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Time to go get a pro card - LOG

That is going to be one helluva great cycle bro. The choice about the nandrolone is yours ofcourse. That was just my opinion. I never use any nandrolones and neither do any of my clients. For the obvious reasons.

Here's what I would do:

Test E 500mg 1-12
Mast E 500mg 1-12
Anavar 80mg 1-4
Anavar 40mg 4-12 OR Primobolan depot 500mg 1-12

Awesome. You have me thinking I might order some Var this weekend ;)
you mentioned you dont use any nandrolones. You dont use tren???

I can see deca. That stuff is just crap. With the exception of those very very few people who get huge and stay really lean and dont bloat on it.
Even at 125mg wk I can feel the positive joint effects of deca 3 days after my first pin. But even at .5ml a week i can see additional water. My dick still works but sensitivity is gone.
I have washed my hands of it forever.
nandrolone and trenbolone and two differnent compounds. The differnt froms of nandrolone come from the esters and their half life, but nandrolone decanoate is just the generic of deca durabolin.
nandrolone and trenbolone and two differnent compounds. The differnt froms of nandrolone come from the esters and their half life, but nandrolone decanoate is just the generic of deca durabolin.

Deca durabolin is a registered name by a pharmaceutical company for the medication containing nandrolone decanoate .. That's where "deca" comes from, and that's why I don't really like using those names.
Deca durabolin is a registered name by a pharmaceutical company for the medication containing nandrolone decanoate .. That's where "deca" comes from, and that's why I don't really like using those names.

agreed. it's confusing. Some people actually think Sustanon is a differnt compound than test for same the reason.
What u think insanity?
Age 25
Height 6'
Weight 234

Past cycles
1) test c 500 a week
2) dbol 40mg. Test E 500mg
3) test & deca

I started when I was 21, so back then all there were was nolva& clomid for pct. :(

Lets get to it
Diet about 3200k tapering down per week
Starting May 14th
Sustanon 250. 0.75cc m/w/f. = 562.5mg. Weeks 1-12
Winstrol 9-12 50 mg
aromasin 12.5 mg e3d starting week 3-12
N2guard. 7 caps 9-12
*i might run winny 1-4 to jump start cycle or something else. What u guys think?

Hcgenerate weeks 7-9 4 caps per day
Weeks 10-12 2 caps per day
Forma. 13-18 5 pumps am/ 5 pumps pm
Unleashed 15-18
Post cycle15-18
Erase 15-18

My goal is to do acut due to my calorie deficit diet, I want to get down to about 220 10%bf
Cardio 4x a week
Workout 5x a week. Bodybuilding split

What you guys think after about 2 years from gear?
Lol bro you should make a thread that says "ask me questions here* so you don't clutter up your log here, or "any questions send me a PM" haha it really good to have someone like you on this board who takes the time to answer someone's questions, and the experience shows in your figure.
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