New member
I am taking 200 mg/week of Test Cyp plus Clen and T3.
I am triyng to figure out which one of these substancesis causing my calves to tighten when I run, so I can eliminate it. The pain is so sharp, I have to stop.
It's been about 4 weeks ater I started the test,and 2 weeks after I added the Clen and T3. Before that I have been running fine for 6 months.
I could solve the problem if stop taking all of them but would really like to find out which one of them is causing it.
I am 58, 165 lbs, and have been a runner all mylife.
Has anybody experienced a similar situation while taking one of these chemicals?
I am triyng to figure out which one of these substancesis causing my calves to tighten when I run, so I can eliminate it. The pain is so sharp, I have to stop.
It's been about 4 weeks ater I started the test,and 2 weeks after I added the Clen and T3. Before that I have been running fine for 6 months.
I could solve the problem if stop taking all of them but would really like to find out which one of them is causing it.
I am 58, 165 lbs, and have been a runner all mylife.
Has anybody experienced a similar situation while taking one of these chemicals?