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Approved Log UGFreak ParaPharma Log - Testosterone Cypionate and Primobolan

Sunday October 8

I decided to do a couple Calf photos plus i have got a new vein in my one leg that pops now so had to show it lol, today just for fun and I haven't shown legs or Caves so I tossed some gym photos of those in as well for everyone.

( I am well aware my legs are a shit size wise for my frame and way my upper body grows. 😂 as I've stated multiple times my legs get strong and lean size never really happens, clearly I train legs with what I can Rack pull plus I post leg workouts every week ) I can't explain it because I blast them but they just tone up and get lean and strong , genetics I tell ya 😂

Today was another banger of a workout and I had alot of fun doing it. I am disappointed tomorrow is injection day because it might very well be my last injection of the entire cycle.

I've been tossing this idea around in my head of taking 4-8 weeks off cycle and figuring out what I need to run next for my journey into men's physique and jumping back into another mild cycle.

I haven't a damn clue what I should run next, but I'm my thought process is along these lines for possible cycle ideas.

Test 200mg a week Boldenone 200mg a week & Mast at 300 a week was one idea.

My other idea was Test 250mg a week Mast 400mg a week and Var or Tbol at 50mg a week. ( not sure how I feel about running orals ) I kind of prefer injectable compounds after starting on those I might just stick that route.

I would ideally like to run para pharma again for my next cycle as I've had shuch fantastic results and a super clean and easy cycle with para, im comfortable running para pharma and feel that is the right choice for me and my next cycle After how great this log went while utilizing para pharma gear.

if needed run Arimidex at .5mg a week 1mg max if needed. Ideally id like to keep away from wet compounds in high doses, i know EQ can increase appetite but self control is key and diet and the right foods, things can change of course this is just what I have in my head at the moment for cycle ideas.

That isn't set in stone and I know some will and some won't agree with only 4 weeks off, which is completely understandable.

I can't help but think if i am going to make a run at a show and actually winning a show, I might have to sacrifice the length of time off cycle, I could be wrong in that thinking and logic, I feel atleast in the next 4-8 weeks 8 weeks being the longest off cycle. I need to get back onto cycle to progress forward for my dream and my goals, this could change depending on how I'm feeling and looking, blood work looks good so far etc.

Enjoy the update everyone!

Back Squat Smith Machine

Hammer Strength Leg Press

Seated Hamstring Curl

Hip Abductor Machine

Seated Cave Press Machine

Torso Rotation Machine

Ab Coaster Machine
2x25@bodyweight + 35lbs

Seated Machine Crunch

Incline 5.5
Speed 2.9
Duration 35 minutes
Miles 1.55
Calories burned 280


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Looking at my latest update mast wouldn't make sense since I'm not sub 10% bodyfat I just thought I'd get some added benefit running it as and AI, I could just run Arimidex.

I've heavily considering the following for a cycle

Test at 250mg a week
EQ at 300mg a week
Primo at 400mg a week.
Arimidex. 5mg a week split Monday/Friday. 25mg a dose possibly 1mg If needed on the high end.

Still undecided how I feel about and oral if anything I'd pick var or tbol in place of EQ if I went that route

It's really difficult trying to plan and figure out where to go from here now that I have committed to stepping on stage, everything has to be done correctly and in the proper order as this is a whole new ball game now.

Just some late night thoughts racking my head so I figured I'd post it up.
Monday October 9 2023

Today is injection day 100mg test 200mg primo, I had a very small amount of primo left so sadly primo is all gone and done, test I still have a few injections left with the para pharma test so I will finish that up over the next week or 2, the cycle is almost officially over.

Couple things to note since starting cycle in July I've put on 10lbs of muscle mass my weight officially is 220lbs at 5'11 I'm holding at 15% bodyfat according to the body scan I had done today.

My body mass index dropped from 41.9 down to 34.1 I can comfortably fit and wear size 32/34 inch jeans now. I've decreased my bodyfat from 21% down to 15% when in July my skeletal muscle mass was 97 it is now sitting at 108.

As I said before somehow my cut turned into a recomp even with eating in a deficit and restricted carb intake.

I feel very good with how far I've come with my para pharma cycle I feel I've done my very best day in and day out week after week and I loved every second of my cycle and first officially gear log.

So after so heavy thought I've decided on what I think would be my next ideal cycle I feel it fits my goals for the long term and for men's physique.

Ive made up my mind, This will be the official cycle and layout this is not gonna change with my compounds or mg amounts, running multiple compounds I'm gonna try and keep simple and I don't feel I'm being abusive with my compounds and mg amounts.

300 Test a week
300 EQ a week
300 Primo a week
AI= Arimidex .5mg-1mg a week

( possibly 50mg of tbol a day for 6 weeks) I am undecided on including the tbol here and running and oral I want to but am on the fence about it)

I know for certain those mg amounts for the 3 Injectables will be run for my next official log and cycle.

The goal is try to get between 10%-12% body fat in the meantime while back on trt maybe deploy some GW for 12 weeks to see if it can get me into that range or close to it.

Injection went smoothly into the right delt today as is always the case with the para pharma difference and experience.

Today and tomorrow are my off days and back at it on Wed, I should be back down into trt levels within a few weeks time here, I am undecided on whether I want to go back to the compounding cream or use the 10ml vial of unopened test cyp I still have laying around, if I did that I'd probably do 125mg a week and call it good.

Enjoy the update everyone!

Topps 💪
Sunday October 8

I decided to do a couple Calf photos plus i have got a new vein in my one leg that pops now so had to show it lol, today just for fun and I haven't shown legs or Caves so I tossed some gym photos of those in as well for everyone.

( I am well aware my legs are a shit size wise for my frame and way my upper body grows. 😂 as I've stated multiple times my legs get strong and lean size never really happens, clearly I train legs with what I can Rack pull plus I post leg workouts every week ) I can't explain it because I blast them but they just tone up and get lean and strong , genetics I tell ya 😂

Today was another banger of a workout and I had alot of fun doing it. I am disappointed tomorrow is injection day because it might very well be my last injection of the entire cycle.

I've been tossing this idea around in my head of taking 4-8 weeks off cycle and figuring out what I need to run next for my journey into men's physique and jumping back into another mild cycle.

I haven't a damn clue what I should run next, but I'm my thought process is along these lines for possible cycle ideas.

Test 200mg a week Boldenone 200mg a week & Mast at 300 a week was one idea.

My other idea was Test 250mg a week Mast 400mg a week and Var or Tbol at 50mg a week. ( not sure how I feel about running orals ) I kind of prefer injectable compounds after starting on those I might just stick that route.

I would ideally like to run para pharma again for my next cycle as I've had shuch fantastic results and a super clean and easy cycle with para, im comfortable running para pharma and feel that is the right choice for me and my next cycle After how great this log went while utilizing para pharma gear.

if needed run Arimidex at .5mg a week 1mg max if needed. Ideally id like to keep away from wet compounds in high doses, i know EQ can increase appetite but self control is key and diet and the right foods, things can change of course this is just what I have in my head at the moment for cycle ideas.

That isn't set in stone and I know some will and some won't agree with only 4 weeks off, which is completely understandable.

I can't help but think if i am going to make a run at a show and actually winning a show, I might have to sacrifice the length of time off cycle, I could be wrong in that thinking and logic, I feel atleast in the next 4-8 weeks 8 weeks being the longest off cycle. I need to get back onto cycle to progress forward for my dream and my goals, this could change depending on how I'm feeling and looking, blood work looks good so far etc.

Enjoy the update everyone!

Back Squat Smith Machine

Hammer Strength Leg Press

Seated Hamstring Curl

Hip Abductor Machine

Seated Cave Press Machine

Torso Rotation Machine

Ab Coaster Machine
2x25@bodyweight + 35lbs

Seated Machine Crunch

Incline 5.5
Speed 2.9
Duration 35 minutes
Miles 1.55
Calories burned 280
@Topps_Baseball88 calfs getting tight you the champ
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