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Proviron a Worthy Addition?


New member
Heres the cycle:

Week 1-4 Test Prop 100mg EOD
Week 1-12 Test Enan 250mg 2x Week
Week 1-12 Proviron 50 mg ED
Week 1-12 HCG 250iu 2x Week
Week 14-15 Nolva 40mg ED
Week 15-17 Nolva 20mg ED

Dont like a lot of sides so Im stickin with the test as the only inject. After a some research Proviron seems to be a good addition for dryness/estrogen and some other synergistic effects. Does anybody have personal experience with the test and proviron only approach and would reccomend it? Any feedback on my cycle or the post would be greatly appreciated.

23 years old
7 years training
2 Cycles
%BF? (Never calc but one of those assholes that had natural 6 pack whole life)
Last edited: next post was going to be about proviron. What is everyone's thoughts/ experiences? Worth the price? Heard pp doesn't think it have a real purpose.
Proviron is an excellent addition for extra hardness and freeing up bound Test. Plus it gives a little extra boost in libido.
i didn't realize that your only running test....never run test alone without atleast won't like the look.....proviron will keep you dry and muscles shapely....test alone will make you look "burly"
Vascular Freak said:
i didn't realize that your only running test....never run test alone without atleast won't like the look.....proviron will keep you dry and muscles shapely....test alone will make you look "burly"

Thanks for the feedback. Ive done two test cycles (omna 250mg 2x week for 10 weeks and Test Enan 250 2x week for 10 weeks with dbol 30 mg ED 4 weeks) I managed to stay pretty hard (one of the lucky few who dont get the sides from test: gyno, acne, oily skin etc.) So the dryness isnt so much an issue. Im just looking for a little more out of a cycle without adding another aas such as eq or deca. With bloat out of the picture, would you still reccomend the proviron for its synergistic effects increasing the free testosterone? Thanks man.
oh will increae the positive effects of test and you'll be amazed at how much water you actually hold....proviron dries the shit out of you...really makes the muscles "pop" out
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