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Approved Log Slyder 24 bulk cycle log

First week post cycle. Still feel good.
Actually hit a couple PR. I don’t normally care about that.
But was feeling good last week and started my normal chest. Did incline dumbell. 4 set of 10 45,55,65,then jumped to 75. 70 is normal.
Feeling good so grabbed the 80 and did 5.
I thinning I had a spotter I could have gone 85. But struggled getting the 80 over head.
Still have a weakness in right stabilizer muscle
Some good weight
Thanks for all the kind words and support.
I will try and get a pic up this weekend.
I have been avoiding a camera. I am not use to carrying this extra weight in the middle. Doing this long bulk took its toll.
With that little bit of whining out of the way.
I still feel good. I only need to drop about 15 lbs. maybe 20. I didn’t gain as much weight or size like I see other do. That just shows we are all different.
I don’t post many food pics cause my choices are boring. A lot of the food is the same boring color. So when I take pics. It doesn’t look good.
I eat for a purpose more than some.
I am trying some new meal prep stuff. So I’ll see what I can do about pictures.

Since my shoulder injury 18 months ago, dips have been out of the picture and so was push ups.
I have been doing more push up and have started doing assisted dips.

Tomorrow I plan a big gym day. I hope to murder it.
Thanks for all the kind words and support.
I will try and get a pic up this weekend.
I have been avoiding a camera. I am not use to carrying this extra weight in the middle. Doing this long bulk took its toll.
With that little bit of whining out of the way.
I still feel good. I only need to drop about 15 lbs. maybe 20. I didn’t gain as much weight or size like I see other do. That just shows we are all different.
I don’t post many food pics cause my choices are boring. A lot of the food is the same boring color. So when I take pics. It doesn’t look good.
I eat for a purpose more than some.
I am trying some new meal prep stuff. So I’ll see what I can do about pictures.

Since my shoulder injury 18 months ago, dips have been out of the picture and so was push ups.
I have been doing more push up and have started doing assisted dips.

Tomorrow I plan a big gym day. I hope to murder it.
@Slyderkt lets work on a cutter bro how about that?
can we plan a bit of diet and training with cardio update us lets do a cutter
Saturday morning. Went to my weekly breakfast at the local cafe with my wife at 6 am.
2 eggs
Bacon and wheat toast. Simple little breakfast.
9 am second meal
170 g 2% yogurt. Blue berrys sprinkle of granola, tbs peanut butter and honey.
With a side of 200 mg test TRT


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First week post cycle. Still feel good.
Actually hit a couple PR. I don’t normally care about that.
But was feeling good last week and started my normal chest. Did incline dumbell. 4 set of 10 45,55,65,then jumped to 75. 70 is normal.
Feeling good so grabbed the 80 and did 5.
I thinning I had a spotter I could have gone 85. But struggled getting the 80 over head.
Still have a weakness in right stabilizer muscle
@Slyderkt good lifts bro.....
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