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My latest pics


New member
A pic taken right before my last natural show-tell me what you think!

I will be doing my first cycle of anabolics soon and looking to compete next year. PM me and tell me what you think.

Jennifer BFL-If you are out there I would love to hear from you:)
another pic-I am in the blue

Since I have been drug free I was kinda hoping I could get some feedback from the members here since I plan on using anabolics and going in non-tested shows. Any feedback would be helpful
Looks great muscle - thx for the preview! Natural comp is hard when you see all these big monsters...! But also shows you your (natural) limits and maybe highlights where you can go bigger/better/stronger w/ AS.

I admire you for working so hard and achieving such a high standard naturally. I am sure when you do start a cycle you will grow really quick with such a natural base and the mental determination you have developed from it.
Thanks Strength

Trust me there was times when if I had access or the $$$$ I would have gone the anabolic route but it never seemed to come together for me. But I am glad built the foundation I have since it will only help me over the next couple years. Here in NJ we have a lot of good bodybuilders, some of whom I know personally and have trained with. I always wondered what level I would reach if I did use gear. So at 35 I decieded not to wonder anymore and will be working over the coming months towards a national qualifier. I am realistic in my expectations but it is important to me not to wonder any more......Now I need to go work on those legs-CM
Looking very good bro... esp. at 35.... being that I am only a few years behind can kiss my ass..cuz I suck after seeing your pics......... :)
1st cycle

Bro you look good for your age. I did my first cycle at 35 and I dont regret it one bit. As you my know it isnt as easy to put on muscle being natural past 30. But you will find if you eat right and train like you never trained before you will put on 25 to 30 lbs for your first cycle. Do not get made when some of that is fat. Good luck bro and work on them legs..hahahah

peace out

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