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Recompositon, cut or bulk


EF Logger
Hello dear all. I used to be a member several years ago in previous forum.
I am texting you all as I would like to get your personal advice as I am having a problem to judge what I should do next.
Previously I reached transformation from 15-16 to 8% body fat by losing around 13lbs. My cycle was:
Testosterone 300mg
Tren 300mg
This was around 5 years ago. Since then, I have only done one real cycle. Also, since then I gained around 19-21lbs, without any proper “bulking phase”, just pretty much eating at maintenance, training hard and around 150mg Testosterone a week.
Last time I checked, in my gyms machine I had around 14,5% body fat, and I’ll recheck tomorrow morning for a more accurate information in this post. Thus, I am somehow confused if I should try a recomp, a proper cut or bulk. My shoulders, arms, back are considerably lean, where I might focus more body fat is around the stomach section compared to others, as I have good definition even in legs, calves, etc.
I was thinking to try a recomp cycle with Test and Superdrol (I tried couple years ago and handled it “nicely”) and maybe Tren. Nevertheless, I would be open for any suggestions. I can upload tomorrow picture of my current physique but I’ll post when I used to be 8%.
My training schedule is 4-5 times a week, a style training more focus on high intensity. Going to failure or very close to it in a rep range of 5-10, and sometimes several drop sets to go beyond failure. A training regime that gave me great results in the last years. The video I uploaded is a video taken around 3 months ago.


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Hello dear all. I used to be a member several years ago in previous forum.
I am texting you all as I would like to get your personal advice as I am having a problem to judge what I should do next.
Previously I reached transformation from 15-16 to 8% body fat by losing around 13lbs. My cycle was:
Testosterone 300mg
Tren 300mg
This was around 5 years ago. Since then, I have only done one real cycle. Also, since then I gained around 19-21lbs, without any proper “bulking phase”, just pretty much eating at maintenance, training hard and around 150mg Testosterone a week.
Last time I checked, in my gyms machine I had around 14,5% body fat, and I’ll recheck tomorrow morning for a more accurate information in this post. Thus, I am somehow confused if I should try a recomp, a proper cut or bulk. My shoulders, arms, back are considerably lean, where I might focus more body fat is around the stomach section compared to others, as I have good definition even in legs, calves, etc.
I was thinking to try a recomp cycle with Test and Superdrol (I tried couple years ago and handled it “nicely”) and maybe Tren. Nevertheless, I would be open for any suggestions. I can upload tomorrow picture of my current physique but I’ll post when I used to be 8%.
My training schedule is 4-5 times a week, a style training more focus on high intensity. Going to failure or very close to it in a rep range of 5-10, and sometimes several drop sets to go beyond failure. A training regime that gave me great results in the last years. The video I uploaded is a video taken around 3 months ago.
@JeffFran9 welcome to the EF family, very happy to see you sharing.

The problem with this is while you shared a bit, we still dont know much about you. We really have low details.
We need you to start a NEW thread with your LOG journal diary, diet training cardio sleep supps post it and history post it, in a NEW thread.

To really guide you we need more info, we need you to share your diet, training, cardio, sleep, supplements etc log with us, full log journal so our guidance is based on facts you provide.

If you want us to really guide you, and we have 100s of years of experience between us, you need to post a LOG Journal with your stats (weight,height,age, years training, cycle history) diet, training, cardio, supplement, sleep details. If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

Please post a Log Journal asap for us

Please click the anabolic forum
top RIGHT, you see: +POST THREAD
click that

in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: My Lifestyle Diet Training Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle

here are examples of LOG Journals

P.S. are you listening to our podcast? if not, you should; this podcast is about steroids, sarms, peptides, and bodybuilding:

P.P.S. download our eBooks and learn more:
we definitely would like to learn more about you
please post up all your information
we definitely would like to learn more about you
please post up all your information
monstro says welcome to the Forum
you seem like you have good Portuguese genetics like me
that picture you put up you look super lean wow
what's going to be your goals going forward please put your log
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