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which AS have YOU lost hair on?

split endz said:
Any androgenic compound can make you shed. I shed on var.

Var! I shed bad on Deca/Dbol, but var doesn't even touch my hair (up to 60mg ed)

There must be nothing you can take... what gear do you use (if any)?
benevolent anarchist said:
Everyone is different, but my top 3 all time worst compounds for hair loss are:
  • Proviron
  • Masteron
  • Deca
I don’t believe that it’s coincidental that Proviron is a pure androgen and Masteron is predominatly androgenic. As for Deca, I can’t explain why it makes me shed—someone with a chem background can chime in.

Did you take any 5ar inhibitors with deca?
krishna said:
Did you take any 5ar inhibitors with deca?
No. This was back around 1984. Second cycle. Admittedly I knew very little about what I was doing back then. I started losing hair like a madman at around week 5 so I stopped. I had very thick hair all over my head just like my father before this cycle. And it still looks thick compared to 90% of the men out there because it was so thick to begin with, but when you compare the crown to the sides it is noticeable thinner.
benevolent anarchist said:
No. This was back around 1984. Second cycle. Admittedly I knew very little about what I was doing back then. I started losing hair like a madman at around week 5 so I stopped. I had very thick hair all over my head just like my father before this cycle. And it still looks thick compared to 90% of the men out there because it was so thick to begin with, but when you compare the crown to the sides it is noticeable thinner.

Was it stacked with anything?
im about to do a deca/sust/enanth/dbol cycle but i did sust/dbol/tren before with no problems. hope im not setting myself up.
Finaplex...made my hair come out like crazy.

For you fella's... Look for men's hair products with copper in them. The more copper the better. Crew makes a great product you spray on after the shower and leave it in. I found it at Trade Secret.

"We deceive ourselves when we fancy that only weakness needs support. Strength needs it far more."
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