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My latest pics

thanks a_serious_asshole

well thanks so much for the feedback I thought the same thing but I just could not face my pathetic existance until you posted your brillant comments. I have canceled my gym membership and have vowed nver to lift a weight again and I owe it all to you
I would say to have a good chemist mix your fisrt dose, being you have a good frame, and a few years of solid lifting behind ya.

Jumping in and doing it half-arshed is a waste of $$$, gear, time. And the results never last. Remember that the gear is ONLY part of the equation to winning BB shows, or just looking good (by that I mean body and strength,etc).

I would keep from slin/gh, bascally KISS it.
I'm natural too and so I know what it takes to get in the condition like you were in in those pics. It's pretty tough. You look very good. I'm sure many have thought you used AS. That's the best compliment for a natural. Ok, now your weak points: need more calves. And maybe a couple of months devoted to pure mass building and overeating. From the looks of it, you are able to get conditioned nicely. Unless you're gonna compete soon, up your mass a little more.

Good job.
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