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Why should i get beastdrol?

Well this can depend on a lot of things bro. Its up to the users and what they are looking for in a steroid. I can list the benafits beastdrol has over dbol IMO though.

1 right off the bat not to talk about price but lets face it in these days price must be an issue. Lets just put it frankly. For a 30mg ed 1 month cycle/kick start of beastdrol its half the price compared to ug and 1/4 that of pharm. so it wins the price hands down.

2. no extra estrogen build up,bloat,gyno to deal with. Beastdrol dose not aromatise

3. Lower estrogen and progesteron over all during a steroid cycle. When stacked with other steroids beastdrol will keep over all estrogen lower and progesterone lower. As we all know this is great to keep gains hard and lean with less estrogen sides.

3. Its will also keep shbg lower. his of course allows for more free test and in turn more gains out of your cycle. Dry hard gains.

4. Gains from beastdrol as fare as lb's on the scale can be as much as dbol. But all the gains are hard and lean. Not bloated and wet.
With out the need to add a AI to make this happen. If you do add a ai to dbol well then add that to the price difference.

5. strength gains. For most users the strength gains with beastdrol are triple that of strength gains with dbol. stronger almost always = bigger too.

6. Its legal. At least right now anyway. This is a big thing for a lot of people. Some people just can not afford to take a legal risk in there lives. So for now beastdrol is 100% legal. If you friends ask you if you are on steroids you can proudly says. You bet your ass I am!!! but its legal!!!!

7. supporting the site and also a person who is in the trenches with the rest of us everyday.
Ef has no gear sponsors and never will. supports elitefitness. And I myself support all of you guys with every once of my being daily.

8. Because everyone's doing it HA HA HA ok this ones just for fun.

I am sure there is more but off the top of my head this is what I got.

good stuff bro !! to be honest ive never used beastdrol but ive talked to many that have..and these stick out to me

1) its legal!! i mean u cant get anymore important that that can u? with all the busts going down lately this is a blessing
2) the bloat is way less then dbol.. looking lean and hard is the look many desire
3) while u have little bloat, your strength will still go threw the roof!! most of the steriods that offer strength gains bloat u up like a fish, !!
4)n2 has helped all of us so much, while this product is awesome, it makes me feel even better buying it, knowing i am supporting a guy that has done so much for us and the site..
i just told you all of this in chat!

Well how about you repeat it for those of us that missed it in chat?

Also, what about on blood presure increases?
I am very excited about this product and very happy to have ordered some before it was sold out. Thanks for everyone that has helped explain to me why Beastdrol is such a great product.
so which product would be best to use with a test/deca cycle? I'm assuming beastdrol? as it could help with water retention?
so which product would be best to use with a test/deca cycle? I'm assuming beastdrol? as it could help with water retention?

All depends. If thats what you want it for then yes. But deisilbolan can be very good in a test deca stack too. The methel-methoxy in it is known as the ainti deca dick compound. IMO deisilbolan is a much better kick start to a test/deca stack and would take the place of dbol very well. Giving the same size gains kicking in just as fast and more synergistic in the stack then dbol would be. Cleaner too.

I just got word from my friend who has been on the diesilbolan for a week now. He is up 7lb his first week and loving it. He is using it combined with am02 from agxsports. Guy called me not more then an hour ago to tell me how much he is loving the products.

This made me feel even more confident and happy as hell. I love getting the feedback. Always drives me.
Well how about you repeat it for those of us that missed it in chat?

Also, what about on blood presure increases?

It cn give an increase i nblood pressure just like others. I normally am around 100-110, and when I use this stuff, I go up to about 130-135. Still below what you would consider "bad".

But if you have hypertension, you need to be real careful with any steroids.
Well how about you repeat it for those of us that missed it in chat?

Also, what about on blood presure increases?

Sorry about that, totally missed your post.

Just as dabuffguy said, If you already suffer from hypertension, you'll probably want to stay away from beastdrol as it may increase levels.

as far as the other questions sublime asked...Yes, you can run beastdrol mid cycle. I would probably use it as a kickstart, but odds are if you're only in week 3-4 of test-e cycle like subz is you haven't really noticed much of anything as of yet anyways (atleast in my case).

A 4 week supply would be $45 (not including discount, pm me for that), and yes if you're using this with other steroids you'll still start pct when you totally finish your cycle.

If you're going to use this mid cycle while on test, you're still going to want to keep an AI on hand, but if running it by itself it wouldn't be needed as it doesn't aromatize.

I think that was all the questions...
Well crap, looks like I will have to try some of this stuff as well.

Getting ready to start a fina/tren cycle. Which one do you recommend.

Can anyone end me a discount code?

Sorry about that, totally missed your post.

Just as dabuffguy said, If you already suffer from hypertension, you'll probably want to stay away from beastdrol as it may increase levels.

as far as the other questions sublime asked...Yes, you can run beastdrol mid cycle. I would probably use it as a kickstart, but odds are if you're only in week 3-4 of test-e cycle like subz is you haven't really noticed much of anything as of yet anyways (atleast in my case).

A 4 week supply would be $45 (not including discount, pm me for that), and yes if you're using this with other steroids you'll still start pct when you totally finish your cycle.

If you're going to use this mid cycle while on test, you're still going to want to keep an AI on hand, but if running it by itself it wouldn't be needed as it doesn't aromatize.

I think that was all the questions..
the AI would be for the test though...if your on test your just as prone to the excess estro, same amount as if you were on test/beastdrol..

right??? cause beastdrol doesnt aromatize?? or is there a special ingredient that when paired with test causes extra gyno!?
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