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Test p, durabolin/ NPP proviron 6 weeks cycle info


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Hi all.

I'm 25, 5'11, 93kg/ 186lbs, currently around 19% bf.

I have been slowly cutting that bf down from 26% and intend on reaching 15% before starting this cycle. I have done a long ester cycle before but followed poor information. Reacted very well to the test e made significant gains but failed to keep them. Want to get it right this time.

The cycle plan so far is as follows...

Day1-48 Test prop 100mg eod

Day1-40 NPP 75mg eod (same pin as test)

Proviron at 50mg ed

Armidex 0.25 eod / e3d (if Eod is it best on pin day or in between?)

I want to include hcg. The stuff I can get comes with 5000iu in 1amp with 1ml bac water (organon)

How can I best utilise this in this cycle? When should I shoot? How much should I shoot? How long can I keep the hcg mixed in the fridge?

Pct is to start 3 days from last jab and I thought I should use the hcg at some point in those three days...

I have clomid and nolva to hand but hoped a little I could get off with just using the nolva since the clomid made me miserable last time around...

I could also do with some suggestions on how I should set my pct... Dosages and length of pct time.

There isn't much info on such short cycles but I definitely want to try this route in the hope of a much faster recovery and better lean gains maintained.

I'm looking for ripped/ athletic and sizeable not the hulk. :) yet.

All input is welcome thanks guys ;)
If you are going to run NPP, make sure you have caber to run with it to prevent prolactin.

With a short cycle I don't think you need HCG.

I would not recommend running Nolva after a nandrolone like NPP because it increases prolactin activity. Your PCT will need to be much more extensive than a SERM.

Optimal PCT for best recovery:

Liquid Clomid 50/50/25/25 (AncillaryGuys // - The #1 online Natural Ancillary retailer!)
Liquid Aromasin (AncillaryGuys // - The #1 online Natural Ancillary retailer!)
Test Stack 17
Ostarine 25mg per day (SARMS1.COM - The best Selective androgen receptor modulators)
Ok thanks, so I skip the nolva to reduce the chance of prolactin induced gyno ? I have tab form clomid already but am unfamiliar with the other compounds aromasin and ostarin? I thought aromas in was an ai... Thanks again
Ok thanks, so I skip the nolva to reduce the chance of prolactin induced gyno ? I have tab form clomid already but am unfamiliar with the other compounds aromasin and ostarin? I thought aromas in was an ai... Thanks again
Aromasin is an AI, but you need it post cycle to prevent estrogen rebound and it also increases free test.

Ostarine is a SARM which makes it much easier to hold on to gains post cycle
bro with your goals, why are you using npp? you have far better options... please give me your exact goal here and i'll design you the proper cycle...
My goal is simply to gain lean mass that is maintainable.

I have armidex as my ai as it was cheaper and easier to source at the time. Would you suggest I continue it's use into pct for rebound then?

I will do some more research on ostarine. And progesterone. You hear so much about estrogen you tend to concentrate only on that and miss important info on other sides...

I am also using proviron to assist my ai with estrogen and free up test and reduce water bloat.

I read good reviews on the use of npp with prop and thought that winny or var was just too expensive. I also considered primo got the same conclusion.

I already have the npp and prop so I'm really looking for the best way to use these compounds safely.
Add caber or prami to your cycle.

I would also run the prop/npp for 8 weeks.

Use HCG the last 4 weeks, 1000iu/week for the first 3 weeks, and then 2000iu week 8.

1-8 Test Prop - 100mg/eod
1-8 NPP - 100mg/eod
1-8 Proviron - 50mg/day
1-8 Adex - .5mg/eod
1-8 Caber - .5mg/e3d
Hi all got some cabaser (cabergoline) still waiting to hit bf goals before starting cycle but using a little clen to assist. Would u guys reccomend using the clen post cycle as well to assist with maintaining gains post cycle? Thanks :)
Hi all got some cabaser (cabergoline) still waiting to hit bf goals before starting cycle but using a little clen to assist. Would u guys reccomend using the clen post cycle as well to assist with maintaining gains post cycle? Thanks :)
I don't think Clen is the best idea to use in PCT. I would leave it out
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