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Newbie PCT question for Deca/Test Cyp


New member
Hey guys this is my first cycle and i am under guidance from a couple friends who have been on gear for 7+ years. I am 22 years old, have been lifting for 3 years religiously and plan to compete. But anyways i just gathered all my gear and my PCT is on its way. (i took my 2nd injection today of my first week)

Stats: 22 years old; 5'11, 200 lbs

My cycle consists of 600mg Test Cyp each week, 300mg Deca Each week. I have yet to get an AI and i am still wondering what the best option to go with for prolactin (so please your suggestions would be greatly appreciated) Also, should i be taking HCG during the cycle? if so how much and when, the reason i havent got it yet because so many different posts say that to take it during weeks 5-10 and such, but YOU tell me as all of you know more than i do.

Now as for PCT, i only ordered Chlomid because from what i read, Nolvadex is not good for a cycle consisting of Deca. What would be the best PCT for this cycle? Please help
Mr supps extreme post cycle stack along with Clomid will cover all bases.. I wouldn't run the deca for a 1st cycle.. it can cause a lot of problems for a novice user.

Plus if you get any side effects how will you know if its the test or deca causing the problems?

if your dead set on running it then get yourself caber or prami..

prami makes some people feel sick so caber is the better option but its expensive. then again you can't put a price on not having lactating nipples and a functioning dick

Sent from my HTC Sensation XL with Beats Audio X315e using EliteFitness
Mr supps extreme post cycle stack along with Clomid will cover all bases.. I wouldn't run the deca for a 1st cycle.. it can cause a lot of problems for a novice user.

Plus if you get any side effects how will you know if its the test or deca causing the problems?

if your dead set on running it then get yourself caber or prami..

prami makes some people feel sick so caber is the better option but its expensive. then again you can't put a price on not having lactating nipples and a functioning dick

Sent from my HTC Sensation XL with Beats Audio X315e using EliteFitness

ok very helpful info, i took 1 shot of 300mg deca so far, can i simply come off of it like that and continue my test cyp and should i continue at 600mg a week? or go down to 400mg a week?

also if i do come off of deca, what is the shelf life? and i should be taking HCG on cycle on a test cyp only cycle?
The deca will be fine for at least a year.. it should say it on the bottle.. and you will be fine after just one shot of deca.. it takes ages to kick in so you won't notice anything.. you can start hcg around week 5 at 500iu a week and then blast 1000iu a week between finishing your cycle and pct.. should be 2weeks between your last pin and pct

Sent from my HTC Sensation XL with Beats Audio X315e using EliteFitness
Lower your doses bro. You don't need anywhere near 600mg test a week for yur first cycle especially. I've never even done that in all my 6 years of juicing. Start at 250-300 and work up. Also you shouldn't have started if you don't have an AI yet and have absolutely no clue what your prolactin control or pct is goig to be. Buy forma from mrsupps and lower your dose IMO. Your doing it less efficiently than you could... Or in my opinion, the wrong way. I'd drop the deca as well. Your 7 years experienced friends don't sound like they know what they're doing :/
thanks guys, i will lower my dose to 400mg of test cyp a week and i will run hcg around week 5 just as bonacris said. my AI is on its way so i should be fine, ordered liquidex from rui
I agree. Drop the Deca and lower the test. You want to use the least amount to get then gains you want. When the test kicks in you will see massive gains for your first cycle.
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