms-347 Testosterone Booster with 347% Surge, Decimates Estrogen, Unrivaled Pro-Sexual Effects | Bodybuilding News .. I am sure you have all probably seen it... I am only on the first part of week 4 of my cycle... but I just want to know, so I will save up for it. can easily pay for it in one pay check, but I would rather slowly save, so I have more left out of that one paycheck :).
Ok for PCT you need to get all of the following,
Forma Stanozol x2
Unleashed z1

You already have your AI. If you get itchy, puffy or painful nipp then use it as needed.
I would just hold on to the clomid bro. Should not be necessary for this cycle.

Also I would suggest getting Proviron. I dont run a cycle with out it. You would dose it 20mg/day.

I would like for you to put up the program that you are planning on useing during your cycle plz.

Had to go back through to find this post... I have my AI like you stated, how much do I use and how frequently... only when I feel it? or after I feel it use it a few times? I think I am getting there... it is getting Itchy and a bit puffy, nothing too painful.. but my right one definitely feeling.. .there is a bit of pain but that may just be the soreness from the injection.. main question is... how much of the LiquiDex do I use, and I read it is OK to mix it with stuff due to the fact that it tastes like absolute crap... or is it better to just deal with the taste and get it in there?

EDIT: OK, read around for awhile and finally found a posting that mentions to take 0.5ML.... but not how many times... should I just start taking it once a week, once a day... once every few days... I will continue looking to see if I can find it..

EDIT: OK, I found a few posts where it sounds like, you can do the L-Dex ED or EOD, some people start it from the beginning of their cycle, some after they see side effects... I am thinking I will do 0.5MG/ML w/e... EOD?
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OK, so I have been taking my Anti-E (LiquiDex, which actually doesn't taste that bad, the aftertaste isn't the best, but only lasts about 30 seconds) the past couple of days, 0.5MG, I know you need to wait a week or so to notice anything, but my fiance keeps bugging me that I should go see a doctor, I have a really hard and pretty painful, if it is touched wrong or laid on wrong, it is somewhat tender and annoying when it ISN'T being touched, but it's not something I can't deal with, I just know it's there, lump ABOVE my nipple, not behind it or w/e, but it is at my injection spot. It is really red, and it itches when stuff rubs on it, I am posting a couple pictures, but my nipples seem to be getting puffy, and sometimes they are kind of wrinkly with a light green tint to them? As well, you CAN see the lump in person, if I have my shirt up or off. especially if I am stretching, which kind of hurts, you definitely see the lump, it is like I put a golf ball into my chest, or at least half of one.

well, here are the pics, is this the dreaded Gynecomastia, or is it just a bad injection that will go away. I don't have this problem anywhere else, just with this ONE injection spot. This bright redness has been there for about a week or so now, if I hold my chest I can run fine and walk fine, but jumping and running without holding my chest in place, doesn't feel good on it.....



Hope these pics help. I was at work when I took them, so lighting wasn't the best, but I was at least just trying to show it the best I can.
Is that exactly where you injected? It looks like its an infected injection site. I'd get that looked that. You feel any sides? Gyno feels more like tissue and is near or behind the nipples.
Yeah it was actually infected.. it was where I injected.. I ended up getting an abscess AND cellulitis... Went to Harborview up here in Washington, only live 2 blocks away :), they put me in right away and took out a huge chunk, or well a good size piece, of my chest. Now I gotta go in every day to have them change the dressing and what not... I got to watch em cut me, they put me on lanacane, and it was a lot deeper than they thought so they had to shoot me up with morphine... my fiance was with me and when they went to show her how to change the dressing, because it has to go INSIDE the wound to help it heal a certain way, she became the patient, she got very pale and sweating profusely, and almost passed out... so yeah... it was a fun day yesterday lol.

They said the roids I got are probably contaminated and blah blah...

also found out that LiquiDex, the anti-e is what doctors give to Breast Cancer patients..... o.0... SO I gotta lay off for a while.. I will just continue to work out the normal way... but for now I can only do my lower half, i.e. my legs/cardio, since my chest has a big hole in it, can't exactly do a lot of lifting or anything :(... oh well.. to GNC i'll go and try to forget how much I spent on all my gear already lol.
Just an update.. doing ok.. still going to be doing at least cycling, but anything involving stretching my chest is out of the question until the gapping hole is gone.

Roids was the fast way to get what I wanted, now i'll do the slow and natural way, but still use GNC stuff.

Also as a side note.. I went to the forum that where I had gone before this one, where I had found someone that referred me to the place I got the "gear", and I posted a warning about the company, and they banned me lol. Guess they want their users to get hurt? wow.
You injected in your chest? Why not ur ass?

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