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Need some serious advice....


New member
I'm confused, I'm getting mixed signals......those 2 am crying phone calls about something that is bothering her.... then the next day she trying to hook me up with her goodfriend that is "Just like me" (so she says)....then out of the blue she will say "I only climax if I'm on top" I don't know

Alright, I just turned 21...this girl is almost 18.

Anyhow, she has a boyfriend that lives about 500 miles away and she talks about him all the time blah blah. Guys a fuckin pill poppin loser, can't complete a thought and talks like cheech. Only seen him twice, but damn he was fucked up out of his mind both times. He only comes down to see her every 2 or 3 months and she goes to see him every 2 or 3-

I have been spending a lot of time with her over the past 6 months and I know I'm NOT in the "just friend" zone. When she gets around our group of friends she says things like "I can't wait till he gets back!" (talking about me when I'm gone) then has to clarify by saying "I've had the same boyfriend for 5 years" Everyone in the group says she talks about me non stopped and shit, but I dunno-

Just the other night I went to her house and she was on the phone with her boyfriend and told him she had to go and that I was there. She got in a little arguement in the other room and I heard what she said "No we are just friends, I have never cheated on you" blah blah

When she came back she was saying weird stuff like "You know hes jealous of you, but we are just friends......I told him we don't have that kind of relationship" Like all secretive or something?

My whole question is, should I just say FUCK IT with this chick? Shes amazingly hot and down to earth but DAMN I don't know how much more of this shit I can take.
Dude; put her on 20 nails and fuck her brains out!!!

Sounds like shes using you to play a mind game with this guy!!! Have you nailed her yet?? Look... you're 20 or 21 and have a LOT to learn about girls, especially young ones!!! She will string you along forever if you give her a chance!!!
Nothing in your report suggests to me that she is "down to earth"

I was thinking more along the lines of Borderline Personality Disorder
Seems to me like you need to move on.Find some one new, she obviously is not worth your time! Tell her to go screw. You are just her little play toy on a string.She pulls you in when she wants some thing from you yet she tosses you aside when she does not find need for you. Tell her to take a hike, or continue sitting around getting used and burned. Your choice
yo girls with bfs are the best, hit it if you havnt allready...make it good but not that good that she falls in love.. you fuck her and let her bf deal with all the nonsense that comes with havn a girl. get yours my dude!
damn know why this is all happening?...Dude she is fucking 17 years old.
do yourself and her a big favor...let her grow up.
Stryker1992 said:
Nothing in your report suggests to me that she is "down to earth"

I was thinking more along the lines of Borderline Personality Disorder

what he means is, "send her on over, I fuck mental cases ALL the time!" lol
btw, especially the really sad cases that have multiple personalities, that way he can change girls withut missing s stroke!
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