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Here's my HST

Could you ever imagine a day where someone attempts a weight that you don't even think they could deadlift, then they go ahead and clean and jerk it, like in the vids of the Chinese kids posted on here a while back? That would be awesome.
I don't think morons are necessarily drawn to me. I must spend more time watching others than instead of lifting, so I have more to report. All goes with the territory when you're the King of Turd Mountain :Chef:

And I ain't hatin' on a 185 dead. I could barely do 135 when I started and that was with rounded back. Like dj said this guy was just being an ass, is all.

anotherbutters said:
Could you ever imagine a day where someone attempts a weight that you don't even think they could deadlift, then they go ahead and clean and jerk it, like in the vids of the Chinese kids posted on here a while back? That would be awesome.

Yah. I'd love to see that. Also someone getting under the bar and just flat out hitting ATG. Personally, I've never seen it, not at Bally's or the gym I go to now.
Workout 2/6 (3 x 5)

Worked out at the Pro Club again after work. Pretty long day but I had a PB and banana sandwich and fruit smoothie w/protein about 45 minutes before my workout.

Hang Cleans
95 x 2 x 3
135 x 3

Not much to mention here except my form felt pretty much off. Haven't done these for awhile and I definitely lost whatever groove I had going before. Ah well.

Also, when I went to use one of the three squat racks, the safety pins were set where I like them (for some reason, at this gym everyone has the pins set around 4.5 feet off the ground) with the empty bar on it. Some PT with his client was doing some ab stuff on the floor in front of the rack, and as I start to grab the bar, the following conversation ensues:

PT: 'Hey we're using that'
Me: 'Oh OK', and I walk away.

Pregnant pause as I make my way to one of the other racks.

PT: 'Clean and Press'

I'm thinking 'Uh, I don't really need to know'. So I turn around and say 'OK pal, no prob' I kinda felt like he was bragging that he was having his client doing some oly lifting.

Anyway, this guy proceeds to do the slowest reverse curl and OHP you've ever seen, like super slow with just the bar. The guy is in agony and the PT's cheering him on 'Perfect!' 'That's it!' :rolleyes:

Front Squat
225 x 2 x 5, 4 + 1

Intended to do 5 x 3 since I've had rack problems in the past, but as I got under the bar it seemed like an awful lot of sets. So I just sucked it up and went for 3 x 5. First two sets were solid but kinda hard. Last set I lost my rack so I stopped at 4, then did one sitting in the hole for a few secs for giggles. Probably overshot this but whatever, I'll keep it going somehow next week :chomp:

185 x 3 x 5

Pretty easy. Lower back felt good but left glute was tugging a bit. Have a lot of room on these, though, I hope.

Another story - it musta been Freaky Friday - but as I was doing my GM's I hear somone pounding on one of the bars a couple racks down. Sure enough some guy was hammering the manta ray into place, then proceeded to do some kind of plie looking, toes out, knees out, plie quarter squats with 225 :rainbow:

115 x 3 x 5


20 x 3 x 5


60 x 5, 80 x 2 x 5

Started out light because the dip bar at this gym are wider than I'm used to. But it wasn't too bad so I stepped it up. Not bad.

Overall: Good workout. I think I'm going drop the bench since I hate the benches at this new gym, and substitute dips instead. So the workouts will look like this:

Back Squat
BB row
Power Shrug

Front Squat
Jim Ouini said:
And I ain't hatin' on a 185 dead. I could barely do 135 when I started and that was with rounded back. Like dj said this guy was just being an ass, is all.

Completely joking, bud. No issues at all. Just felt a little feisty that day. ;)
nelmsjer said:
Completely joking, bud. No issues at all. Just felt a little feisty that day. ;)

None taken, nelms, none at all. Just clarifyin' :)

6-5-06 Workout 3/6

Hang Clean (warmup)
135 x 5 x 2

Better this week. Had that 'bar suspended and whip elbows underneath feeling'. Then again, it's only 135 :rolleyes:

265 x 3 x 5

Felt solid. Had to strain on a couple reps but no concerns really. And I wasn't panting, out of breath or making pained expressions, so I figure that's a good sign.

90 x 3 x 5

Easy except for last rep on each set. Had to concentrate to lock out with the tri's. Also felt a little pull in my left pec, damn wide grip dip bars at this gym :mad:

205 x 3 x 5

No problems.

315 x 2 x 5, 2 x 6

Meant to do 4 x 6 but I forgot. Anyway, I think my traps got a little bigger from the 15's and 10's, and I read Glenn advocates this rep range for this exercise, so I may go back to it.

Overall: Good workout. I feel like my strength is coming back. Weighed 202 afterwards.
6-7-06 Workout 4/6

Front Squat

235 x 5 x 3

Good sets, I like this 3 reps business ;) Legs were no problem, on my last set I paused for a sec at the bottom. Core/rack were more of a challenge.

While I was doing my sets, some guy started squatting next to me; You guys have heard of 1/4 squats, this guy was doing 1/64 squats. He loaded up 275 and pumps out 4-5 reps then lets out a big 'wheeew' after his set :)

205 x 3 x 5

Kinda hard. Didn't feel much stretch in the hammies, probably due to some generous knee bend. Still, I concentrated on getting my hips back as far as I could and I know my lower back was working hard.

125 x 3 x 5

Elbow kind hurt after my 1st set so I busted out the elbow sleeve. Sets went much better after that.

30 x 3 x 5

Starting to get hard. Had to wiggle a little on my last reps.

Overall: Good workout. Happy with my front squat, I think I have room to move up on these. I've actually thought about continuing on with this schema for a couple more workouts, albeit with smaller jumps in weight. We'll see.
Well for the past couple days I've been limping around with what feels like a pulled groin.

I felt fine after Weds workout, but then on Thu my medial glutes felt kinda tight, especially after getting out of my chair at work. Then throughout the day my inner thigh/groin started feeling progressively worse to the point where I had to skip Friday's workout.

Today it's very slightly better, but still tender. I'm sure it has something to do with the lower back injury I sustained months ago and probably some compensation thing going on.

I think I'm going to have to see a chiro finally.
Cynical Simian said:
But seriously, a gym-attending adult male who can't manage 185 for a single? Did he appear to be malnourished or missing any appendages?

LMFAO!!! I'm a weak, weak, pussy so I can talk shit -- 185? And it didn't budge? WTF? That's really pretty terrible. And, again, I suck, so coming from me, that means something. LoL And 155 rack pulls? Whoa . . . that's embarrassing if you're over 25 and not injured or have t3h A1D5.
Jim Ouini said:
I think I'm going to have to see a chiro finally.
Or a physio. My chiro was good at being a chiro, but my back turned out not to be the problem and I wasted a lot of time seeing him. The physio cured me in one visit.

I'm not saying don't see the chiro, but consider both options.
anotherbutters said:
Or a physio. My chiro was good at being a chiro, but my back turned out not to be the problem and I wasted a lot of time seeing him. The physio cured me in one visit.

I'm not saying don't see the chiro, but consider both options.

Do you have to be referrred or can you just show up?

Protobuilder said:
LMFAO!!! I'm a weak, weak, pussy so I can talk shit -- 185? And it didn't budge? WTF? That's really pretty terrible. And, again, I suck, so coming from me, that means something. LoL And 155 rack pulls? Whoa . . . that's embarrassing if you're over 25 and not injured or have t3h A1D5.

Well even at Bally's I think I've only seen a few guys do 225. But this Pro Club is basically Microsoft's gym so - not to be stereotypical - most of these guys aren't exactly what you'd call real gifted physical specimens :)
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