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Should I be scared?

Get yourself a pool que screw off the fat end and wait for the one who got you the shit outside the gym when he leaves cus he will be tired and shit from his workout anyway walk up behind him and take out one of his fukin legs dude grab his head and pull the que right up close tell him if you dont get the real deal that you are gonna pay someone you know to come and blow his fuckin bollocks off also break an arm before you leave this way they will know you are serious and not fuckin around.
You should then get the gear you originally wanted and they will know not to screw you again MF`s :chainsaw:
The general public's opinion of weightlifters is that they are self-absorbed dim witted neandrathals that quickly resort to aggression and violence to solve lifes problems. The numerous posts recommending violence confirms that opinion. You don't even know for sure if you have been ripped off. How about a calm, intelligent approach finding out all you can about what you have and then deciding what to do. If it is the real thing it would NEED to be sterilized, filtered,and put in a sterile injection vial. If you have any doubts, ask for a refund. If a refund is not forthcoming, chalk it up as part of your education.
metisse said:
The general public's opinion of weightlifters is that they are self-absorbed dim witted neandrathals that quickly resort to aggression and violence to solve lifes problems. The numerous posts recommending violence confirms that opinion. You don't even know for sure if you have been ripped off. How about a calm, intelligent approach finding out all you can about what you have and then deciding what to do. If it is the real thing it would NEED to be sterilized, filtered,and put in a sterile injection vial. If you have any doubts, ask for a refund. If a refund is not forthcoming, chalk it up as part of your education.

Listen to this guy...and they say roid rage is a myth.
Yeah it's a learning process. It a learning process to beat the shit out of the people that sold it to you so they'll learn not to sell fake shit anymore. I break a couple of knees and go from there. They need to learn a lesson not you.
Chances are you are screwed brother regardless of whether you make threats to them or not. Most guys who scam whether big or small, just don't care. When they have some size, it usually gets to their heads, and they figure they can just muscle you, and you will back off. I would just bite it for now.... it sucks, but take it as a loss, and if you are approached, just act like it's working fine. This will confuse them, and have them forget obout you since if they fucked you, and you don't care....why should they... They would wind up thinking they made out. Bite your tongue for now, and follow one of the guys home, and then out somewhere, so it looks random. Important!.... One at a time, find out their habits/ where they live and get even. Wait a few weeks first, and have an aliby for the nights you plan on doing things.

Always dammage to expensive property is a nice touch.

I have been ripped off when I started, just like the rest of the guys.

Keep a cool head for now brother,..and get even "if you can." Forget about the money,... The money is gone.

Either way, you come out in the end.

Good Luck.
Def suck up the loss because this only makes the bronx tale theory come into effect. There outta your life for cheap. If you truly do want to get the real stuff or let them know your serious id consider showing them your not fucking around by taking out a firearm and cocking it. They'll know its levels above a calm situation when they hear the sound. Just remember if they do shit you fire for his legs. At least its not attempted murder bro ;-)
sparetire said:
don't listen to division, he's all talk.

Go confront them , with bottle in hand. If they claim it's legit, tell them to inject 1/2 cc of it right in front of you. If they do and they're fine, most likely it's legit. You tell them bastards next time, put the gear in sterile you'll send divisions, tall skinny white ass over there and he'll open up a can of whoop ass on them...literally (i think they are 1.99 at the convenience store..)

I have heard of bro's putting legit gear in visine's not the best way of doing it, but it does work...

Thanks for the input there Michelin Man.........great advice.

You obviously don't know anything about me, bro.......

I'm not tall, skinny or white......:lmao:

I'm betting you are though......aren't you?

The fact that these guys put the "gear" in visine bottles shows how amatuer they are, it's not sterile! He should demand a refund on those grounds, and YES, if they refuse I say show some force.......

Just because you would sit back and take a loss on this like a punk doesn't mean he should.

shamrock11 said:
Yeah it's a learning process. It a learning process to beat the shit out of the people that sold it to you so they'll learn not to sell fake shit anymore. I break a couple of knees and go from there. They need to learn a lesson not you.

Now that's what I'm talkin' bout, Shammy......

Crack a knee, watch 'em flee.......

The present situation is a small problem (loss of a little money) Initiating violent action is full of big problems.
1. You never know how a violent confrontation will turn out. You could be the one with broken knee caps or shot dead, either in the initial confrontation or in a later retalitory strike.
2. You could be caught and face multiple felonies.
3. Someone injuried by you could bring a civil suit for millions against you.
It is immature and foolish to risk very serious medical, civil, and criminal problems as a solution to a minor problem. These advocates of violence have been watching too many Rambo movies. Also does the BB community really need headlines like " Police Arrest Steroid Users Bashing each others Kneecaps and Windshields with Baseball Bats"
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this is the AAS forum not the bitchfest forum..either let it go or casually go up to him and ask wtf?..or take divvy's advice and bash his knees so he can no longer visit the sqaut rack :verygood:
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