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Here's my HST

Workout 2 of 6 (2 x 10)


195 x 2 x 10 (+10)

Easier than Monday. Still got kinda winded though, especially 2nd set.

195 x 2 x 10 (+10)

Might've overshot this. No sticking point or anything, and by no means did I have to grind but on my last rep I had to stop and take a breath and concentrate.

BB row
145 x 2 x 10 (+10)

Easier than Monday, real snappy.

145 x 2 x 10 (+10)

95 x 2 x 10 (+10)

Scheduled for 90 but I couldn't be bothered to find two 10's and some 2.5's. Anyway, I got these no problem. Last rep I held it over my head and looked around :smash:

Reverse grip pulldown
160 x 10, 162.5 x 10 (+10, 12.5)

First pulldwon machine seemed too light (plus it's in 'the beginner's area'). So I thought maybe the plates were off. I went over to the one in the freeeweight area and they've got it set up at 162.5. Anyway it was pretty easy today.

Scapular retraction thingie
5 x 2 x 10

245 x 2 x 10

Easy, good shrug action.

Overall: gym was cooler today, they were running the AC thankfully. I'm going to miss Friday's workout and be out of town all weekend; and from now on I may have to switch to Tue, Thurs and Saturday schedule. So workout 3 may not be for almost a week. We'll see.

Edit: Oh yeah I weighed myself today; 207 after workout. I think this scale is 6lbs heavy though, so I think I'm more like 201.
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anotherbutters said:
With your thingies and your Travoltas, your workout descriptions look as arcane as my core workouts ;)

Dropped today due to the ridicule :(

Actually I was running short on time so I skipped these and the lat pulldowns. Worked out at this new swanky gym Pretty nice gym but kind of crowded with 20 somethings. 3 squat racks so that was good. On a side note, they have about 30 PT's all ACSM certified which I hear is the gold standard along with NSCA. Well I saw the same sorry machine based, smitty using, isolation heavy routines I see everywhere else. Whatever.

Workout 3/6 (2 x 10)


205 x 2 x 10

Not bad but not easy either. I definitely feel weaker on these although the good news is my back felt nice and solid.

200 x 2 x 10

2nd set was kinda tough towards the end. Didn't like the benches at this gym - too much padding and I had to reach back too far to unrack the bar.

BB row
155 x 2 x 10


155 x 2 x 10

While I was doing these some guy gets in the rack next to me and immediately loads up 275. He had a belt on and one of those manta rays that rest on your traps with a slot for the bar. Anyway, quarter squat city.

100 x 2 x 10

Last 3 reps of 2nd set were hard.

265 x 2 x 10

Calves were starting to cramp up so I couldn't get on my tippy toes as much as I'dve liked.

Overall: Good to be back in the gym; last workout was last Wed so I was itchin to get back but my cals were low over the weekend and had to travel from Washington DC to Seattle. Spent most of my time in airports/planes. I felt weak! Hopefully it's just workin' out the kinks.
Workout 4/6 (2 x 10)


225 x 2 x 10 (+20)

Hard, I had to rest on rep #7 of 2nd set. Form's alright but strength has gone down, I think.

205 x 2 x 10 (+5)

2nd set hard again. I really hate these benches at this new gym - way too much padding and hard to push off of. Oh well maybe I'm getting some functional stability work in :rolleyes:

BB row
175 x 2 x 10 (+20)

Screwed up, and went too heavy. Was supposed to do 165 but I miscalculated the weights and paid for it. Had to rest the weight on the floor for like 2 seconds towards the end.

165 x 2 x 10 (+10)

Doable, have some left in the tank on these.

105 x 2 x 10

Happy I got these. Reps 8-10 were knackering but I was able to lock out and look around. ;)

275 x 2 x 10

Did these off pins in the powerack. Not sure about leaving these for last because they're a pretty explosive compound movement. Ah well.

Overall: Kind of disappointed with my squat, I hope it's the rep range. Bench may not be moving up much after today, I was thinking 225 x 2 x 10 but I was stronger back then, and did them after some heavy triples. Maybe I need to do some CNS priming soon :qt:
Workout 5/6 (2 x 10)


245 x 2 x 10 (+20)

Hard, I had to rest on rep #7 of 1st set and last rep I had some slight GM action. 2nd set was better for some reason.

215 x 2 x 10 (+5)

Wow just wow. 1st set wasn't bad but 2nd set was tough. I barely got the last rep, it was a slow grind.

BB row
185 x 2 x 10 (+20)

Smacked my knee on the way down on one of my reps. Also, I was using those plates with the flats all along the edge, and when I deweighted between reps it would tip this way and that.

175 x 2 x 10 (+10)

Not bad.

110 x 10, 8

Had to push press a couple reps, and only got 8 reps my 2nd set.

295 x 2 x 10

Decent but I think I was using a thicker bar, it almost slipped towards the end.

Overall: Whew, tough workout. Right now I'm not sure how much I have left on my bench. All the other lifts are pretty tough, too. Maybe the weekend will help and I can push through one more in this rep range. Then I can start 5's again :evil: I've pretty much decided that I'm going to split the 3 x 5 workouts into something like the following:

Back Squat
BB row

Front Squat

I may also throw some deads in there for fun.
Are you seeing any results yet with these sessions whether strength or body composition?

I hate smacking my knee on rows. Luckily it hasn't happened for a few weeks.
Jim Ouini said:
Also, I was using those plates with the flats all along the edge, and when I deweighted between reps it would tip this way and that.
They'll be the plates designed to stop the bar rolling away from you. It's a very clever design :rolleyes:

So are your Eleiko weights too good to work out with? ;)
blut wump said:
Are you seeing any results yet with these sessions whether strength or body composition?

Strength seems down, body looks the same :worried: I weighed 201 last night, so holding steady on that front.

anotherbutters said:
So are your Eleiko weights too good to work out with?

Gonna update my other thread ;)
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